The Stage 32 Videos: Mma

Mirror's Edge - Teaser

Hey everyone! Disappeared for a good cause of the usual; "What am I doing with my life? Hate my job, never gonna get anywhere like this etc., etc." However! Sales by day, filmmaking by night! I took a step, decided to channel my emotions into something productive and made my very first short film, Mirror's Edge. Synopsis: Within the confines of his home, a man must come to terms with his routine to survive and his desire to risk a leap of faith and live a content life. This was a one-man production all the way from pre to post, as well as the main performance. You can find the full short here: I sincerely hope you enjoy it. If you do, show some love and spread the word about it!

DIY Sci-Fi! Amazing Low Budget Films, Cosplay Tips, and Make Your…

Geek author extraordinaire, Bonnie Burton joins We Come From the Future as we celebrate the world of DIY Sci-Fi! We give our picks for the best DIY Sci-Fi flick, get crafty with action figures and snow globes, and talk to a trio of amazing cosplayers about the craft, their motivations, and where they draw inspiration.

Ep 3: The Night Shift - HELLBENDER with special guest Toby Poser…

Show hosts Renne Ruin, Jenna Haze, and Bonnie Burton chat about the indie horror film Hellbender from Adams Family Films. Filmmaker and actor Toby Poser of Adams Family Films joins us in the discussion.

GEICO Caveman: "Cheerleader"

Brian Orakpo of the Washington Redskins has come through with his offer to get the Geico caveman on the football field for the big game - Be careful what you ask for! With Brian Orakpo and John Lehr. Written & Directed by Don Cherel, Produced by DCP Productions, Makeup Effects by Alterian, Inc.

"Lend me a Hand Zom" - SD

"Lend me a Hand Zom" @Zomlifestyle Show

Date Late

Date Late Imagine Life Submission for

15min linkedln.mp4


The Independent Film Workshop - Fall Classes Begin!

If you live in the Midwest, we are holding filmmaking workshops for up and coming directors, screenwriter, editors, and cinematographers. These are in-person workshops, and will be a great expirence!

Write Like a Pro if You Want to Be a Pro

Write like a pro if you want to be a pro. Thoughts on #screenwriting from author & award winning #screenwriter Max Adams — and bad advice screenwriting online you really shouldn't take. #writing #filmmaking #writingcommunity

The House of Madness (2).mp4

A demo reel about my feature film, The House of Madness.

Alicia McClendon’s Acting Reel

Alicia McClendon’s Acting Reel . Each clip belongs to a film written by Alicia.
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