The Stage 32 Videos: Screenwriter

Rewrite countdown: 2 days

At 202309232002, a 100-page Mystery/Thriller First draft was completed. Being ahead of schedule means extra days to rewrite. About me: #screenwriting #METEMPSYCHOSeS

deadbeat (360p).mp4

Lost's Francois Chau and Suite Life's Kim Rhodes star in the multi-award winning short film. WWhen the people you love are the people you should fear, the only thing you can do is run! Deadbeat is a psychological thriller with a dynamic twist ending. K.D. is a single Mom, who uses the Internet to track down her runaway 15 yr old daughter, Cricket. K.D. learns that she and her boyfriend have ripped off a Medical Marijuana Dispensary. K.D.'s worst nightmare is realized when she finds Cricket has runaway to be with her deadbeat father, a member of the Chinese Mafia, the Triad. Deadbeat is a rich multi-cultural story that embraces the American and Chinese cultures and their blending in the character of Cricket, a Happa, half Caucasian/Asian. Deadbeat keeps you guessing until the surprise twist end!

Halski Studio Reel

Halski Studio Reel

From Idea to Script: 5 Takeaways from Aaron Sorkin's MasterClass

I completed Aaron Sorkin's Masterclass this year again as I’m in a bit of a funk with one of my screenplays. There were a few notes that inspired me to not quit on the screenplay, and my hope it that by sharing these points that it will reinforce them in my mind, but also act as inspiration for anyone else who needs some wise words from a legend in screenwriting.

UFO Today: Roswell Witnesses

like the current link media and the public is making between UFO's and the balloon the famous Roswell UFO incident is explained as the crash of a weather balloon. They discussion brought back memories of meeting two witnesses from the Roswell Incident back in 1997 at the 50th anniversary of the event. They seemed credible to me, not sure what to believe but one thing I do think is, we've never been told the full story of what happened then. This is the first of four micro episodes on the UFO. I'll be featuring some sound bytes from my interview with Terrence McKenna on UFO's in the next installment.


Reimagined, remastered, re-engineered, raw Raw Poet when magical thinking is in the air


Reworking some older material including footage from a concept trailer we shoot-me directing- in the 90s for RUBY'S GIRL (Yet to be completed) a spec feature I wrote.


Although historical subjects high on my list of writing themes-having written stories about Trotsky's murder in Mexico City from the standpoint of the Russian agents ordered to kill him, and another about a stripper in Jack Ruby's club right before JFK's murder never thought about doing something around the Civil War until the main character arrived in a full blown scenario lodging itself in my mind and ;inciting a story-what's different here is much of the film takes place in the midst of a tri-racial swamp-living people one of many different kinds of living experiments that grew from this country's land in it's early days.


I've been passionate about filmmaking ever since I picked up a camera and started creating bad after school movies with my friends - But we all start somewhere, right? Overtime, I've learned new skills such as directing, editing, sound mixing and script writing to make these independent projects come to life as well as turning my creative dream into a reality.

Beats - The short

Uploaded by Kevin Schroder on 2023-01-20.
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