The Stage 32 Videos: Screenwriter


Reimagined, remastered, re-engineered, raw Raw Poet when magical thinking is in the air


Reworking some older material including footage from a concept trailer we shoot-me directing- in the 90s for RUBY'S GIRL (Yet to be completed) a spec feature I wrote.


Although historical subjects high on my list of writing themes-having written stories about Trotsky's murder in Mexico City from the standpoint of the Russian agents ordered to kill him, and another about a stripper in Jack Ruby's club right before JFK's murder never thought about doing something around the Civil War until the main character arrived in a full blown scenario lodging itself in my mind and ;inciting a story-what's different here is much of the film takes place in the midst of a tri-racial swamp-living people one of many different kinds of living experiments that grew from this country's land in it's early days.


I've been passionate about filmmaking ever since I picked up a camera and started creating bad after school movies with my friends - But we all start somewhere, right? Overtime, I've learned new skills such as directing, editing, sound mixing and script writing to make these independent projects come to life as well as turning my creative dream into a reality.

Beats - The short

Uploaded by Kevin Schroder on 2023-01-20.

Simeon Lumgair - Director

Title: Drama • Promos • Documentary Genre: Advert Director: Simeon Lumgair Quirky Motion Simeon is an award-winning Writer/Director based in London. He is one of the founding Directors of Quirky Motion. Quirky Motion is a fully integrated film company working with live-action, animation, illustration and digital effects. Simeon's portfolio includes numerous music promos, documentaries and commercials for a range of clients. Simeon is Writer of the Year at Prix Royal Paris Screenplay Awards (Le concours du Panthéon)


Written & Directed by Jessica Redish DP: Rachael Kliman Featuring Jenna Rossman & Andrew Carter

Jessica Redish 2022 Reel In order of appearance: "AIRWAY" Written and Directed by Jessica Redish Smashing Pumpkins' "Shiny & Oh So Bright" International Tour Choreographed by Jessica Redish  "Barricade" by Janelle Kroll Directed by Jessica Redish Choreographed by Tiffany Rea-Fisher @treafisher "Pistol Pete" Written by @charliemanoukian Directed by Jessica Redish Feat: @zdenardi Smashing Pumpkins' "Shiny & Oh So Bright" International Tour Choreographed by Jessica Redish Feat: Alyx Andryshuk @alyxandryshuk "Brighter Days" Directed by Jessica Redish Featuring Sophie Thatcher @soapy.t "Waterslide" by Becca Ayers Directed by Jessica Redish Feat: @becca.ayers.artist.account "Joanne" by @ladygaga {spec music vid} Directed & Choreographed by Jessica Redish Feat: Hannah Johnson @hanntann6 & Alyssa Carol @aalyssacarol "The Last Croissant" Written and Directed by Jessica Redish ft on @funnyordie Feat: Jena Rossman @jenarousity "Illipino" directed by Maritte Go @marittego Choreographed by Jessica Redish Feat: Logan "Logistic" Edra @logistx_ugf "How Do you Know Me" by @janellekroll Co and Movement Directed by Jessica Redish "Looose" by Morgxn @morgxnofficial and @janellekroll Directed by @anthony_supreme Choreographed by Jessica Redish  Smashing Pumpkins "Shiny & Oh So Bright" International Tour Choreographed by Jessica Redish Feat: Mosh & @christie.valdisseri @hantann6 @_deannareeves_ @ashleybates_23 Also ft: @look_its_allie @tarragreen @katierayle @ashleybates_23 @_abcisme_ @tannermedding @filmdanae @alexandseed @m.c.hesher84 @katiepageface @mackenziehorras @claytonfarris @jaydamarie @itsnataliedavis @rubypappan @saganrose @kelsey_elizabethc @kckatsaros @annemrobinson @lindsaybalif @andrew_janey @johndellaporta @itsamystricker @zsford

Goons (2017 Student film)

Full version of my 2017 student short film Goons. Special thanks to Cleveland State film school and Maria's family restaurant in Euclid, Ohio.
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