Posted by Lee Shargel

I have been working on my teleplay for my TV Rom-Com, NUMBER 54, since 2004. Yes, it’s been twenty years of working on and polishing the Pilot script. I would sit at my desk and write a little, scrap it, and start over. I felt something was missing, but what was it? After twenty years of writing and rewriting, I finally figured it out. It was too long and it wasn’t funny enough. So as a member of STAGE 32 since 2015, I decided to write my best rendition and pitch it to someone who could help find what was missing.

How Stage 32 Turned A Dream Into A Reality

It Started With The Pitch

Enter, Assistant Showrunner, Peter McDonough, who is working on the comedy, GHOSTS. For some reason, I had a feeling about him. I prayed that he could help me shape this comedy into a potential hit. So, I sent it to him. The date was December 12, 2022.

Soon after I received his reply and score, and it was good. Five fours and two fives. Not bad I thought, but Peter also had some great suggestions. I edited the script following his notes and ordered another pitch session with him. It took one whole year for him to get back to me. Not his fault. He was so busy; that his pitch review of the pilot script fell through the cracks. I finally contacted the development team to find out what happened. The STAGE 32 team jumped right on it and a few days later I received his reply. He was sorry that it took so long, and he loved it. That was what I needed to hear to move the project forward, but how?

Enter Alexia Melocchi. She is a master at pitching and was holding a live webinar. I signed up immediately. What she taught me that day was invaluable. Plus, she liked my pitch even though it needed some work. She said my enthusiasm for the story was what a producer wanted to hear. So, I polished my pitch and then things started to happen. Now I call her, my friend.

How Stage 32 Turned A Dream Into A Reality

Along Came Marty

As it turns out, Marty Glynn, Executive Producer at BUFFALO 8 Productions was a member of Stage 32. I connected with him and had the opportunity to ask him questions about a few things. The conversation was exceptional. So much so, that Marty, (who is now a good friend) asked me to send him whatever I had written, and he would pass it on to the Head of Production. I could never have succeeded in doing this on my own. So, next, I heard back from Marty and Adam Engelhard, regarding two of my submissions. What they really liked was the script for NUMBER 54. What they wrote back floored me. Just two words, “LOVE IT!”

And so, we signed a contract, and Buffalo 8, and I are producing the show. I polished the pilot following Peter’s suggestions and now it is going to be a winner. I contacted several people and actors, too, and they are now attached to the show. Marty Kove, a good friend and as you may know him, the Sensei from the Karate Kid and Cobra Kai, Kyle Whisner, an award-winning race car driver and Actor. Jesse Kove an accomplished actor and Marty’s son, Kari Koerper, 3-time Emmy-Award winning make-up artist, Kim Swanson, casting director, Massimiliano (Max) Trevis will be the director of Photography, Dennis Lanier, Technical Advisor (Racing) and most of all, Peter McDonough is now on board to co-write every episode with me and my muse and partner, Danae McKillop. It’s coming together, Next, we all travel to North Carolina to shoot a 5-minute teaser.

How Stage 32 Turned A Dream Into A Reality

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What is STAGE 32!?

You know many people have asked me what STAGE 32 is. I tell them that it is the greatest platform on the planet for helping creatives learn how to turn a dream into a reality. And it’s true. Creatives everywhere have achieved success through STAGE 32 educational opportunities, pitch sessions, weekly Ask Me Anything events (like the one happening RIGHT NOW in the Acting Lounge), the Stage 32 Writer's Room, and webinars on a variety of subjects that will give you the tools you need to turn a dream into a reality.

There are literally over one million people from all over the world who are members of STAGE 32, and they are eager to make new friends. There are many opportunities to meet people through the STAGE 32 Lounges (meeting rooms) where creatives share their thoughts and projects in a forum that is safe, supportive, and friendly. You should check it out and tell them LEE SHARGEL sent you.

No, I don’t get a commission for this praise, what I do get is the opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and connections, and share my thoughts on just about anything to do with screenwriting, producing, script reviews, and pitch sessions with accomplished and successful people in the industry. I owe my success to STAGE 32 and the many people here who love to help you achieve your goals.

How Stage 32 Turned A Dream Into A Reality

So, it did start with a really polished pitch. Now, my show, NUMBER 54, is becoming a reality. The next step is finding a distributor, and we will! We still have work to do. The pilot script is polished to a glorious shine. With the teaser, pitch deck, and pitch bible in hand, we will take it to market.

With BUFFALO 8 at the helm, it is going to happen. Stay tuned and when its premiere is announced, the whole world will know. I invite all my friends, old and new to feel free to contact me through this fabulous forum.

It started with a PITCH, and it turned my dream into a reality. It can do the same for you! Remember my motto- “SUCCESS IS A DREAM WITH MANY PARTNERS!”

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