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Acting, Advice, Cinematography, Coffee & Content, Composing, Contests, Distribution, Featured, Filmmaking, Financing, Inspirational, Networking, Producing, Screenwriting, Success Stories, Tips, Trending,A question that comes up regularly and needs to be defined better or understood, is the types of producers involved in filmmaking, what these roles include, and why you need them in your production's process. Producers are similar to directors, screenwriters, editors, etc., they have specific strengths and weaknesses for different genres and types of films. The time that is taken to find the right producing team is worth it. Though it may sound as if this is out of reach as an independen…
The biggest risk was leaving everything known for the unknown, or maybe it was the less known in my specific case. Los Angeles became my city long before I moved here. In October 2009 when I desperately needed a direction, I volunteered at a film festival (in Texas!) and met filmmakers who changed the trajectory of my life to the present (many of whom are LA transplants themselves), everything has been leading me to the city of angels. I didn’t decide to leave Texas, the state …
This is possibly the least popular, but most vital piece of the overall filmmaking process; the documents and releases. Why do documents matter? They are the paper trail, the proof of quantifiable evidence of spending, the necessary schedules and details that the cast and crew rely on, and they protect filmmakers by providing permission for the use of items, locations, etc. throughout the process. Most importantly from the filmmaker’s perspective is the need for documents to be in …
It may sound like the start to a cringy joke… Jessica Calvello, Stephanie Harrison, and Stephanie Moore are filmmakers who walked into a Stage 32 meetup at Austin Speakeasy and by kismet found themselves connecting on a level that cemented their collaboration desires in a matter of a couple of appetizers and drinks. In the weeks following, this chance meeting has turned into a beautiful and hilarious collaboration of filmmakers who have a love for all things dark comedy with a t…
We all remember our English teacher in primary, secondary school, and college spending months teaching us formatting for different types of papers right? The MLA, Chicago, APA, and other forms of formatting might still haunt our dreams and writing but they were and are an extremely important written form of communication. This allows people to immediately recognize what they are reading and what type of information is being shared. Scripts have the same need, they need to be formatted pr…
To have or not to have production insurance- the most important question. Short answer? YES. Always, yes. Production insurance is a necessary part of the production process that many independent creators love to avoid, whether to “save” money or avoid all the paperwork. However, much like car, health, and any other business insurance, it is a MUST! What does production insurance do? It covers rentals, liability, injuries while on set, vehicles operated on set, and ev…
Filmmakers have a huge undertaking as they schedule and budget their projects, each piece is vital to the success of the project, and getting everything in place as efficiently as possible is huge. Stunts are a piece of the puzzle that bring joy to audiences and chills to the production team. Why Do Stunts Bring Chills To The Production Team? Stunts have special training involved, multiple safety protocols, stunt coordinators, and many other specialty measures to ensure that the per…