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Script Feedback From Producers

I'm writing this blog to give writers some encouragement on something I've noticed when working with clients, who don't seem to understand the feedback responses from producers after they have submitted their scripts for consideration. It's happened quite a few times now, where people have entered their scripts to Happy Writers, also to producers outside of Stage 32 and they have come back to me saying they've had feedback and that the producer they sent their work to hates the script. …

How To Make A Micro Budget Feature...In Eight Days!

Movies aren’t made with money. They are made with equipment, with artists, with technicians etc. Money is a key resource, but it is something that motivates and facilitates. It is not the movie itself. I like to think of it as energy. When you look at it that way, you begin to realize that there are a lot of ways to generate energy. You might find that even if you don’t have access to large amounts of money, you have more “energy” in a project than you thought.&nb…

A Special Evening of Live Music - Celebrating Women Composers In Media!

On the 30th of October 2016 ten composers in the Film, TV and Gaming industry will be coming together to perform their music live to picture at an event in LA. What makes this event unique is that all of the composers are women. In an industry where only 1-2% of films are scored by women, these composers are forging their way, creating music - beautiful, inspirational, colourful, dramatic, individual music. They work in film, in TV and in gaming, they create concert music and they perfor…

Have You Checked Your Drawers Recently?

Prior to the advent of the Internet, faced with early retirement from a career that spanned decades in the executive offices of some of Manhattan's leading companies in the profit and non-profit sector, I searched for a way to keep occupied and stimulated. Cleaning out drawers seemed like a valuable enterprise. Hiding in my desk drawer was an arsenal of creative ideas; a treasure trove of scribbled notes. Endlessly fascinated by people, I had a habit of recording unusual behaviors I wit…

The Stage 32 2016 Women Trailblazers

   /'wɪmɪn//'treil/ /ˈbleɪzər/ [noun]: A female creative that kick ass and take names. They have paved the road for other female creatives that want to kick ass and take names.   Every film and television show is a collaborative effort, it’s not just the stars or directors you see in interviews or on the red carpet. It literally takes a tribe to make the gems we watch on the big and small screen. And an integral part of this tribe are women creatives, who roll u…

Are You In A Toxic Relationship...With The Business?

He calls me, but then he doesn’t call me. One day I’m his best girl and there is no one else in the world for him and I’m top of the world, and I’m on a roll and I think this is it, we are finally in this together and we’re gaining momentum and everything is going just fine but then one day that’s it, the calls stop coming, he just falls off the face of the earth, no explanation. Is it something I did? Something I didn’t do? He’s just sudde…

20 Things I've Learned In 20 Years As A Professional Writer

I should start this by putting my cards on the table and stating that whilst ‘writer’ is the box I tick whenever I’m asked for my occupation, I never actually wanted to be one.  There was no study, no passion and certainly no drive. Nor am I what you would call the stereotypical exponent of the craft. I rarely network, know only a couple of other writers and never attend either literary or film festivals although to be fair, I’m never invited to any.  …

From Cradle To Grave: Advice On Marketing Your Film

Independent filmmakers, the most important rules of marketing are start early and keep focused on your target audience and how to monetize those consumers. What is the point of making a movie and no one knowing about it? – Marketing is the key. Marketing is a very important element in the world of film. In fact, studios are marketing machines and focus a great deal of time on marketing. Independent filmmakers should learn from the majors as they truly understand marketing. Altho…

So You’re A Filmmaker?

So you’re a filmmaker? How’d you get started in that? I have watched friends in this business succeed and fail over and over again. I have known some talented and crazy artists who have wound up on the streets (true story), and watched others go on to live their dreams. So what separates the good from the great? How did they make it? What’s wrong with me if I haven’t made it yet? Having the opportunity to work on a variety of productions, it’s important…

Love For Our Stage 32 Animators!

Stage 32 is honored to acknowledge our talented animation community as a partner for the first ever "Best of Fest" by Animation Nights New York, put together by Stage 32 animator Yvonne Grzenkowicz. If you live in or around the New York area, this week there is an action-packed 2 days of animation screenings, VR animation experiences and art installations at the Seaport District. Animation Nights New York began as a screening and networking event in September of last year, set up in th…

Filmmakers - Want Your Film Scored & Seen By Industry Executives?

Today, we have an exciting opportunity for our filmmakers brought to you by 4 incredibly talented, accomplished and visionary Stage 32 composers. Drew Silverstein, Samuel Estes, Michael Hobe and Matt Kabus have been working on their revolutionary composing software, Amper, for more than 3 years and they are now ready to bring it to the public. Being the collaborators they are, they want to take some Stage 32 members along for the ride. I'll let Drew take it from here, but before I do, …

On Stage With 'RB' (September 2016) Announced!

It’s that time again! Time for the September 2016 edition of On Stage with 'RB'! Every month our Founder & CEO, RB, brings on special guests who work in the industry, such as filmmakers and executives to offer advice to our community in an online webinar. Plus, he discusses the best way to use Stage 32 to help your career. Afterwards, he opens up the floor to you for a live 90 minute Q&A session about anything and everything in the industry. Best of all, this is FREE, exc…

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