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Taught by industry experts and sporting a 97% approval rating, our screenwriting education offers benefits for writers of all mediums, genres and skill levels.
Chose written submission or live pitch and present an executive with your best idea for the next film or TV show. Gain access to over 300 executives worldwide.
From standard industry coverage to studio notes from a working executive of your choice, our coverage services are respected throughout the industry.
Private phone consultations for your script with working industry executives designed to improve your work and help you navigate the industry.
Selim, the aggressive Sultân of the Ottoman Empire, triples the size of his realm, trains son Suleiman in the art of treachery, and sets the stage for the eradication of Christianity.
The seeds of the Protestant Reformation are sown throughout Christendom by corruption in the Church, a new understanding of faith, and the blood of martyrs.
Third in line to lead the Ottoman Empire, Selim the Grim murders all opposition to become Sultân, including his sons, father, and brothers, proving himself to be a capable but murderous leader.
Following the death of husband, James IV, King of Scots, Queen Margaret Tudor takes charge of her realm to protect the throne and her son from powerful Scottish nobles who covet her power.
From the most powerful family in 16th century Italia, Giovanni de’ Medici struggles to overcome decadence, powerful family rivals, bad theology, and kidnapping to become Pope Leo X.
Already embroiled in superstition, plagues, decadence, poverty, wars, and illiteracy, the Reformation throws 16th century Europe into complete chaos as Protestants, the Church, and Islam vie For the Love of God.
Harboring anger, hate, and bigotry, Prophet Jonah refuses to acknowledge the compassion and sovereignty of God, disobeys God’s command to preach repentance to sinful Ninevites, and flees to a foreign land, risking God’s wrath in a raging sea and in the belly of a great fish.
In 1522, against overwhelming odds, the Knights Hospitaller on the Isle of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea, valiantly withstand a months-long siege by Suleiman, Sultân of the Ottoman Empire and powerful enemy of Christianity, a struggle where there are many losers but only one winner, the Walls of Rhodes.
Set in a glamorous and romantic era, Mary Tudor, younger sister of Henry VIII, wants to escape being used as a political pawn and to marry Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, the man of her dreams, a goal that should be easy for the most beautiful and privileged princess in all of Europe, but for her it is elusive and almost fatal.
Based on the true stories of Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton's lives, loves & politics. However, they kept one secret hidden from themselves and each other that led to inner personal disaster.
When Kullervo's family is destroyed by his tyrant uncle he bemomes an orphan slave whose quest is to find his identity and re-establish justice and the natural order through his ancestor's powers and wisdom.
She could have been – should have been – America’s first woman in space, and possibly the first human to set foot on the moon, but they denied her. Instead, aviation pioneer, Jerrie Cobb, found herself launched into the jungles of the Amazon on a mission of love, danger, and death.
Taught by industry experts and sporting a 97% approval rating, our screenwriting education offers benefits for writers of all mediums, genres and skill levels.
Chose written submission or live pitch and present an executive with your best idea for the next film or TV show. Gain access to over 300 executives worldwide.
From standard industry coverage to studio notes from a working executive of your choice, our coverage services are respected throughout the industry.
Private phone consultations for your script with working industry executives designed to improve your work and help you navigate the industry.