
Whether you’re an actor, voice actor, casting director or anyone else related to the profession of acting, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer advice and tips on technique, audition strategies, headshots and all other topics related to the sweet science of acting

Kym Jackson
Self Tape Questions

Heya folks!  I'm finalising the build on my upcoming Self Tape Mastery course and I'd love to know if anyone has any questions or anything they're stuck on with self tapes?  OOORRRR any cool tips on what you do that works that I can include! I want to make sure the course is as comprehensive as poss...

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Sydney Summers

This is amazing, thank you Kym for posting!

Sydney Summers

Here is the link to sign up for Kym's Self-taping 101 webinar and more info here:

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Tammy Hunt
What Is A “Local Hire”?

Is it worth it? That’s a question you’ll want to ask yourself and your agent. If you have an offer for weekly scale but you have to be a local hire in another state, the cost of airfare, accommodations & rental car/Uber will have you barely come out even (taxes & agency fees are other contributing f...

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Matthew Cornwell

another thing to consider when paying your own way (esp if you decide to lie about being local hire): If production gives you a Start Work date of next Wednesday, and you buy your airline ticket accor...

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Tom Lapke
Actor Website Tips Part Deux

As requested, here is the follow-up to my first post on things to include on your actor website. Now we will discuss things to exclude.

Your Address - there is not a single scenario where a CD, Director, or Producer would need to see your home mailing address on your resume. They only need that if th...

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Suzanne Bronson

Thank you Tom.

Maurice Vaughan

More excellent tips, Tom Lapke! A website that's hard to navigate is frustrating.

Sydney Summers

Wonderful tips, thanks Tom!!!

António Monfort

That is very important advise thanks Tom

Sam Sokolow
Suzanne Bronson

I like it. Putting the actor in control over the usage of their voice is how it should be. It's a great step. My main concern is image though.

Tom Lapke
Actor Website Tips

In 2024, every actor needs a website. Not having one would be akin to 20 years ago not having a headshot. It can be tricky to decide what to include on your website. Personally, I have built countless actor websites, so I thought I would offer some tips for you. This is in no way an exhaustive list,...

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Wendy Kay

Thank you for this information!

Sam Sokolow

This is great and pertinent actionable information for all actors. Flagging this for my network. Thanks, Tom Lapke.

Tom Lapke

Should I do a part two of the things NOT to have on your website?

Chase Cysco

Tom Lapke 100 %

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, Tom Lapke!

Tammy Hunt
IMDb for Actors

IMDb is incredibly important as it is your international presence as an actor.

Not every actor is ready for IMDb, but if you have credits and you are putting yourself out there as a professional actor then you should have a profile.

There is not too much you can do to optimize a profile, but at leas...

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Sam Sokolow

I can't remember the last workday when I didn't utilize IMDB in some fashion. It is a critical platform for everyone working in the industry. This is simple and sage advice, Tammy Hunt!...

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Tom Lapke

And the IMDBPro account is vital to understanding and navigating the business of show.

Sam Sokolow
Bourdain Biopic In The Works

Dominic Sessa would be amazing in this role. Is there anyone else you can think of that could play Bordain? Or any other non-scripted TV stars worthy of a biopic?

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Maurice Vaughan

I'd like to see a Guy Fieri biopic, Sam Sokolow.

Sam Sokolow

Who would you have play Guy, Maurice Vaughan?

Maurice Vaughan

Seth Rogen or Jack Black, Sam Sokolow.

Kate Hanton

Vulture had a great article on the creation of Rosie O'Donnell Show. I think a biopic on Rosie would be great, the pivot from "Queen of Nice" to politics came off as shocking, but that piece really sh...

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Sam Sokolow

Kate Hanton that's a great idea and a tough casting challenge for sure but with the right makeup team maybe Merritt Wever could bring it??

Aaron Marcus
Frustrated and Need Acting Jobs - 2 People To Contact – Surprise

Have you ever felt isolated, alone and frustrated because you weren't getting enough acting auditions or bookings? If so, then you need to know you aren't alone. Almost all actors, even well-known actors go through down times.

Watch the video learn what 2 people can r...

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Maurice Vaughan

Excellent advice, Aaron Marcus!

Aaron Marcus

Thank you, Maurice. I believe this information will help all creatives. No one will work harder at having success than we will. That is why I love be proactive and do whatever I can to make more thing...

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Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Aaron Marcus. You're right. No one will work harder at having success than we will. I used to have a screenwriting manager, but I still looked for opportunities myself....

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Aaron Marcus
Warning - Actors Never Want to Hear 3 Words From Casting

Warning - Actors Never Want to Hear 3 Words From Casting

I have learned the need to filter pretty much everything that is said to me.

This is true for nice as well as not so nice comments.

If you ever experienced someone saying something to you that didn't make sense,


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Pamela Jaye Smith

Good for you, Aaron! What a great example of how every audition can 'value add' to others' perceptions of you and your talents. Wishing you continuing success.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Another thing to keep in mind about casting selections -- when there are a lot of people involved in making the final decision [clients, agency, CD, director, co-star, exec, etc.] coming to a consensu...

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Aaron Marcus

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience with us.

John Gostomski

It takes a village to make a movie but it takes writer to make a " universe " that can be tweaked into a "Village Roadshow" (no reference to the company or the brand name).

Aaron Marcus

That is so well said, John.

Sam Sokolow
Ton Cruise Closes The 2024 Olympics In Style

Tom Cruise closing out the Olympic games last night and setting the table for Los Angeles '28 was super cool! Is there another movie star that you can think of who could have done that instead of Cruise? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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Maurice Vaughan

I can't picture anyone doing that except Tom Cruise, Sam Sokolow. Can't wait for Mission: Impossible 8! The stunts in the Mission: Impossible movies are phenomenal!!!...

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Maurice Vaughan
3 Tips to Level Up Your Self-Tape Auditions

Lisann Valentin shares three important tips on how you can level up your self-tape auditions. “Paint a Picture With Your Eyes,” “Your Angles Are Everything,” and “Keep Positive Thoughts.” Read more about the tips in today’s blog and feel free to post your thoughts in the blog’s comments.


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Brent Kado
3 Social Media Truths for Actors

Hi everyone. As we've transitioned into Talent Management, we're trying to put up a few more informational videos for Actors.

We've been around Stage 32 for a long time. Excited to get to more of you on the acting side!...

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