Happy Holidays everyone!
From structure to content to representation to industry trends, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice on the craft and business of screenwriting
Happy Holidays everyone!
This is from an article I wrote a long time ago:
Story structure has become a riddle. We have bona fide experts, people with solid credentials, telling us story structure is critical. Many argue that story structure comes in 1 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 7 or even 9 acts! Others proclaim story structure to be...
Expand postWonderful post, Lee Matthias. Compelling ideas. Thank you.
"On the logical level the parts are always in threes. That is the simplest configuration from which to fully convey meaning." Maybe that's wh...
Expand commentTom Schaefer
Death and resurrection in the Gospel is a metaphor. death is the loss of faith in God. Resurrection is the gaining of faith in God. thus, my interpretation of the Gospel, in my opinion, is...
Expand commentSo how does that relate to the OP about story structure - you are telling elements of your interpretation of the story. My only introduction of the Jesus story is because of its familiarity, not to bu...
Expand commentTom Schaefer
there is a very high probability that everyone knows the story of Jesus not the way the author intended it to be. For me, the Gospel is a parable made up entirely of metaphors, a work of f...
Expand commentHello, I was wondering if anyone had a promo code for the Feature Comedy Screenplay Competition? Please DM me. Thanks!
Hi, Justin Nagy. I checked the contest page and didn't see a promo code, but Writers' Room members get 10% off contest entries as well as coverage and consultations. You can get your first month of th...
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Stage 32’s founder and CEO, Richard "RB" Botto, wishes everyone a Happy Holidays in today's blog and provides some resources to help you get ready to conquer your creative careers in the new year. Happy Holidays, everyone! www.stage32.com/blog/happy-holidays-from-the-stage-32-team-3952...
Expand postI'd like to swap scrips for feedback. I have three. The opus magnus, Comin' Through the Rye, is a 120 page drama. It's better than Clockwork Orange and Brazil combined. Nothing like it has ever been written. I'll read anything.
The new draft of PIRATES VS ALIENS is complete! And I need readers! So if you'd like to read a fun (I hope) sci-fi/adventure script, and believe you can get me your notes by January 24th (that's 5 weeks away, should be plenty of time), then let me know and I'll send it along!
Scott, I'm happy to swap... I have a feature: A Neo-Western Coming-of-Age Supernatural Thriller Set in the Mystical American Southwest.
Maurice Vaughan We are now!
Gabriel Karkovsky DM'd you.
Scott Sawitz I can of course do script swaps, but comedy isn't really my thing... so not sure how helpful I'll be other than story notes (I don't find much funny, so I almost never watch comedies eith...
Expand commentTommy Gallego Will DM you in a moment.
I've been a screenwriter for a long time and I'll save the self-promotion and just get to my point.
I've already mapped out about 4 seasons of a web series script I want to start writing. Far from complete in my opinion and in the world of professional screenwriting it's sometimes looked down upon to...
Expand postThe best thing you can do with r/screenwriting is to turn the comments upside down. People upvote what they like to be true, and most screenwriting communities have very few writers who've even so muc...
Expand commentRyu Reeves r/screenwriting used to be so amazing. ... you'd have great writers with real credits showing up all the time in the comments. I developed a writing group of guys who were great writers who...
Expand commentIndeed, r/screenwriting is just wallstreetbets for writers. Lots of people looking to get rich quick and lots of anonymous gurus with zero credentials happy to tell them how.
CJ Walley That's.... a really good comparison. I used to think "dear blog" anytime half a dozen people posted there because it was these long, self congratulatory posts from people acting like big sho...
Expand commentRyu Reeves It sounds like a great idea for a blog. Good luck.
Hello, Stage 32 community!
Noel Thompson and I are having a Holiday Happy Hour this Thursday, December 26th, in the Pitch Practice! Bring your favorite cocktail, Santa hat, and ugly Christmas sweater, and join us! Introduce yourself to YOUR community right here on Stage 32! It's a great opportunity t...
Expand postHappy Holidays, John Mezes! I have something planned for Thursday night, but if I finish early, I'll be at the Holiday Happy Hour!
Sure, Bill Albert! The Pitch Practice starts at 5:30 pm Pacific, 8:30 pm Eastern. It's hosted right here on Stage 32, either through an email link you should receive as a writer's room member or by jo...
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In today’s blog, Anthony McBride discusses how he wrote his first Horror script that went on to win its very first festival. The things he talks about could help you write your script (Horror and any genre) and find success. www.stage32.com/blog/a-stage-32-success-story-my-adventures-writing-my-f......
Expand postFound this long ago somewhere...
Your script is flawless
Poignant... Funny... True... Perfect...
Here are our notes
Haha Happy Holidays, Lee Matthias!
Maurice Vaughan And Happy Holidays to you!
What enticed Hollywood not to want to read your amazing concepts, pitches, and screenplays?
Interesting article from Screen Craft - thoughts? Tip: Read the whole article. There's some good advice in the end and not to mention the reason why there's a Stage 32.
Read here: https://screencraft.org/blog/w...
Expand postYou can also be gilded straight into the WGA/DGA/PGA/SAG, if you know the right people.
The backstory in the article is well put together, but to jump straight to competitions as a solution kinda under...
Expand commentThanks for the heads up, CJ. If a writer is gilded into WGA by the "right people" it means their work is of high value to producers and studios. who use only WGA writers.
Just stumbled on a producer dude via X (former twitter) asking to read some specs during the holyday off's, pitched him in 5 words during my morning coffee...
Jamie Sutliff by "right people" I meant "powerful people", and that's not necessarily a compliment. There is nothing puritanical about Hollywood.
Kiril Maksimoski that happened to a writer-friend 4 years ago because of covid shutdown. A showrunner was soliciting tv specs. Friend sent in a tv pilot. Showrunner read it, loved the writing, passed...
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Matthew J. Kaplan talks about how acting helped him become a better writer in today’s blog, like “Acting Helped Me Empathize With My Characters.” www.stage32.com/blog/3-ways-acting-has-helped-me-become-a-better-writer-......
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Let it snow! Let it snow!! Let it snow!!! #HappyHolidays
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I wish you all the best for the holidays and the new year, John Mezes !
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As we say in the Motherland... Buon Natale. :)
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Merry Christmas!
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To you and yours, as well! May it be a blessed year!