I am a film director & producer based in LA, with extensive background in visual effects and apparently I've been on this site since 2014 but this is the first time I actually use it. Lol (Thanks Covid)
Long story short, I've been in film for a long time now and so far I have literally 0 screenwriter friends. (SAD) I am currently using this time to write my feature film and I could totally use some help.
If this is you, please drop me a line and let's be friends!
* My fav movie is Children of men, AI, Equilibrium, and anything mentally engaging and badass.
Here's a link to my reel - it's 3 mins but hopefully it won't feel like it! LOL
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Welcome! Nice to meet you :)
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Dawnnnnn! Hi! Thank you
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Welcome, Eli.
Thank you!
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It's so rare someone pulls Equilibrium out in their lists (usually I find out they like it later on), such a good film! What is it about your feature that you're struggling with?
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Nicely done!
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This reel is outstanding!
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This is beautiful! Please add me
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Nice, congrats getting something done!
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Great work!
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Impressive reel, Éli! I'm curious about your feature film concept. I just invited you to add me to your network. Please be in touch and tell me more. Cheers!
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Thanks for the comments! Dawn Prato an extremely underrated movie! Malcolm Dwain Carter Thanks man! Naina Rathi added Erick Freitas Thank you! Michael Barder Thank you! Pamela Segger just added thank you!
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Like your reel. Stick with STAGE32.COM, it is the number one site for building your career and getting your work out there. Promote Eli, promote your damn ass off. You've got this.
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Hi Éli! Very impressive reel! Likewise, I have been on this platform for a while but still working in academia. I have decided though this is the right time for me to follow my passion for acting and voice acting and start new projects in this space.
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Wow Eli! I enjoyed every second of that. And to back it with that awesome Willy Wonka song... so clever. Keep up the great work.
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I'd be happy to read your script and give feedback - for whatever my opinion is worth!
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Thanks John Ellis I definitely will take you on that! Thanks Tatia Snow Todd Sorrell \m/
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Very cool reel! Particularly loved the "frozen moment in time" effects. I'm a screenwriter in Las Vegas (I also do some production design, but do not touch camera or editing bays)
We do a ZOOM screenwriting group on Wednesdays, and one of the guys on there does similar types of films (I am a comedy guy - Deep as a fishbowl). If you'd ever like to drop in with some pages let me know.
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Hi Eli, amazing reel!! I too love CHILDREN OF MEN. We need more films and other media on that sort of subject right now. The Willy Wonka song was a great choice. I doubt you really need any help writing, but I write and would be happy to offer feedback or help out if you get stuck. Cheers!
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Eli, I passed your reel on to V. Accardo at BEAT THE CLOCK.
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Hey Jeff Zampino Thank you! I am pushing myself hard to write the outline this month. Melissa Roddy Thank you, I will take you on that offer and get back to this thread once I have something to show. <3 Graham P Halky Thank you!
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Welcome to the club. :)
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Hi Éli, I'm a writer / director / show creator who also teaches screenwriting (NYU, UCLA, Columbia Colege Hollywood and now at a Canadian animation school). Elevated Sci-Fi is one of my favorite genres. I would be interested to chat with you - please feel free to drop me a line.
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Very cool reel!! Fantastic visuals, nice work all around...
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Hey Eli, great work all around. I'm a screenwriter and have a special effects short script, that has gotten some good attention and would like to share with you. Would you be interested in having a look? feel free to drop me a line and i'll introduce to you who's attached. Thanks
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Good looking visuals here! Thanks for coming back to Stage 32...lol
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Hey, Éli Sokhn! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Nice to meet you! Ooo, Equilibrium - great film! What a fantastic depiction of "Gun Fu" LOL! As a martial artist, I love a good fight scene, but as a SciFi fan, I love world-building with clear consequences - Looper is a great example of that, as is Arrival. LOVE Children of Men - that moment, you know the one, is iconic.
I'd love for you to start a post in the Filmmaking Lounge (https://www.stage32.com/lounge/directing) and the Post-Production Lounge (https://www.stage32.com/lounge/post_production) about your experience working with VFX - hell, I'd love to know about your experience with stunts - that one where the guys gets smashed into the wall? EPIC!
Definitely take people up on their offers for script feedback, and if you need, we offer industry script coverage as well: https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/coverage/buy?id=23 Of course, I'm also a big fan of the Writer's Room as well: https://www.stage32.com/writersroom We're actually starting world-building on today's webcast!
Great reel! If you're working on anything, I'd love for you to post it in the Your Stage Lounge (https://www.stage32.com/lounge/promotion) where we post things for feedback. I visit there on Fridays mostly as part of my #FilmmakerFriday as a kind of "Check it before you wreck it" Day LOL!.
Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!
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Thanks for the love, Graham P Halky! Tatia Snow Definitely check out the Acting Lounge (https://www.stage32.com/lounge/acting) - there have been a lot of conversations about voice work of late, as you can imagine. Also, if you've got anything you're working on and would like some feedback, post it to the Your Stage Lounge: https://www.stage32.com/lounge/promotion
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That reel is awesome... I've been optioned twice, would love to chat.
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very good, I like
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Éli Sokhn this is sick. I've worked with editing and cinematography and I just have to say that this makes me it look like I've been recording on a potato... hope to learn something from you
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@Eli Had to watch reel twice (and then maybe again) , visual AND psychological roller coaster. Stunning. Happy to chat about writing!
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Hi, Éli. Great to connect with you. Impressive director reel! It's one of the best I've seen.
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Amazing film! The visuals are stunning!
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Omg Eli! This is one of the best reels I have ever seen! Badass is indeed!
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Wow! Love it. Very engaging. Great song choice, Willy Wonka theme.
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blow my mind !!!
Eric, I thought I recognized the music in the director reel. Is that the remix to the song?
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Could be, I like it better actually than the original. Here's the original.
Thanks, Eric. I like the version in the director reel better also.
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I love those films 'Children of Men' and 'Equilibrium' - and I loved your reel.
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Thank you! Appreciate the love <3
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@Eli hope you made the screenwriting contacts you needed, (question at thread start) there are fantastic links London Screenwriting Festival this month on line and although next festival several months away the contacts/catch up stream/blogs are online all year. Bob Shultz has informal zoom cafe every Sunday morning, plus there’s many other social rooms.
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Debbie Croysdale thank you. It's an ongoing quest I think - your ideas are great thanks for sharing!
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Hi Eli. I'm writing to you in the wee hours of the morning down south of the hemisphere and would like to get in contact regarding screenwriting. I'm a writer myself hoping to sink my teeth into some more visually stimulating content.
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“I’ll be your huckleberry”
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Children of Men was a masterpiece. That super long one shot action take in the war torn city was incredible.
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Fantastic work
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Yo, yo brother! Have an Alabama based new screenwriter over this way that's spent much of my time writing comic books. Would love to link up! I've completed a few features and tv pilots over the last year or so and won a couple small competitions.
Love animation and all things bad ass!
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Hey Éli. Your work is on point! No lack of creativity and awesomeness there! - judging from the many comments; I'm not the only one impressed! Anyway, I am an established film editor from Copenhagen, with many years of post production experience - but have not worked enough with visual effect films - I would love to do so in the future. - Meanwhile, I'm trying to break in as a director as well. By the way, I've edited dozens of showreels for others - but never got around to actually making one for myself... ha ha. Need to get on that
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Great work!! Outstanding visuals! Congrats!
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Based on that video, I'm amazed you're not surrounded by screenwriters trying to be your 'friend!'
I've got a crime series that might interest you. The main characters are a stodgy old detective and a young bodyguard with schizophrenia. Set in Costa Rica.
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I love your reel, great work. I am an Entertainment Attorney, Executive Producer and Filmmaker. I would love to work with you on a project, either one of ours or one of yours.
Lets connect!
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Éli Sokhn Such and extraordinary work :) I am a screenwriter and a metal/rock music fan. We could work on something together :)
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As well as acting/filmmaking I have a walking tour in East London, I'm now LA based. It's a bout true crime and films and several of the locations I visited are from Children of Men. All around Commercial Road in Hackney/Bethnal Green.
I'm living in LA now plus cover has put a stop to walking tours for now. Time to make a huge film.
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Well done!
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Now I feel like I'm just jumping on the bandwagon if I say, "Screenwriter here!"
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Hi Eli, Very Cool work - I'm in Nashville Music City. Love to hear from you, too. Bruce
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Mora Rahgozar that's awesome! I actually collaborate with Mads Langer from Denmark. Shot a music video with him here in LA called "me without you" and hhaha yes! let me know if you need any pointers :> Heidi Schussman Ugh i know.. My life is filled with VFX artists and pop artists Lol but this year I'm manifesting more writers and scripted in my life. Thanks for connecting <3
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So... Éli Sokhn Eli. Up to now I really thought Gene Wilder's version of Anthony Newley's brilliant song was the definitive version. Having just watched your reel, I may now have to reconsider. Oh, and I write stuff.
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Éli Sokhn Oh, and I am not kidding, I really need to know who performed that version o' the song. Damn'tastic!
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Dude! this is one of the best reels I've ever seen!!!
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Éli Sokhn That is an awesome reel! Kept me entertained the whole time.
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very good it was amazing
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Éli Sokhn Your reel needs an award all by itself. Really AWESOME work!!!
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Great work!
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How is the writing going, Eli?
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Some great work here Eli! If the offer still stands, I would love to help in any way when it comes to screenwriting. Hope you are doing and keeping well.
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Eli, Holy moly. That was truly inspired and inspiring. Great sound track as well. Can't go wrong with @Harvey Read. He is great. :)
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Nice work! Hit me up! I'm new to this whole thing and am trying to meet new people and make some connections too...
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Nice meeting you! Great work! Love the music and sound effects too! I license music to film and TV.
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Mads langer is a big deal here! I will check that out! Also, I might have project coming up this year that could use someone with your skillset. Hope I can reach out to you once it is further along. It is set to be shot in Greenland.
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very nice I like the beginning the best
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Love those surreal shots. And I want a giant octopus coming after me.
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Hi Eli, really interested in your work. Whats the best way to stay in touch and see what you're developing?
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@sophia Thank you! I don't check this often - you can find me on instagram @elication and other social media
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Hey, Eli! Welcome and thanks for sharing your reel. Really good, very engaging. You have a great amount of talent there, my friend. Reach out here or on Instagram (@gappman) or Script Revolution. Would love to check out more of your work.
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sent you an add request and info
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Hi Eli,
Welcome. I'm a writer, producer actor and occasional director. Would love to talk and maybe help. I've got my own film that I'm trying to get made and I think the script is pretty good and other people in the biz do too. I've been in this business for 36 years and have fair amount of experience. Anyway hit me up sometime.
Stephen Marcus
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Great Work Eli, I really enjoyed it. In this respect please take a look to a video we prepared for my first novel CInco puntas. Not sure if it uploaded but is in my profile. Would love to talk . Thanks. Lolo (BTW Children of Men is a master piece ahead of times-or not?)
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Working on anything big? Are you looking for a screenwriter?
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Hi Eli. Saw your reel. We must talk.
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There's great stuff in there, congrats!
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Pretty fantastic. Keep up the good work!
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nice work
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I think your reel is super!
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HI Eli! Nice to meet you! What are you working on now?
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It's been a while, Éli Sokhn. How are things?
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Amazing reel, I did rent two cars that you used btw, the red cadillac and the yellow one from the 60’s (broken down before arriving on set) it was in LA so probably the same rental house lol.
Anyway, super cool stuffs! I also love your compositing skills!
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Absolutely Love Your Work. Pure Dopeness