Isaiah Andrés Galarza: Director and screenwriter in Brea, California.

Isaiah Andrés Galarza
Scene Study Groups

Hey all, I'm a Director and I just had the most amazing experience at a scene study class in Los Angeles. And I was wondering of there were any more going on that you know of?

Of course, the "Meetup" section has one really good one, but does anyone know of any others?

David Banks

Agreed, david rountree has an amazingly class!

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

That sounds great! So the modus operandi of the scene study I was involved in was Writers would bring in their short scene, then cast Actors from among those who showed up, then the Directors would pu...

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Paulina Lagudi

@Isaiah Galarza that sounds awesome.

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

I just Copyrighted my screenplay, and I was wondering what's my Copyright number? I received an automated e-mail which had a "service request number" which was 1-xxxxxxx and so forth... is THAT my Copyright number??

David Kleve

I believe it takes approximately 10 days and maybe longer but you should get another email from the copyright office.

Terrence Sellers

That's your processing number. It's tied to the order not the individual screenplay. You can copyright up to 10 scripts at one time and they will all be tied to that number. You need to wait until the...

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Dirk Patton

It takes a while to receive the copyright in the mail. My most recent copyright application took four months. This is the government you're dealing with. Nothing happens fast.

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Hey man, how goes it?

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Greetings all! I’m using the Stage 32 app on my phone and I cannot find where the Calendar section to find out when the next Stage 32 Mixer is... it when ANY mixer is. Can anyone help?

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Hey folks! How's everyone? I'm looking for some new layout designs for call sheets and I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas? Of course you know, Movie Magic does not generate a callsheet and so I've created mine on Excel. But the layout is so drab and boring and I want to spruce it up a little. Ple...

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Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Thank you Pamela... ❤️❤️❤️

Doug Nelson

Call sheets are really nothing more than the day's shooting 'inventory and work order' that began back in the early days of telephone service. Mary Pickford's phone number was 4168 (I think) - it's an...

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Royce Allen Dudley

Many ADs have built their own template. Ask around, many will share. You really want to stay in standard 2-sided format with the different types of pertinent contacts, location, nearest hospital, crew...

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L. Tish Jordan


Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Welcome to the front of the camera! Good luck with everything :)

L. Tish Jordan

It's been an interesting journey so far

Hello Isaiah -- there is a terrific class you can take called Grok Acting Studio. The guy who runs it is named Sean Rose and you can email him directly for more info at: Sean told me that you can audit the class on Tuesday evening!

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

SWEET!! Where is it?

Marsha Posner Williams

I believe it's in Hollywood -- feel free to reach out to Sean! He'll tell you everything!

Hi Isaiah

Thanks for the connect

Have a beautiful day

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Thanks for that, welcome to Lala Land, I hope to see your reel when you can!

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

GEMINI teaser

Directed by Isaiah Andrés Galarza Cinematography by Roger Artola Music by Matthew V. Galarza

Isaiah Andrés Galarza
Networking for Producers....

Does anyone know any good networking events to MEET Producers in LA?

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Thanks! What event?

Jamie Niebergall

Greetings Stage32 composer's community! I'm brand new here and have been in business as a composer for just a year...And I have a rookie question about "credits." I was really lucky to land a consistent first gig writing VOD/DVD release trailers and featurette underscores for a small media/productio...

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Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Did you sign anything yet? You may not be able to get imdb credit but you need to retain the right to publish them online so that any future Producers/employers may go to your website and listen. Usua...

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Jamie Niebergall

Thanks for the reply, Isaiah. I secured rights to publish the projects on my website, and do list myself as composer. I was just wondering if I can list these as "Credits" here on Stage32 (and in my resumé) or if that is reserved only for actual IMDB credits.

Isaiah Andrés Galarza
A Good Screenwriting Group

Hey all, my name is Isaiah and I'm looking for a good screenwriting group in the Rowland Heights/North Orange County area. Does anyone know of anything?

Pierre Langenegger

Does it have to be in your area? There are plenty of good groups around the world. I belong to two international groups and have only met one member face to face because he lives in my town but the re...

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Manuel Sanchez

Hey Isaiah, thanks for the request! I'm also near Brea. haha I live in Fullerton so thanks for the request from such a close connection.

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Hey man, how goes it? Are you still in Fullerton?

Isaiah Andrés Galarza
To pay, or NOT to pay?

Money doesn't grow on trees. There's no magical fountain from which a Director like me can pull from in order to pay what my crew is worth. Do you know what pays for the actors, breakfast, lunch, dinner, craft services, locations, expendables, permits, camera, film, sound equipment, and other crew.....

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Myesha Howze

Have you tried Campaigns like Indiegogo

Isaiah's network

Theo Dumont
Paul Miller
Rami Rank
Tivoli Silas
Ruth Nadia Berkoff
John Guinn
Jason Mirch
Josh Mitchell
Harlan W. Groom
Nick Moss
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