■1. JESUS returned in the clouds with His angels, saying "It is time". ( January 4th, 2003 )JESUS gave all mankind. His saying TELL THE VISION is a commandment. ■2. Satan, the deciever and father of islam, emulating the Voice of God, said:"Sad and Delicious". ■3. SATAN entered your bodies on Oct. 10, 2005. Satan said in you:"I WILL TURN AND TOSS YOU VIOLENTLY LIKE A BALL". Satan perverted ISAIAH 22 KJV in those words. ■4. SATAN entered your bodies on Oct. 10, 2005. Satan said in you:"I WILL TURN AND TOSS YOU VIOLENTLY LIKE A BALL". Satan entered your childrens bodies too, yet you do not tell them? ■5.The children of satan (Islam) say it never happened, or imagine medical sleep paralysis as the cause. ■6. SATAN, the father and false god to islam, told you all, "DON'T TELL THE VISION" March 31, 2020. Him you believe. Him I shall fall. All who follow him I shall fall them. BLEND DONT MIX ■7.. JESUS appeared AUGUST 25, 2005 (In the real Holy Spirit) to all people, all nations. HE said to you a commandment:"TELL THE VISION". His children recognize His voice. ■8. JESUS appeared the second time NOVEMBER 5, 2005. He said:"TELL THE VISION". ■9. JESUS appeared the third time FEBRUARY 22, 2006. To all mankind He gave His word:"TELL THE VISION". ■10. The children of satan all deny this. Many of them 'say' Jesus name, even quoting scriptures, in thier denial. Jesus named all those as ALAH. ■11. JESUS appeared to all people a fourth time, saying His promise:"TELL THE VISION AND YOU SHALL NOT NEED THE MARK" The mark HE spoke of is: OMNI, and $32,523 emerod money is given to those marked. ■12. JESUS appeared a fifth time, saying His promise:"TELL THE VISION AND YOU SHALL HEAL WITHOUT MONEY". Two teeth were healed by Jesus in your mouths. ALL. ■13. JESUS appeared in the real Holy Spirit a sixth time, to all on earth, for those whose name is not in the book of life did not tell. Jesus said:"No time to talk alah"?■14. JESUS loosened satan for a moment upon all people. MARCH 31, 2020. Satan paralyzed with the fire he pulls down from heaven, saying:"DON'T TELL THE VISION". ■15. When satan said DONT TELL THE VISION inside your heads, out of his mouth came the unclean spirit like a frog. The dead black frog head is alah. ■16. The seventh time JESUS CHRIST appeared to each and every one of you was on NOVEMBER 21. 2O2O. Jesus began turning HIS BACK to you and HE said, "YOU WANT WAR". ■17. TELLING the vision is how the 144,000 shall be SEALED in thier foreheads. Telling the vision is how the WOUND THAT HEALS shall be done to the head of the beast. ■18. Those whose names are blotted out of the book of life deny it happened. And though you see & hear 10's of thousands of Angels of Jesus, for nearly 19 years, you ALL continue to deny it. Lunatics ■19. For not commiting and doing what Jesus commanded you do, ALL you own shall be removed from you on earth. TELL THE VISION. Here is a 20 minute film describing the 12 tribes of Israel alive today worldwide and the prophecies given them.https://youtu.be/hkiXKpjgO7w Here is a ten minute film telling THE VISION:https://youtu.be/Q-fcQ4w0la8 Here is a five minute film of my piano composition.https://youtu.be/C9XHtex2S2M
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I havent seen trash as bad as that since Caligula.
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I wanted to see the film until I heard it was a remake. I have been watching Tony Scotts films lately and just love the amount of delicious detail and the sublime execution of his films. Recent French...
Expand commentI wanted to see the film until I heard it was a remake. I have been watching Tony Scotts films lately and just love the amount of delicious detail and the sublime execution of his films. Recent French films have also been exceptionally good. I used to be an avid film goer but now am pushed to find any of interest. In the past few weeks, I have walked out on two films. I would be willing to pay double for something that delivers on the levels of excellence that used to be available every week. I am praying that Ridley can go the distance with his new epic. Fingers crossed!
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Maurice Vaughan maybe it not doing well is a scale thing, Maurice. For big budget films you expect big box-office immediately, as if the budget labels the film into a “pre-chewed” category.
I could tel...
Expand commentMaurice Vaughan maybe it not doing well is a scale thing, Maurice. For big budget films you expect big box-office immediately, as if the budget labels the film into a “pre-chewed” category.
I could tell by this conversation, that I am showing my age. The chap that said “you haven’t ever seen anything like this”. To which I was telling him “yes I have, it’s called Metropolis; another big world, universal story, but in a German context. Whereas Megalopolis is big world, universal story in a US context.
I think that’s, to pick up on something FFC said, about when films resonate with an audience. Metropolis had a massive budget and yes, flopped at the box office. (Nearly took UFA down with it). Maybe that has something to do with the film dying the death of a thousand celluloid cuts. However, nowadays, we speak of it as Fritz Lang’s classic film! Perhaps that’s what awaits FFC with Megalopolis?