Jahzid Johnson's Lounge Discussions

Bruno Catarino
Screenwriting Reading Group

Hey everyone. Anyone often finds themselves asking the same friends to read their scripts, and looking for new readers? Afraid of asking someone you don't know and end up getting non-valuable feedback, or having to read in return a script you might not enjoy?

I'd like to propose a reading group, wher...

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John Mezes

I'd be interested in joining your proposed reading group as well. Very beneficial. Let me know when you work out a date, time, etc. I'm in EST. Thanks Bruno Catarino!

Elko Weaver

Sounds like a great idea!

Selma Karayalcin

7th March is good for me- I don't get it with the time lol! I am in Cyprus - same time as in Greece.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Cyprus is 1 hour later than The Netherlands, 2 hours later than England. How much later than the USA depend on 'where' in the USA.

Selma Karayalcin

Hi! Did it happen? Did I miss the meeting - please keep me in the loop!

Jahzid Johnson
Anyone interested in a screenwriters' Group???

Hey everyone! I'm Jah, from Allentown, Pennsylvania. One of my goals this year is to get one of my scripts optioned. (Well, no s**t! Aren't we all?!) So I would love to start a screenwriters group that could support and inspire one another. Not so much a writers' group per se, but more of a group to...

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Monica Mansy

Hi, Jahzid Johnson! I’m part of the Writers’ Room here on Stage 32 and it’s AWESOME! Each week, we meet virtually. These meetings include a chance to pitch to an executive, hear from an executive, lea...

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Jahzid Johnson

For all of my screenwriters...How many screenplays/scripts do you have written/completed?

Travis Macready

So far, two features and one in-progress after completing some research.

Stefano Pavone

4, all features.

Mike Romoth

8 with number 9 in the works.

Nnamdi Azikiwe

Hey Doug Nelson...what about when that scirpt becomes a franchise? Will Star Wars EVER be finished?

Miroslavas Siniavskis

2 within 1 year. Eastern European in California - about teenager from Belarus who faces integration to another culture challenges and Bob and Jessie - about 30s engaged couple from New York who ended up living in a fraternity house with freshmen

Jared Moses
I'd like to start a writing group

Hey there all! I've noticed authors get so many different critiquing circles and online communities to make their skills better. I was hoping to find a few writers interested in doing the same, we can share work and give advice building each other into incredible writers. If you're interested please share your email below. Thank you!

John Iannucci

Add me Coach_John@msn.com

Doug Nelson

Best of luck with that.

Ingrid Goldberg

please add me if you can shamayim1@yahoo.com

Jahzid Johnson

Salutations, everyone! My name is Jah and I'm brand new to Stage 32. This site looks to be incredible, being that I'm from a small city, it's hard to find creatives to build with. I'm a screenwriter/podcaster/creator looking to build with anyone who shares the same goals that I do! I've recently jus...

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Rashika R

Hi Jahzid, welcome! It is an incredible site! Great place to build relationships.

Vera Brooks

Hi Jah. I would be willing to read the first 20 pages and give feedback. If i'm hooked, I'll read the rest.

Steve Hamm

Hello Jah. Welcome. Pleased to meet you

Eric La Fuente

Hi there, Jahzid!

Reliable Reliance Udoenyin

Ok Jah, Welcome to stage 32. Feel free to share and ask for ideas

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