Jose Luis Madrigal: Director, screenwriter and 3d animator in Mexico City, Mexico.

Jose Luis Madrigal
Executive Producers vs Showrunners

Hey! How are you? Could somebody tell me the differences between a Showrunner and a Executive producer? Are the executive producer or director going to change its name roll for Showrunner?

Sam Sokolow

Hi Jose Luis Madrigal - building on what Lindbergh E Hollingsworth wrote, there are only showrunners in television and not in feature films.

On a feature film, the Director is the key creative positio...

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Jose Luis Madrigal

Thank you, this is a great information.

Ewan Dunbar

It also depends on where you are as well. Its most commonly used in the US where a Showrunner is referred to as this most of the time, but is given an EP credit (mostly) whereas in the UK the showrunn...

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Jose Luis Madrigal

Could somebody tell me the differences between a Showrunner and a Executive producer? Are the executive producer or director going to change its name roll for Showrunner? 

Richard "RB" Botto

A showruuner is usually an executive producer as well. Often stars of the show and other key players can be executive producers as well.

We have a great class on this subject and others in our library....

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Jose Luis Madrigal

Ohh, ya. Thank you.

Richard "RB" Botto


Jose Luis Madrigal
Financing for a Ci-fi history.

Where do I begin?

I have this two series on

Pat Alexander

Make a list of Sci-Fi/History comps like Prey, Cowboys & Aliens, etc. Research the companies involved, figure out who financed it

Jose Luis Madrigal

Hey!!! New feature film script.

Written by José Luis Madrigal & JAN MAD / ZINEMOTION production.

Based in the nearest future, and the knowledge of the oldest past.In the year 2027, the earth habitant´s have to escape from the Third World War, and must fight against the enemy to reach the spaceship to...

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Jose Luis Madrigal

I´m pleased to announce that we finish the Season 2 of "Envoys of Time" (ENVIADOS DEL TIEMPO) based on the literary novel of "Marilyn's Destiny" (EL DESTINO DE MARILYN) by Alejandra Jaime. Founding writer of Blue Mind myths and series, I recommend you stay connected to learn more about this magnificent story.

Jose Luis Madrigal

Love without anesthesia

Movie script


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Jose Luis Madrigal
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Arri 35

Presentation of the Arri 35 at Expo pantalla CDMX. A nice camera with 17 steps.

Jose Luis Madrigal

Amigos guionistas, voy a comenzar el primer módulo del Work Shop en Desarrollo de guión para producción.

Se requiere tener guión de largometraje o cortometraje en su último draft.


1.- Subrayado de guión (semana 1).

2.- Desglose de necesidades y listas de producción (arte, locaciones, foto...

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Jose Luis Madrigal
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Break down paralisis espacial

Jose Luis Madrigal
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ZM intros

Jose Luis Madrigal

It's imporatnt to understand visual narrative to understand as a writter how to conform actions and description, if not, you are just writting a novel. JL ZM

Richard "RB" Botto

Completely agree, Jose Luis

Drew Vaeth

Yes! Always striving to create an imagery with my script writing that clearly paints the scene but also leaves plenty of room for interpretation.

Richard "RB" Botto

Good strategy, Drew. I dig.

Jose Luis Madrigal
Carnal Love

Hi! I have finish the traduction of the script Carnal Love, it was a little bit difficult for me couse the English, but it's finish. About a 90 pages romantic drama film script for 500k budget.

Angela Cristantello

Jose, that's wonderful news! Congratulations to you!

Jose Luis Madrigal

Thank you!!! You're welcome.

Jose Luis Madrigal

You should read the following posts to understand one of the methods I use to create a script.

I call it "The script loop"

This is just a combination of a few book resources and basic script writing structures, there are hundreds of other ways to do it.


The ideas are generated from the imaginatio...

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Jose's network

Issa Guerra
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Guillermo Navajo
Hélène Cardona
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