Hey! How are you? Could somebody tell me the differences between a Showrunner and a Executive producer? Are the executive producer or director going to change its name roll for Showrunner?
Hey! How are you? Could somebody tell me the differences between a Showrunner and a Executive producer? Are the executive producer or director going to change its name roll for Showrunner?
Could somebody tell me the differences between a Showrunner and a Executive producer? Are the executive producer or director going to change its name roll for Showrunner?
A showruuner is usually an executive producer as well. Often stars of the show and other key players can be executive producers as well.
We have a great class on this subject and others in our library....
Expand commentA showruuner is usually an executive producer as well. Often stars of the show and other key players can be executive producers as well.
We have a great class on this subject and others in our library.
Also, one piece of advice, when you post to your wall, you are only posting to people in your network. When you post to the Lounge, you post to everyone in the community.
Ohh, ya. Thank you.
Where do I begin?
I have this two series on https://zinemotion.com.mx/films.html
Make a list of Sci-Fi/History comps like Prey, Cowboys & Aliens, etc. Research the companies involved, figure out who financed it
Hey!!! New feature film script.
Written by José Luis Madrigal & JAN MAD / ZINEMOTION production.
Based in the nearest future, and the knowledge of the oldest past.In the year 2027, the earth habitant´s have to escape from the Third World War, and must fight against the enemy to reach the spaceship to...
Expand postHey!!! New feature film script.
Written by José Luis Madrigal & JAN MAD / ZINEMOTION production.
Based in the nearest future, and the knowledge of the oldest past.In the year 2027, the earth habitant´s have to escape from the Third World War, and must fight against the enemy to reach the spaceship to a space station.A cybernetic news announcer show the massive destruction of counties, the first nuclear war. Copyright ©2023
I´m pleased to announce that we finish the Season 2 of "Envoys of Time" (ENVIADOS DEL TIEMPO) based on the literary novel of "Marilyn's Destiny" (EL DESTINO DE MARILYN) by Alejandra Jaime. Founding writer of Blue Mind myths and series, I recommend you stay connected to learn more about this magnificent story.
Presentation of the Arri 35 at Expo pantalla CDMX. A nice camera with 17 steps.
Amigos guionistas, voy a comenzar el primer módulo del Work Shop en Desarrollo de guión para producción.
Se requiere tener guión de largometraje o cortometraje en su último draft.
1.- Subrayado de guión (semana 1).
2.- Desglose de necesidades y listas de producción (arte, locaciones, foto...
Expand postAmigos guionistas, voy a comenzar el primer módulo del Work Shop en Desarrollo de guión para producción.
Se requiere tener guión de largometraje o cortometraje en su último draft.
1.- Subrayado de guión (semana 1).
2.- Desglose de necesidades y listas de producción (arte, locaciones, foto, dirección, vfx y producción.) (Semana 2)
Las actividades se realizan en 2 semanas, los días martes y jueves en sesiones de 2 horas.
Al que le interese invertir en su proyecto por favor mandenme un mail a: dogmad21@zinemotion.com.mx
El taller tiene un costo de recuperación en pesos mexicanos por semana.
Manden mail para más información y detalles.
Break down paralisis espacial
ZM intros
It's imporatnt to understand visual narrative to understand as a writter how to conform actions and description, if not, you are just writting a novel. JL ZM
Completely agree, Jose Luis
Yes! Always striving to create an imagery with my script writing that clearly paints the scene but also leaves plenty of room for interpretation.
Good strategy, Drew. I dig.
Hi! I have finish the traduction of the script Carnal Love, it was a little bit difficult for me couse the English, but it's finish. About a 90 pages romantic drama film script for 500k budget.
Jose, that's wonderful news! Congratulations to you!
Thank you!!! You're welcome.
You should read the following posts to understand one of the methods I use to create a script.
I call it "The script loop"
This is just a combination of a few book resources and basic script writing structures, there are hundreds of other ways to do it.
The ideas are generated from the imaginatio...
Expand postYou should read the following posts to understand one of the methods I use to create a script.
I call it "The script loop"
This is just a combination of a few book resources and basic script writing structures, there are hundreds of other ways to do it.
The ideas are generated from the imagination or experiences lived by the writer himself. Once this idea is clear, this will be the starting point and center of film production.
The topic is what the idea is about, that is, it is what is being talked about, for example; Love, revenge, narco, ci-fi, etc. Examples: - A young man falls in love with a girl. - A police officer seeks revenge for a murder. - The haunted house eats souls.
It is the main idea of the story structured in such a way that the entire story can be told in a couple of sentences. The structure is like this; - In one place a Protagonist has a problem, and must act against the antagonist to reach the objective.
It is a chain of causes and effects (dialectic) constantly related, creating a unified pattern of actions and behaviors. The plot engages the reader in the game of Why?
The hook is the one that links one chapter to another, allowing the reader to get an idea of what will happen in the next chapter.
It is the one that tells us from beginning to end what happens in the story, emphasizing the main characters, their conflicts and outcomes.
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Hi Jose Luis Madrigal - building on what Lindbergh E Hollingsworth wrote, there are only showrunners in television and not in feature films.
On a feature film, the Director is the key creative positio...
Expand commentHi Jose Luis Madrigal - building on what Lindbergh E Hollingsworth wrote, there are only showrunners in television and not in feature films.
On a feature film, the Director is the key creative position and visionary that all departments look to for decisions and leadership while a Producer manages the production process and the financiers to deliver one finished product. On a feature, an Executive Producer credit usually goes to financiers who are somewhat hands-off.
On a TV series, where multiple episodes are delivered, it's a little more complicated... a Showrunner is the key creative position and visionary that all departments look to for decisions and they also manage their studio and/or network - they are responsible for delivering the series. As such, they often hire the multiple Directors used throughout a season and oversee the continuity of look and story and they often also hire a Head Writer to manage the writer's room, so they can oversee the entire process. However, there are many structures, including some Showrunners that act as the head writer and spend more time in the writer's room so they hire what's called a "Producing Director", who acts as their right hand on set overseeing all of the Directors used throughout a season (while directing a few episodes themselves) and managing continuity of look and tone. Many of these people receive Executive Producer credits but there is only one Showrunner (or one Showrunning team, like in the case of Game of Thrones). Executive Producers in TV are the most hands-on creatives and oversee the series while there are also tiers of credits that include Co-Executive Producers (usually higher-end writers in the room or Directors of multiple episodes). These credits are negotiated as part of each creative's deal and are occasionally dictated by guild rules. That's why you often see multiple Executive Producers on TV series.
4 people like this
Thank you, this is a great information.
2 people like this
It also depends on where you are as well. Its most commonly used in the US where a Showrunner is referred to as this most of the time, but is given an EP credit (mostly) whereas in the UK the showrunn...
Expand commentIt also depends on where you are as well. Its most commonly used in the US where a Showrunner is referred to as this most of the time, but is given an EP credit (mostly) whereas in the UK the showrunner is normally not officially called this, but is the EP effectively serving this role. Russel T. Davies on Doctor Who for example, was the creative lead but was referred to as the Executive Producer.