The Stage 32 Videos: Documentary

Jeepers The Story Behind the Crochet Ghost

Jeepers - The Story Behind the Crochet Ghost - Hyunmin and Carter star in a minidocumentary about an obsession that has taken hold of their friend Zaya. FOLLOW FOR MORE: - TikTok @third.edition - Instagram @third.edition.hzc - Youtube @Third.Edition For any questions, please send them to #comedy #thirdedition #hzc #hyunmin #zaya #carter #tv #filmandtv

Rising Wings - Copyright 2023

Prepare to embark on a captivating journey through time as "Rising Wings" takes flight on screens. This riveting documentary explores the rich cultural history, unique traditions, and passionate community surrounding waterfowl hunting and decoy making in America. From the 1860s to the present day, "Rising Wings" reveals the evolution of hunting methods, the growth of sport hunting, and the urgent need to protect our planet amid pollution and climate change. Copyright 2023

Küzdelem a végsőkig - dokumentumfilm GÉMESI CSANÁDRÓL…

KÜZDELEM A VÉGSŐKIG dokumentumfilm Gémesi Csanádról Főszerepben: Gémesi Csanád olimpiai bronzérmes, világ- és Európa-bajnok kardvívó A filmet készítette: Gémesi Gergely Producer: Orbán Gergely Forgalmazza: Voila Pictures Játékidő: 57 perc Műfaj: dokumentumfilm Formátum: 1920x1080 FULL HD, 16:9, colour Hang: stereo Nyelv: magyar Szinopszis Gémesi Csanád a kardvívás kiemelkedő alakja.

AMERICA'S WOMAN | Official Trailer

Written and directed by Marcelle Abela, co-produced with Charles Thompson, America's Woman is an in-depth exploration of George Washington's vision for America, its present impact on the United States, and the need for healing at all levels of the nation. The cast includes notable figures such as John Koopman III, Bonnie V.

LET US READ trailer

✨ Here's the premiere of the LET US READ trailer! It's so exciting to see all the hard work coming to life.

Casting Directing Producers For Thomas.mp4

This is about the show Thomas i hope you enjoy! This is a short video

The Journey Within - 2023 Trailer (Non-narrative Documentary Film)

The Journey Within Synopsis The Journey Within" is a non-narrative documentary film that embarks on a meditative exploration, capturing an intriguing juxtaposition of moments, both chaotic and serene, gathered from various corners of Asia. It weaves together a dreamlike compilation of scenes and sensations, showcasing people, faith, and stillness, all discovered on a personal journey made by the filmmaker.

Hair I Go Again Official Trailer

"Facing a mid-life crossroads, two longtime friends risk everything as they set out to fulfill their dreams of achieving rock & roll stardom. First and last chances happen only once as their improbable journey is chronicled in the Amazon's Choice & Prime Video #1 Bestseller, Hair I Go Again.

We won Best Documentary at the British Web Awards. Now we have to find a home for the film on a streaming platform or broadcast channel...any execs here who are interested?

Back in the 90s - Turns out "ACTOR" is hidden within my name.

In a time long ago in a land far away... I used to work as an Actor/Stuntman in the 90's. But it's not who i was just a job i had. Another Dream checked off the list as i continued my journey.

A crowdfunding pitch for my next documentary, MURDERED ON THE…

The crowdfunding campaign for my next documentary film, about the July 4, 1998 execution-style murders of Lin "Spit" Newborn and Daniel Shersty by neo-Nazi skinheads just outside of Las Vegas, is now live through November 1, 2023.
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