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Acting, Advice, Cinematography, Coffee & Content, Composing, Contests, Distribution, Featured, Filmmaking, Financing, Inspirational, Networking, Producing, Screenwriting, Success Stories, Tips, Trending,As a woman, I'm sometimes asked why I picked a male dominated business to be in. My response is always the same, “Besides nursing and teaching (with the exception of university, then the workplace mostly consists of males), most professions are already male dominated.” They stop and think about it and then say, “You’re right.” Any woman that wants to have a professional career of her own must always compete among the men. So I have had to learn to adjust mys…
Meet Stage 32 members from all over the world who have had success using Stage32.com! Like this blog post? Please share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email etc) by using social media buttons at the top of the blog. Or post to your personal blog and anywhere else you feel appropriate. Thank you. As always, we welcome thoughts and remarks on ANY of the content above in the Comments section below...
Greetings from the Cannes Film Festival! Deep in the planning for our panels, parties and meetups, not to mention a full slate of meetings on the agenda, so no big opening this week. But, fear not! I’ve still collected a wide and varied list of news and information for you to enjoy this weekend. As always, I welcome discussion and debate on any of the content below in the Comments section! Bonjour! RB
If I ever told my mother that I was homeless when I stayed in Savannah, GA for film school, she would have killed me. I remember the day I graduated from Virginia State University and thinking to myself… 'What the hell am I going to do now that I graduated school?' I just received my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management, but I knew that was not what I wanted to do. My heart wasn’t in it at all. I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to be, but I just d…
Stage 32 member and costume designer Rachael Kras is an artist with an extensive background in the professional performing arts. She’s worked on productions such as Les Miserables, Miss Saigon and Sweeny Todd (among others) all stemming from her incredible training and pedigree in….(double take)…computer network operations? Huh? Don’t back track. You read that right. Rachael has been the resident Costume Designer for Wonderbound (formerly known as Ballet Nouve…
Today I welcome a Stage 32 member that really needs no introduction, producer, writer, director and the Founder of the Raindance Film Festival, Elliot Grove. Elliot has been around the industry for over 20 years through his festival and has helped debut many critically acclaimed independent films including What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Once, and even Christopher Nolan's first film The Following. It's Elliot's undying love for independent cinema and the independent filmmaker that has earne…
Welcome to the first weekend of 2015, everyone, and a very Happy New Year to you all. Due to travel and time constraints, there is no Weekend Blog this week. Instead, I thought it would be a great time to discuss and share our plans and goals for the coming year. Some of what I am planning on accomplishing in 2015 includes writing 2 scripts, completing my crowdsourcing book for Focal Press, dipping my toes back into acting, filming a short and implementing a myriad of Stage 32 init…