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Coffee & Content - Taking Your Filmmaking to the Next Level & The Clues to a Great Story

Another Sunday, another edition of Coffee & Content.  I'm going a little French press style this morning...How about you? I'm truly excited about this week's C&C.  I have two vids that are simply off the charts. To kick things off, I have a video from the fine creatives from Mango Street.  This one is titled Take Your Filmmaking to the Next Level, and as per usual with their content, I think you'll find there's something to take away no matter what your experienc…

Coffee & Content - Sean Baker on Screenwriting and Directing & Cinematography Composition and Framing

Happy first Sunday of 2018, everyone.  Excited to bring you the first Coffee & Content of the new year. If you're not familiar with Coffee & Content, it's a weekly blog (schedule permitting) where I share with you some of the cool material I've consumed over the previous week.  My goal is to inspire and motivate.  All I ask in return is that you share the content through your social media channels or via email with those you think would benefit.  Now...Some …

Coffee & Content - 9 Award Hopeful Screenplays to Download!

Hey guys.  Welcome to the weekend. Is there anything better on a cold winter's morning than curling up with a hot cup of coffee and a good screenplay?  If you answered "Yes", too bad, that's all I have for you.  For the rest of you, I'm happy to provide you with links to NINE screenplays hoping to get some recognition this awards season. As always, I welcome remarks and discussion in the Comments section below.  But more importantly, this is the season of giving, so…

Cofee & Content - Steven Spielberg's 10 Rules for Success & Joe Eszterhas on Screenwriting

  Happy Sunday, everyone. Taking a quick break from speaking and mentoring at the Seattle Film Summit to bring you some insightful and useful content to go with your coffee. First up, Steven Spielberg shares his 10 Rules for Success. Next, the legendary Joe Eszterhas shares his thoughts on screenwriting.  Never a dull moment when Joe is involved. As always, all I ask is that you pay it forward and share this content through your social media (or other) channels. Sit back,…

Coffee & Content - Crafting the Perfect Villain & 5 Things a Director Does on Set

Happy first Sunday of December, everyone.  Today I have two videos for you that I think you'll enjoy quite a bit.  First up, what makes a great villain?  The video essay Crash of Ideologies - Crafting the Perfect Villain explores the relationship between some of film's most memorable heroes and villains. Second, a terrific video from Film Courage featuring one of our favorite Stage 32 educators, James Kicklighter.  James, a writer, director and mentor to many a film…

Coffee & Content - Tips from Sundance Screenwriters & Depth Through Subtext

Happy Sunday, everyone.  To all those celebrating, I hope you had a fantastic holiday weekend. A little cloudy and cool where I am today.  Seems like a perfect time for an Italian dark roast and some film related content. First up, from our friends at Film Riot, I have a look on how to add depth your filmmaking (and storytelling) through visual subtext.  Next, tips, tricks and advice from some successful screenwriters who have had films play at Sundance.  And as a…

Coffee & Content - Framing Relationships in Fargo & Storytelling Through Editing

Hey guys. Happy Sunday. Today, two more videos for you to enjoy with your morning java. First up, it's a look at how the Coen Brothers used very specific framing techniques to define character relationships in Fargo. I love this one...I think you will as well Next up, I have a brilliant look at editing in storytelling. This video is a piece of art unto itself that will no doubt invite repeat viewings. As always, all I ask in return is that you pay it forward and share this content thr…

Coffee & Content - Up Your Storytelling Game & The Art of Creativity

Happy Sunday, everyone.  Let's brew some dark roast and enjoy some content.  How about it? My first video today comes from Teppo Haapoja who lends some thoughts on how to up your storytelling game by grabbing all the shots you need to assure you're not getting caught short in the editing room. Next, I have an oldie but a goodie.  It's a fantastic TEDx talk from visual artist, actor, writer and director Taika Waititi called The Art of Creativity.  Consume, bookmark, …

Coffee & Content - Brand Building for Screenwriters & Jordan Peele's Inspiring Keynote

Sorry I missed you guys last week! It's been a whirlwind these last few weeks attending and speaking at iTVFest, Austin and now AFM. It's also been enormously rewarding. Never gets old meeting so many inspiring and talented Stage 32 members. Further, it's been fascinating to hear the tales and strategies of various creatives and executives as it relates to this ever-changing landscape of writing, filmmaking and distribution. I hope to share more in the coming weeks. In the meantime, how …

Coffee & Content - 29 Screenwriter Mistakes & Roger Deakins' Connection to Cinematography

Happy Sunday to you all.  Hope you're also enjoying and participating in Introduce Yourself Weekend! Today, I have two immersive videos for you to enjoy.  First up, it's a collection of 29 screenwriting mistakes from our good friends over at Film Courage.  Next, Roger Deakins gives you an intimate look at his personal connection to cinematography. Brew yourself a nice cuppa, kick back, and enjoy the content! Cheers! RB 29 Screenwriting Mistakes   Roger Deakin…

Coffee & Content - Building Your Creative Confidence & How an Artist Turns Pro

Happy Sunday to all. Today, I have two videos that lean toward the inspirational.  First up, it's a TED Talk with David Kelly - How to Build Your Creative Confidence.  This is one I have a feeling many of you will bookmark and watch repeatedly. Also falling into that category is my 2nd video for today - How to be Creative: How an Artist Turns Pro.  I think you'll find yourself motivated and ready to get those creative juices flowing. Enjoy the java and the content.&nbs…

Coffee & Content - Lessons From Blade Runner & The Hero's Journey

Jacked up on some serious Ethiopian dark roast this morning.  Pretty jacked up about the content as well. On this fine Sunday, I'm bringing you two fantastic videos I think you might want to watch more than once. First up, lessons from the script of the original Blade Runner.  The sequel is now upon us and it seems as good a time as any to revisit what made BR work and why it's had such a lasting influence not only for film geeks, but for those writing sci-fi as well. Next, …

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