Find work or representation? Cast your film or project? Secure funding? Made a career altering connection? Maybe Stage 32 just kept you in the game?!
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Here is the trailer for my first feature film, Purgatory Station, starring Angus Benfield and Bob Gunton (Shawshank Redemption).
Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal" Man, this looks awesome! Good to see you!
In today’s blog, Pat Semler talks about what happened after she won the Stage 32 & Palm Springs Women in Film and Television Contest. She also gives helpful advice and insight in the blog.
Expand postVictoria Ulmos, an Actor from Miami, Florida was just hired for the project titled "Main Character Casting - Young Actress". Congratulations!
George Linardakis, a Producer from Athens, Greece was just hired for the project titled "THE GOBBLER". Congratulations!
You're welcome, George Linardakis. Looking forward to working together.
Maurice mentioned that we can extract a short story from our feature script. So, that's what I did. I made a short from my script, JUST ONE INCH which has won 16 awards so far and called it THE SCRIBE. It just won Quarterfinalist in its first competition. So, thank you soooo much, Maurice!
Thanks, Stephanie, but I wasn't trying to get a pat on the back for me. Maurice is the one who gave me the great idea.
Fair enough, but 16 awards is nothing to sneeze at! And yes, Maurice has a keen eye and deserves credit for turning your facet of story into a separate, award-winning creation. Henceforth, I will celebrate you both!
Thank you, Stephanie O'Leary.
I got my second pitch feedback, and she loved it, said it even has promise. Her only complaint was the budget since it’s an animation. So hopefully I can figure out with adding that to the pitch and getting every episode down for the first season!
WAY TO GOOOOO Justin Groats
Stage 32 members had a lot of success last month! Check out today’s blog to read the success stories and celebrate with everyone! If you had success of any kind on Stage 32 last month, congratulations!
Expand postAmerican DirProdWrit, a Producer was just hired for the project titled "Screenplay Feature-Length Producer". Congratulations!
Stage 32 member Lee Shargel’s show is being produced! Check out today’s blog to see how Stage 32 turned his dream into a reality.
Expand postYou're welcome, Lee Shargel.
CC Williams of Razor Blade Productions has paid me an Option Deposit as well as sending me a Letter of Intent regarding the development of my screenplay RED PLANET BLUES - A SPACE NOIR
Couldn't be more thrilled for you, Kelly Anelons! Hope you've been well!
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3 people like this
That's great, Pat Semler! Congratulations to you, the cast, and crew!
3 people like this
Congratulations ! It Looks Amazing !
2 people like this
how exciting!!