Ninad N. Badade, a Screenwriter from Pune, India was just hired for the project titled "BIPOC Writers for Horror Development". Congratulations!
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Ninad N. Badade, a Screenwriter from Pune, India was just hired for the project titled "BIPOC Writers for Horror Development". Congratulations!
Ninad N. Badade, a Screenwriter from Pune, India was just hired for the project titled "BIPOC Writers for Horror Development". Congratulations!
Arthas Aslan, a Screenwriter was just hired for the project titled "BIPOC Writers for Horror Development". Congratulations!
Dashiell Finley, a Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California was just hired for the project titled "screenwriting for television". Congratulations!
You're welcome, Dashiell Finley.
Dea Divi, a Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California was just hired for the project titled "screenwriting for television". Congratulations!
In today’s blog, Kristen Lucas (Producer, Founder of Goldilocks Productions, and Stage 32 Executive) talks about how she and her partner Jim Langlois found the MERRILY ALL THE WAY script through Stage 32, which is in development!
Expand postFran Ervin, a Screenwriter from New York City, New York was just hired for the project titled "screenwriting for television". Congratulations!
Judd Cherry, a Producer from Austin, Texas was just hired for the project titled "screenwriting for television". Congratulations!
Stage 32 members had a lot of success last month! Check out today’s blog to read the success stories and celebrate with everyone in the blog’s comments! And if you had success of any kind on Stage 32 last month, congratulations!
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That feeling you get when someone you’ve never met before gets excited about your TV show idea is hard to explain…but damn it feels good.
Just received that Stage32 “Congratulations” email and these beautiful words…
Overall, "**** ****** *****" has the potential to capture a broad audience by blending...
Expand postYes, congratulations Mark Palmer great news!
A few weeks ago I decided to pitch my new TV show idea to a producer here on Stage32 Pitch Sessions that was looking for the very idea I’d been carrying around with me for a few years…
A few days later another producer showed up also looking for what I was offering, so I pitched to them to…thinking t...
Expand postIt is all so subjective - BUT it had to be frustrating to hear they would ask for the script and then pass. Maybe they were looking for a certain genre and passed? But the comment about age was ridicu...
Expand commentI would like to nip something in the bud here. I think there's a HUGE misconception on this post about what a "pass" means on a pitch or coverage. It doesn't mean your work is not good. It doesn't mea...
Expand commentBeing in business as a writer for over 25 years I understand the difference between professionalism & rude, unprofessional behavior. And what I experienced during that pitch & after was unbelievably r...
Expand commentTop 3! Congratulations, Xochi Blymyer!
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Congratulations, Ninad!
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2 people like this
Congratulations, Ninad.
3 people like this