Tom D'Alimonte: Animator in Nashua, New Hampshire.

Daniel Kim
Prema Rose

Well done! I have an animated/live action musical, The Microcosmic Cartoon Show, in development. I'd like to be in touch with you.

Don Diego

Very good. Impressing.

Matthew Parvin

Impressive. Most impressive. Not just good animation, but stylized. I like artists with their own look.

Jac Davyn

Hi everyone, I am French with a French accent. My question is, do you think it is important to get rid of it to succeed? Because everyone I meet tells me that it is cute and I think this is one of my thing, like a particularity... But on the other hand, I often read that it is better to not have an...

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Raymond Zachariasse

I think in Hollywood you should, but as a person I think you should not. However, with an accent you do get type cast. I know with Dutch (I am one) you will get German roles. Only when you are really...

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Steve James

Aren't you working in France?

Emma Cavalier

Hi Jac,

When it comes to casting in North America there is a growing need for diverse performers with different backgrounds. Definitely don't lose what makes you unique. It's not as though you have to...

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Tom D'Alimonte

Welcome to Missing Pieces

These are various video projects that I've either done for myself, my business (as is the first one here) or for clients. In all, I have done the editing of the various video clips, still pictures, special effects, titling/lettering, audio, soundtrack and audio overlays. Using either source material I have shot myself, created from other media or obtained from my clients or licensed. Copyright applies to all.

Tom D'Alimonte

Got Bud? Joe Namath intros Bud Bowl vs Got Milk! Who will win?

Remember those great Bud Bowl commercials that Budweiser always created for the Super Bowl? This is an ode to them and yet its a bit of a parody in that in the end, it pokes a little fun at the whole thing. Produced with NO advanced tools, other than CorelPaint, Windows MovieMaker, Audacity, a Nikon camera and some poster board and bottles, toys, and a stocking! The background in my Bud Bowl commercial is a composite of the Meadowlands (field) and Metlife (Met-owlands? ;-) (stands). I am a video editor, and as my company I do Computer/Home Theater cleanup/repair/install, even cellphones these days. See for more

Tom D'Alimonte

'50s Adventures of Superman - Intro Redone

I remixed the classic '50s George Reeves' Superman Intro with cuts from Christopher Reeve's Superman, Brandon Routh's Superman Returns and the '90s Superman TAS cartoon. Kept all the original audio and matched it to new visuals, leaving enough of itself to still BE itself. For all those fans of ALL Supermans! ;-) Dedicated to the memory of George, Chris and Dana Reeve(s). Tom D'Alimonte Missing Pieces Nashua, NH

Tom D'Alimonte

Schoolhouse Rock - I'm Just a Bill - Legally Blonde Remix

The classic Schoolhouse Rock remixed for the movies. I was going to just post the Legally Blonde 2 version of I'm Just a Bill, performed by Deluxx Folk Implosion... But then I started remixing the remix... with the original! So as an ode to the great original, you'll see it pop up within the live action. And along the way, I discovered a quick and easy way to transparently overlay video sources in Windows MovieMaker... a feature it 'doesn't' have! (I'll have a write that up sometime! :-) Tom D'Alimonte Missing Pieces Nashua, NH

Tom D'Alimonte

The 12 Pains of Xmas - Twisted Christmas ~ style!

I do a lot of video editing for customers. Always had a vision of this song in my head... well, here it all is! ;-) Enjoy and Happy Holidays! (this is NOT one of those automated videos - I did all the picture gathering, cutting and pasting, timing, special effects management, using only Windows Movie Maker)

Tom D'Alimonte

Calvin & Hobbes - Back in Time... with Snacks!

My attempt to utilize existing comic strips to create animation in a stuttered, simplistic style, not unlike reading the comics themselves. Doing this by adding as little as possible to the comic drawings themselves, cutting and pasting parts of the stills, including dialog, in cell-animation style, adding as few little bits of drawing and color as necessary, to complete the animation. Adding dialog using my own voice for both characters, but passing Calvin's speech thru Audacity to create a 'second' voice.

Tom D'Alimonte

Bum or a Slob

This video shows and expresses what's going on in my buddy's life right now, being unemployed and trying SO hard to find a job and make things work! I gave him a hand creating the video from REALLY raw footage he took on a one shot basis! Amazing we brought it together at all, nonetheless IN ONLY 5 HOURS! :-)

Tom D'Alimonte

Santa Claus

Another song from my friend who did "Bum or Slob". He got too jazzed doing that, he wanted me to do this one for him as well, but it was way too late so I had to throw him out! lol I did it later in an hour, right after midnight! (I'm great under stress and late night deadlines - it was Xmas Eve! ;-)

Tom D'Alimonte

Wii go to New York City! (part 1)

My daughter and I went to explore NYC for Spring Break. This part shows our getting to our hotel, a block from the Empire State Building :-), visiting THE Macys that my uncle used to run and our Statue of Liberty trek. Wii let our Nintendo Wii do the slide show here for us! Wii plugged in my SD card from my camera into our Wii, went to the Photo app and used its features to add some cute stuff to a pic of my daughter and turned a couple of videos and pics to face the right way. Other than that, the Wii did the rest! It added the music, the slide-animation, sorted everything timewise. All I did was record it to my computer, split it to fit on YouTube and add the credits at the ends! The biggest problem was the music. A bouncy, upbeat theme would have been fine for lots of the stuff, bangin' around NY, but wouldn't have worked for the more sober parts like Ground Zero. Had to pick something in between, that would work with both. The first theme the Wii picked turned out to be the best! All this from a videogame? You gotta get a Wii! You Wiill love it! ;-) Tom D'Alimonte Missing Pieces Nashua, NH

Tom D'Alimonte

Wii go to New York City (part 2)

My daughter and I went to explore NYC for Spring Break. This part shows the streets of Lower Manhattan as we made our way to Ground Zero, then our night at the Empire State Building, and then next day on the train going back to Long Island. Wii let our Nintendo Wii do the slide show here for us! Wii plugged in my SD card from my camera into our Wii, went to the Photo app and used its features to add some cute stuff to a pic of my daughter and turned a couple of videos and pics to face the right way. Other than that, the Wii did the rest! It added the music, the slide-animation, sorted everything timewise. All I did was record it to my computer, split it to fit on YouTube and add the credits at the ends! The biggest problem was the music. A bouncy, upbeat theme would have been fine for lots of the stuff, bangin' around NY, but wouldn't have worked for the more sober parts like Ground Zero. Had to pick something in between, that would work with both. The first theme the Wii picked turned out to be the best! All this from a videogame? You gotta get a Wii! You Wiill love it! ;-) Tom D'Alimonte Missing Pieces Nashua, NH

Tom D'Alimonte

Pool Party - June 2005

This was a pool party video in my complex in Bay Ridge, Nashua NH. I spliced it together from lots of little videos I took with a cheapy little $99 camera. Shows what you can do with so little!

Tom D'Alimonte

Red Hot Society's Valentine Cabaret at Alpine Grove, Nashua NH

Red Hot Society did a Valentine's Cabaret at the Alpine Grove in Nashua to raise money for a charity. The available video was grainy and low quality, so it had to be creatively cut and used.

Tom D'Alimonte

School Lost Episode 2 - Part 1 of 7 [Re-edited!]

[This is a new, cleaned up version of School Lost! Brought the video quality up, drove the contrast as far as possible to clear the video & produce deep blacks & in the case of Part 1, re-edited back in the lost Episode 1 scenes without losing the fast pace of the Episode 2 startup! Enjoy...] In a galaxy far far away... oh never mind. LONG before there were fan films, heck long before there were camcorders, there was School Lost. This may not be THE oldest fan film, but it's got to be ONE of the oldest. School Lost was a labor of love of the class of 1978 of Ward Melville High School, Setauket NY. Video taped in stunning Black and White over a period of 3 years in our spare time, after school and during summer vacations, on a shoe string budget from our own pockets. It's a satirical poke at the science fiction genre, with obvious references to Star Trek, Star Wars, Lost in Space, Space 1999, Andromeda Strain and even Monty Python. SYNOPSIS: Ward Melville High School is blasted into space by a physics experiment in the science lab gone wrong. Quick thinking by the students (and lots of duct tape to seal the windows) has converted the school into a make-shift spacecraft (now dubbed the USS Melville). The Melville is now lost in space, searching for a new world to settle on. However, they are being chased across the galaxy by their nemesis Leer, a renegade substitute teacher who chases them in a spacecraft shaped like a Volkswagen Beatle. Leer and his fanatical followers, the Leeralien "Seppies" are intent on bringing the students of the Melville back to Earth to force them to join his alternative education program SEP (Student Enrichment Program).

Tom D'Alimonte

Thanks for connect! Always good to meet someone from this area! :-)

Kimberly Perdue-Sims

Thanks for the friendship Tom! Peace!

Tom D'Alimonte

Thanks! :-D

Tom D'Alimonte

VIRUS WARNING: DON'T DO YOUR TAXES ON A DIRTY/VIRUSED COMPUTER! Just had a customer who's identity got compromised WHILE doing their taxes! Doesn't seem to matter whether its with a dedicated installed program or an 'on-line' version. The viruses watch as you nicely provide ALL the info, all in one...

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Tom D'Alimonte

Watching this on H2 right now. They showed the President's Situation room screen that I designed the first of, back in 1985 when I was at Booz Allen & Hamilton! :-D The first fully electronic version with multiple multimedia and data sources, back BEFORE PCs even had more than _4_ colors (we jokingl...

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