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Acting, Advice, Cinematography, Coffee & Content, Composing, Contests, Distribution, Featured, Filmmaking, Financing, Inspirational, Networking, Producing, Screenwriting, Success Stories, Tips, Trending,Does the divisive and often volatile environment in which we live cause you to pause in your writing endeavors? Do you hesitate? Do you feel restricted and unable to explore diverse or controversial themes? Or maybe you find that access to truthful information is so difficult to come by and discern that it has stifled the authenticity of your own voice. Does the little thumbs-up or thumbs-down emoji strike fear in you, making you worry that you might lose supporters—often those who…
Giving up. It’s a phase, I believe, that all good writers grapple with at some point. "It’s too hard." "I’m not good enough." "Maybe I should have been a banker." These are all thoughts that have crossed my mind (except the banker part) at one time or another throughout my many years as a writer. Thoughtful, calculating, creative, innovative, imaginative – all qualities that make a great writer - can harvest overthinking, and insecurity, and make us question our v…