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Acting, Advice, Cinematography, Coffee & Content, Composing, Contests, Distribution, Featured, Filmmaking, Financing, Inspirational, Networking, Producing, Screenwriting, Success Stories, Tips, Trending,The mother of all skill is repetition! To have the confidence you want to show on stage, or in the audition room, you have to be willing to go the extra mile. Be willing to rehearse and practice more than others and go beyond what your body and mind think is enough. When you go the extra mile and drill your work over and over, that is when your skills become sharp and your confidence grows. This past year I was asked to perform my current solo show, The American Soldier, plus a new sol…
Keeping yourself prepared is one significant way to make sure that luck is on your side. Success in our business requires 120% effort every day, so you must always be preparing and working on your craft. Work hard on your dialects, monologues, auditioning and camera skills, so that when opportunity comes, you are ready. You will never know when opportunity will come knocking and when it does, if you’re not ready, it will fly on by. Opportunity will always award those who are prep…
Through my experience of working on low budget and independent films for the past 15 years, I have learned a few crucial and important rules that can help you survive the jungle of what is the independent film world, or better known as Guerrilla Film making. Working on independent films where the budgets are small, the sets are grueling and sometimes in extreme conditions, it’s important to take control where you can. When you find yourself on a challenging set, remind yourself t…
As a young actor starting out, having your name on IMDb is a strong step in establishing yourself in the business. It is not the be all and end all and in time it will happen. If you want to start building your resume on the mothership of all websites for actors, with a little bit of hard work, you can grow your resume on IMDb. You can shoot a web series, a short film or a documentary with you as the narrator, oupload it to Vimeo or Youtube and then list it on IMDb as a short film. Her…
Do you often intend to check your emails quickly before your day starts and end up sitting with them for longer than you wanted? Do you feel stressed from the massive amount of disorganization in your inbox and are spending more time organizing them than actually working on your goals? You are not alone. Email technology is amazing, I love it, however as much as it can empower us, it can overwhelm us. Staying in control of your emails allows you to save time and focus on other areas of …
There is incredible power as a performer when you make the choice to create and produce your own projects. By creating my own pieces and producing my own work, I have been reviewed by the New York Times, received four and five stars for my performance at the Edinburgh Fringe, nominated for an Amnesty International Award, received significant film exposure at several film festivals and have dramatically strengthened my resume and network. Oh and I kind of had fun doing it and gained a lot…