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I want to start this, my very first blog ever, on a positive note. Just two days ago I finally opened a Facebook account and I must say, my phobias about it have subsided little by little. I’ve received over a dozen requests and 'likes' and I've come across lots of co-workers from my years at TWA, who I simply lost track of once the company closed down in 2002. Discovering Facebook brought joy into my sort of lonely life, but the most exciting part is seeing and keep…

Nine Questions That Directors Have For Film Composers

The art of filmmaking is one of the most collaborative projects that exists. So many roles play a part in the making of a film. Communication, camaraderie, and collective skills all play a part in making just one scene on the set. It is amazing that a creative thought that pops into a writer’s head turns into a whole story. Then that story turns out to be a brilliant idea. Now, the story that was in the writer’s head, is being acted out and created by cast members and a …

Stories vs. Situations: How to Know Your Story Will Work

If I were to ask you, “Do you know what a story is?” you would probably feel a little put out. After all, you’ve probably been writing stories for a long time, in fact, you might even make your living from writing stories and you're probably thinking ' Honestly, he’s asking me that? The cheek!' 'Story' is a common term d'art in the world of creative writing — everyone knows what a story is, right? You would think so, but, alas, this is not the case. So don…

OFF THE PAGE - The Anatomy of a Table Read

One of the great joys for a playwright or screenwriter is seeing and hearing our stories come to life. While a full production of your screenplay might not be in the immediate future, a table read is a simple and accessible way to hear and evaluate your work. I recently organized a table read of my new screenplay 'The Manny'. The screenplay had already received coverage, been submitted and placed in several contests, but I felt I now needed to hear the completed work read in order to ho…

A Drive To Produce

The bug for cinema and filmmaking hit me hard in the summer of 1970. On that hot July day I sneaked through the back door of the local theatre and ensconced myself into a rickety folding seat not more than 15 yards from the screen. The purpose of my stealthy activity was two-fold: first, I wanted to escape the oppressive heat outside and the theatre was an iceberg in the midst of a desert; second, and perhaps of greater importance, I could not just but a ticket and walk in as the show on…

Actors! It's Time To Quit Waiting Around For A Break

Hello, Stage 32 Members! We are excited to introduce you all to Brian Patacca, a professional working actor, host, and the Founder of ActorSalon New York & LA. Below, are a few clips from his Actor Real Talk series that are sure to inspire and direct you to growth, wherever you are in your career. Though Brian primarily coaches actors much of his wisdom can be applied across creative positions.  In this batch of short clips, Brian tackles the issue of waiting around for somethi…

A Writer´s Journey Through Time And Space

Imagine a happy boy going to school, a straight A student, popular, loved by his peers and pretty much everyone around him. Even though he has an illness called Haemophilia (a blood-clothing disorder), he does not let it determine his existence and who he is. He works hard, he studies, he dreams and plans of becoming a doctor, so that he may help others, as people are helping him while he is constantly in and out of the hospital. Then, the war in Bosnia comes. This boy was raised in a h…

Empty Mailboxes and Phones That Do Not Ring

Silence is defined as the absence of any noise or sound; stillness. However, for a freelancer it is the most deafening (and terrifying) noise one can experience. The absence of your ringtone, text tone, or email notification tone going off for a lengthy period of time segues into the five stages of a grief-like state for a freelancer. First, there is denial. Your phone must be broken. Overnight, without you knowing, your home had a cement shell constructed around it, preventing you fro…

Six Steps to Rewarding Professional Relationships

The college party scene extras shuffled onto the set, dodging lighting standards and avoiding electrical cables, a twenty year old blonde stood beside me, she was to be my dancing partner for the shoot. This was my first feature film and I would not be acknowledged in any of the credits. Dancing with my partner among a group of twenty other students, without the aid of music felt awkward and exhilarating. Two rules of life on the set came out that day—‘Don’t look at t…

"So... You're An Actor?"

How many times have people asked you what you do for a ‘living’ at a party, on a train, plane, automobile (isn’t that a movie?) It must be one of the most commonly asked questions, certainly a way of moving on from the ‘name’ part of the opening discourse, which is generally always forgotten! I’ve found that in the eight years or so I’ve been acting, I am met with generally two very opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of reaction to the state…

Parenting a Freelance Career Through the Growing Pains

As a father, I am always proud watching my five-year-old daughter discover and accomplish things that, while innate or simple to me as an adult, are milestones for her. She is a beautiful piece of veined marble that I enjoy watching as the sculpture deep within is slowly revealed. She believes she can be anything she wants to be when she grows up and my wife and I encourage that. Right now she wants to be a 'Fire fighter Doctor', an honorable profession if there ever was one. I am envio…

How To Direct A Feature Film With Nothing.

Tips on techniques I used on the feature film ON THE HORIZON. On The Horizon was a process that took four years. I’ve learned a lot in that period of time. For the past 12 years, I have been working on short films, music videos and now feature films. All my projects have always been done the same way, with barely any budget and no crew at all, but I was still successful. I won festivals around the world and secured funding for two feature films. I wanted to share with you some cru…

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