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Starting Up Your Own Animation IP

Today I welcome regular contributor Einar Gabbassoff, a seasoned technical artist and creative director, back to the Stage 32 Blog. Einar made his debut on the Stage 32 Blog with Jurassic Park - 22 Years Later (the CGI Evolution). If you haven't given that one a whirl, do so, it's a phenomenal read. And, for that matter, so is today's entry! I think you'll agree. Today's post came from Einar's impressive blog Renderstory and I'm excited to share it with you. Enjoy! RB

It Takes A Team

What do you do when you don't live in one of the world's main entertainment hubs? You take matters into your own hands and create. That's exactly what Stage 32 screenwriter John Radtke from Spring Green, Wisconsin decided to do. Upon joining Stage 32, John discovered there were a tremendous amount of talented film creatives in his area, so he formed the Midwest Film Group in the Stage 32 Meetup section. After only one meeting the group decided to produce a short film together. Now, month…

The 10 Most Common Reasons Why Scripts Are Rejected

One of the most frustrating things for any screenwriter (believe me, I know) is getting a pass on a script with no explanation. The dreaded "Not for me" leaves us guessing as to what didn't connect and questioning our confidence in the material. Sometimes, however, if we're willing to be honest with ourselves, the answers can be easily found and remedied. Today, I welcome Corey Mandell, a teacher of screenwriting at UCLA and a Stage 32 Next Level Education instructor (check out his webi…

Welcome to Hollywood: Getting a Gig

Today I welcome back regular Stage 32 Blog contributor, Dennis Coleman.  Dennis is a writer, producer and director with decades of experience in broadcast television and feature films. If you missed my announcement welcoming Dennis to the Stage 32 family, you can read about it here Enjoy! RB

Get Down And Sweat When The Going Gets Rough

From Saturday Night Live to Woody Allen's Hannah and Her Sisters all the way to David Mamet's Speed the Plow, today's Stage 32 guest blog contributor, Mark Burchard, has worked as a leading costume and wardrobe designer and supervisor for some of the top talent in the industry. Having played a part in some of the most classic television, feature film and theater productions of the last two decades, Mark's knowledge is beyond broad, and today he shares it with you, his fellow Stage 32 cre…

Guest Blog: Tyler Ruggeri - What's On Your Desert Island Movie List?

One of my favorite features on Stage 32 is the “Desert Island” section of the user profiles. For a site that’s dedicated to facilitating connections between creatives, there’s no better icebreaker than forcing everyone to commit to a perversely short list of only ten films to be stranded with until the end of time. Of course, I spent about an hour putting together my list while I was supposed to be doing other things – and the end result was surprising. If …

Wake Up From Your Funk And Rediscover Your Career

I often have questions from members asking how to get back into their creative career after a long (sometimes unwanted) break. Many assume that because they've been away or haven't devoted as much time to their craft as they would have liked, it's hopeless for them to start again. If you’re thinking, “It’s too late for me,” I’d like to challenge you on that assumption. Today I welcome beloved Stage 32 Instructor and long time expert in the entertainment in…

Part II: How To Shoot A Turkey

If you haven't checked out Part I of Erik Linthorst's blog How To Shoot A Turkey Part I, you can view it by clicking here. Below is Part II of Erik's story, which takes us through the 4-day shoot of his short film Turkey. Filming in his own house, he's met with jackhammers, tight spaces and a hungry cat, but makes it to the finish line with brilliant performances from his actors and a completed short film. You'll laugh, you'll share his nervousness and most of all learn some tips for w…

Part I: How To Shoot A Turkey

Today I welcome screenwriter, director and friend Erik Linthorst to the Stage 32 Blog to share his personal experience making his short film Turkey, which is being screened at the Sunscreen Film Festival West this weekend in Hermosa Beach, CA. Erik has written scripts for Radar Pictures, Parallel Media, Anchor Bay Films, Zidefilm and others, but Turkey was his first self-produced project. In this 2-part entry, Erik recounts his experience writing and filming his low-budget short film, i…

Filmmakers - 7 Rules To Succeed in the Film Business

I love this blog.  And if you're serious about your creative career (and I know you are), I believe you will too. Today I welcome to the Stage 32 Blog Brendan Foley, an award-winning writer, producer and director with international experience and success in television, film and writing best-selling books.  During his illustrious and celebrated career, Brendan has worked with such entities as NBC, BBC, Lionsgate, Sony and Random House. In this entry, Brendan lists 7 phenomenal…

Welcome to Hollywood by Dennis Coleman

Today I welcome industry veteran Dennis Coleman, a writer, producer and director with decades of experience in broadcast television and feature films. Dennis will be taking you through his years of experience interviewing some of the most well know celebrities, working in non-fiction and reality and his journey as a screenwriter. I'm happy to announce that Dennis will be a regular contributor to the Stage 32 Blog. I thank Dennis for his initial contribution to the blog and look forward …

The Five Things You Need to Know About Storyboards

What are storyboards and why would anyone want to use them? Today I welcome storyboard artist and illustrator Debi Hammack to the Stage 32 Blog. Having worked on Fox's Sleepy Hollow and Daryl's Restoration Over-Hall, as well as numerous independent films, television shows and commercials, Debi knows first hand the benefits of working with a storyboard artist. If you're a creative considering working with a storyboard artist or illustrator as a method to flesh out your story or design y…

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