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Always Ask Questions – Going from PA to Location Scout to 1st AD to Producing

Today I invite to the Stage 32 Blog Gary A. Lowe, who is a feature film & TV line producer with over 20 years experience. Having filmed all over the U.S. and many foreign locations such as Tahiti, Paris, Australia and Bulgaria, Gary has acquired an impressive array of filmmaking knowledge. He's even been fortunate to work with great talent such as Leo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, Nick Cage, Kate Hudson etc. early on in their careers.   Having started as a P.A. and then moving on t…

The Drug Of The Creative Journey - Just Say Yes

We're thrilled to have actor Josh Daniels contribute to the Stage 32 Blog today. Josh is an actor, known for his recent co-starring role on Law & Order: SVU, his work on Investigation Discovery's My Dirty Little Secret, Biography's Celebrity Ghost Stories, and The Crime City Diaries web series, as well as other various projects. Prior to getting into acting he also spent over a decade as a professional wrestler on the national and international circuit. It was there where he learned …

I Simply Let My Work Speak For Itself

Stage 32 member and costume designer Rachael Kras is an artist with an extensive background in the professional performing arts. She’s worked on productions such as Les Miserables, Miss Saigon and Sweeny Todd (among others) all stemming from her incredible training and pedigree in….(double take)…computer network operations? Huh? Don’t back track. You read that right. Rachael has been the resident Costume Designer for Wonderbound (formerly known as Ballet Nouve…

The Road to the Oscars

Sometimes the filmmaking process provides unexpected detours that even the most seasoned professional needs to be prepared for. When today's guest contributor, actor, writer and producer Steve Dawson, set out to film his feature Abyss of Being, he knew nothing was going to come easy. What he didn't expect was that his crowdfunding campaign would be such an uphill climb. Don't think for a second this stopped Steve from plowing forward. Not at all. What he decided to do was pivot by turn…

Only You Can Make it Happen

Since he left home at the age of 16, today's guest blogger and actor, Armen Gigorian has honed his skills on film and television sets in such locales as Armenia, Moscow, Mumbai and Dubai. Over the last 20 years, Armen has used his insatiable drive and determination to win jobs and gain invaluable experience working on shorts, features and television series. He even won a few awards along the way. From day dreaming about an acting career in a small village to dancing with pop stars to be…

Jurassic Park - 22 Years Later

Most of us fell in love with the visual effects featured in the original Jurassic Park some 22 years ago. The impact our favorite computer generated dinosaurs made on the film industry was undeniable. This year, Jurassic World was released exploring new VFX horizons. Leave it to someone in our incredibly talented Stage 32 community to have the skills, experience and wherewithal to break down the evolution of these incredible effects, including that of our favorite guy, the T-Rex, from th…

Battling Ron Burgundy

Opportunity knocks in the strangest of places, and sometimes it knocks multiple times. For Stage 32 member Fred Galle, opportunity knocked while mowing his lawn, and then again later in life at the Coca Cola 600 NASCAR race. Having been an actor and model earlier in life, Fred decided to take a different career turn for his 9-5 so he could retire early. After working in and retiring from the telecommunications industry Fred took advantage of his free time to get involved in various diff…

3 Crowdfunding Mistakes That Will Cost You Thousands

Crowdfunding can be an excellent way to raise funds for your film and get your project made, but many filmmakers shoot themselves in the foot by making simple mistakes that either leave them short of their goal or, if they choose an "keep what you raise" platform, cost them thousands of dollars - dollars that could be used toward their projects. Today, Stage 32 member Jodie Bentley discusses the top 3 mistakes she sees creatives make when launching a crowdfunding campaign. Jodie has suc…

Working With Child Actors: A Unique Perspective

If you think you work hard, I can tell you that 10-year-old Anthony Michael Hobbs might have us all beat. With only a decade of life on Earth, Anthony has already been acting for 6 years and, get this, has written and directed his own short film One Nation, that has screened in five film festivals in five different states and won two awards.Do I have your attention? Procrastinate much?Talk about motivation to just get out there and do it! Today, Anthony shares how filmmakers should handl…

I Live For Independent Film

Today I welcome a Stage 32 member that really needs no introduction, producer, writer, director and the Founder of the Raindance Film Festival, Elliot Grove. Elliot has been around the industry for over 20 years through his festival and has helped debut many critically acclaimed independent films including What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Once, and even Christopher Nolan's first film The Following. It's Elliot's undying love for independent cinema and the independent filmmaker that has earne…

It Started With Finding $600 In George Carlin's Filing Cabinet

Producing a film consists of a million moving parts. To make a production purr like a Swiss watch, everything has to be in sync. Some people believe that meticulous planning is the key to a production's success. Others prefer to lean on less traditional methods. Today's guest blog contributor, Jeff Harman, believes that astrology cycles play a large part in a production's success. Starting his career working for George Carlin who called him "uncommonly honest", Jeff has worked over 40 ye…

We Help The World Most When We Do What We Do Best

Today we bring you a guest blog from Stage 32 member Pete Stone. Pete is a screenwriter living in North Carolina who also teaches English at a critical needs school. In this entry, Pete discusses his pilgrimage from film school to med school and back again. Like many, Pete went down the road in life he thought he should be taking, only to do a complete 180 once he realized he was pursuing his goals for the wrong reasons. By sharing his story, Pete hopes to save others time and money by …

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