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The Power of Networking & Building Your Brand - Podcast

Our very own fearless leader, Richard "RB" Botto was a guest on the Small Business Society podcast, and holy h*ll, did he have a lot to talk about! This is 45-minutes jam-packed with motivational, actionable advice. If you're not familiar with Bidsy it features today's most dynamic entrepreneurs talking about what makes their business successful.  Guests include multi-millionaire entrepreneurs, international best-selling authors, world-renowned motivational speakers and coaches, an…

The Home Stretch of 2016 - Are You Hitting Your Goals? Creative Check In!

No weekend News and Notes blog this weekend because I'm out of town...However... As we approach the final stretch of 2016 I thought it might be a good time to reflect a little on the creative goals we set for the year. Need a refresher on the goals you set? Here is where we all checked in to start this year. How are you doing? Making progress? Lagging behind? Changing direction entirely? Let's talk about it in the Comments section below. And, of course, if there is the opportunity to a…

RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions and Other Fun Stuff (May 20, 2016)

Greetings from sunny Cannes! Welcome to the weekend, everyone.  This will, again, be a quick intro. We’re still out here wall-to-wall with meetings and events. It’s been amazing to connect with so many Stage 32 film creatives! Over 250 attended our rooftop party and we've now learned that 33 Stage 32 members (that we know of) have films at Cannes! You can see all of our Cannes video updates on the Blog. ( One other quick point – …

Live From Cannes - Talking Stage 32 Member Success & Cannes News

We wanted to share a Cannes update. So far we have met hundreds of Stage 32 members from all around the world, 32 which have films screening here at Cannes, and that are competing, which has been so inspiring!   Like this blog post? Please share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email etc) by using social media buttons at the top of the blog. Or post to your personal blog and anywhere else you feel appropriate. Thank you. As always, we welcome thoughts and rema…

It’s Not Hard to Take Charge: A Woman’s POV on Directing Films

As a woman, I'm sometimes asked why I picked a male dominated business to be in. My response is always the same, “Besides nursing and teaching (with the exception of university, then the workplace mostly consists of males), most professions are already male dominated.” They stop and think about it and then say, “You’re right.” Any woman that wants to have a professional career of her own must always compete among the men. So I have had to learn to adjust mys… Party At the 2016 Cannes Film Festival - Meet our Members

 Meet Stage 32 members from all over the world who have had success using!   Like this blog post? Please share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email etc) by using social media buttons at the top of the blog. Or post to your personal blog and anywhere else you feel appropriate. Thank you. As always, we welcome thoughts and remarks on ANY of the content above in the Comments section below...  

RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions and Other Fun Stuff (May 13, 2016)

Greetings from the Cannes Film Festival! Deep in the planning for our panels, parties and meetups, not to mention a full slate of meetings on the agenda, so no big opening this week. But, fear not! I’ve still collected a wide and varied list of news and information for you to enjoy this weekend. As always, I welcome discussion and debate on any of the content below in the Comments section! Bonjour! RB

From 'Real to Reel': The Three E’s of an Independent Filmmaker

If I ever told my mother that I was homeless when I stayed in Savannah, GA for film school, she would have killed me.  I remember the day I graduated from Virginia State University and thinking to myself… 'What the hell am I going to do now that I graduated school?' I just received my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management, but I knew that was not what I wanted to do. My heart wasn’t in it at all. I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to be, but I just d…

Part II: How To Shoot A Turkey

If you haven't checked out Part I of Erik Linthorst's blog How To Shoot A Turkey Part I, you can view it by clicking here. Below is Part II of Erik's story, which takes us through the 4-day shoot of his short film Turkey. Filming in his own house, he's met with jackhammers, tight spaces and a hungry cat, but makes it to the finish line with brilliant performances from his actors and a completed short film. You'll laugh, you'll share his nervousness and most of all learn some tips for w…

Part I: How To Shoot A Turkey

Today I welcome screenwriter, director and friend Erik Linthorst to the Stage 32 Blog to share his personal experience making his short film Turkey, which is being screened at the Sunscreen Film Festival West this weekend in Hermosa Beach, CA. Erik has written scripts for Radar Pictures, Parallel Media, Anchor Bay Films, Zidefilm and others, but Turkey was his first self-produced project. In this 2-part entry, Erik recounts his experience writing and filming his low-budget short film, i…

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