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Acting, Advice, Cinematography, Coffee & Content, Composing, Contests, Distribution, Featured, Filmmaking, Financing, Inspirational, Networking, Producing, Screenwriting, Success Stories, Tips, Trending,Hello, Screenwriters! My name is Shaun. I am a Stage 32 Exec, Gotham Award-winning independent film producer, member of the Producers Guild of America, Repped Screenwriter, Script Consultant, and educator. I've been in the film and television industry for 29 years and producing for 15 of those years. In that time I have been privileged to work with and learn from some of the greatest filmmakers and performers in our industry - from James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, and Judd Apatow to Jo…
Working with writers as an instructor, consultant, and producer on developing television series, writing pilot scripts, and pitch bibles, I have found that the most exciting – and most difficult – part of the process is imagining that the show is being made and working out what the first season and subsequent seasons might be about. Sure, there will eventually be a writer’s room that will “break” the seasons (decide what happens in each episode), but before …
What is up, Creative Army! Myself and the Stage 32 team couldn’t be more thankful for this incredible community. This year has been a whirlwind for me with a lot of international travel so it's been a while since I've been able to do an AMA. Between my travel, the strikes, the M&A happening in our industry, independent film having a resurgence, I've seen and learned a lot... and there is a lot to talk about right now. It's an exciting time for you as a creative - whether you…
“I love this script”. It’s the beginning of my Stage 32 consult with a producer, and I’m flabbergasted. In my head, I’m thinking, “Oh! My! God! Did she just say she loves my script?” She continues, “It’s a cool story that deserves to be told.” I’m not expecting more than the typical encouragement and notes. So, I’m momentarily surprised to have someone excited about my story. IT TAKES PERSISTENCE We dream of …
Happy Tuesday, Creative Army! I recently had the honor of being featured on the brand new and already massively popular podcast, Beyond the Glam, hosted by the wonderful, amazing, spectacular 3X Emmy nominated, Rasha Goel. Rasha's podcast is about the raw, human side of success– showing the true, unglamorous realities of celebrities and creatives. We hope you’ll join us in feeling inspired to tackle personal challenges after discovering the inner struggles, insecurities, a…
Inception You have an idea. Well, maybe a kernel of an idea at this point, but it’s there. Could make a great movie or TV series. The idea starts to grow and take shape in your mind. You crack a story beat while driving, type it into your phone, or write it into a notebook the next time you stop. You think of that amazing character's name and laugh out loud to yourself, “That’s great”. The notes become an outline, your thoughts start to take shape, and the bones …
Happy Sunday, Creative Army! First, congratulations to all of you who have already participated in our monthly Introduce Yourself Weekend! Thousands of connections have been made between entertainment creatives and professionals from around the globe. Whether you are a long-time member or brand new to Stage 32, take a moment to pop over to the Introduce Yourself Lounge and say hello before the end of the weekend. First up, in this video essay by Frame Voyager, he’s taking a close…
In defense of shallow characters -- Some people just simply are shallow. Yes, for the most part, we want to have story characters with depth, mystery, and things to discover. We want to follow their character arc throughout the story, to see them change and grow, to go with them on their journey of transformation. But sometimes, it simply isn’t there. Nor should it be. You probably know at least one person who only has the depth of a grease spot under the car in the garage. [C…
A question that comes up regularly and needs to be defined better or understood, is the types of producers involved in filmmaking, what these roles include, and why you need them in your production's process. Producers are similar to directors, screenwriters, editors, etc., they have specific strengths and weaknesses for different genres and types of films. The time that is taken to find the right producing team is worth it. Though it may sound as if this is out of reach as an independen…
Hey, Stage 32 Community! Our tech team has been hard at work to bring your wishes to life! We've heard you loud and clear that because there is so much to choose from in Stage 32’s industry-leading educational library, you want to be able to save some of your favorite education opportunities to go back and visit later. Well, now you can! An exciting new feature has just launched on the Stage 32 Education page that will allow our members to create and save their personal educatio…
Media Platforms 101 New technology and platforms pop up every time you open your phone or a tab in your browser. With updated and additional software, media and social platforms, apps, algorithms, and search engine optimization rules, it’s hard to keep up. When it comes to marketing, these are common attitudes: Newbie: “I just need to get my book on Facebook, and I’ll be rich.” Arm crosser: “I don’t do social media. I tried Facebook once. It didn&…
Cinderella is my favorite Disney Princess. But I have always identified with Belle: growing up, my nose was always stuck in a book. I would come home from school and public libraries with piles to read. As a child, I roamed the shelves of the fiction section barely giving time to nonfiction. As an adult, I’ve realized the value of the genre. Taking a look at a bookstore, you realize just how much of the store is taken up with nonfiction. Everything from reference books to coo…