
Discuss, share content and offer advice or tips regarding technique, trends, software, advice, tips and all other pertinent issues related to animation

Sam Sokolow
DC Comics bringing an animated "The Robin" origin story

I'm impressed that DC is going off the beaten path and finding their stride. This looks like a super cool way to tell this story in a forward thinking animated format. What do you think?

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The Robins' Origin Story 'Dynamic Duo' In The Works With DC Studios, WBPA & 6th & Idaho; Movie To Be Made With Puppetry Animation
The Robins' Origin Story 'Dynamic Duo' In The Works With DC Studios, WBPA & 6th & Idaho; Movie To Be Made With Puppetry Animation
DC Studios and Warner Bros Pictures Animation are making an animated movie about the Robins titled Dynamic Duo with puppetry CGI studio Swaybox.
Kevin Jackson

I've always loved DC animated movies. Their writers are really good. I can't wait to see this. Thanks for sharing.

Ashley Renee Smith

DC animated projects are where it's at!! I'm a Bat Fam fanatic, so I'm thrilled!

Maurice Vaughan

Bat Fam should be an animated show, Ashley Renee Smith.

Ashley Renee Smith

I would watch that in a heartbeat, Maurice Vaughan! Some more recent shows like Titans on Max and even the Harley Quinn Animated Series on Max have done some great Bat Fam storylines. But I'd be glued...

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Maurice Vaughan

I' watched an episode of Titans, Ashley Renee Smith. I was meaning to watch more episodes. I used to watch Teen Titans. I can picture Bat Fam being funny like Teen Titans or serious like Titans. I'd l...

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Cyrus Sales
How Pixar Animation Evolved Over 28 Years

Hey everyone! I thought this was an interesting find and figured I would share. Movies Insider created this YouTube showing some of our favorite animation and the process that went into creating each one over the last 28+ years. I learned a lot and was quite fascinated and amazed at how much they ha...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Cyrus Sales. Wow! Incredible video! I knew it took a lot of work to make animation, but not that much!

Ashley Renee Smith

I love this deep-dive video, Cyrus Sales! Thank you for sharing! I grew up alongside Andy in Toy Story, so I feel like Pixar was such a staple of my childhood. It's been incredible to watch them grow...

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Cyrus Sales

Maurice Vaughan right! I haven't had the opportunity to be on an animation to this magnitude yet but it was cool to see their process and learning the reasoning behind why it takes so long for some an...

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Cyrus Sales

Ashley Renee Smith I grew up on Toy Story too so seeing their breakdown of the original and how they were able to advance with time was cool. I like how they explained which project taught them differ...

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J.R Meek
Thoughts on "Flow?"

I just saw the trailer for "Flow". An animated film that premiered and won multiple awards at film festivals. The film features a cat, capybara, dog, lemur, and bird navigating their way through a post-apocalyptic world by boat. I like the art style they have and it looks really good, but what are e...

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Maurice Vaughan

Flow looks incredible, J.R Meek! It looks like a movie and a video game.

Mike Boas

Reninds me of the video game Stray. I’d watch it.

J.R Meek

I agree, it does have that style similar to video games. Also, I love Stray, playing as the cat is the best. I'm hoping to see this movie and how the story is done without dialogue.

Ashley Renee Smith

I thought the same thing, Mike Boas!

Amber Nolan
Questions About Animation Resources and Animation Credits

Hi everyone!

I wrote a screenplay and am trying to produce it in 2D animation, and am learning as I go here and have some questions:

--If I hire an animation studio entirely on a pay-for-their work basis, what would a typical film credit for them be in the credits?

--Do you recommend any resources or...

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Kevin Jackson

If you hire a studio, you should ask them for the names and roles of the crew that worked on it, so they can achieve the proper credits. In terms of the animation process, the studio should be able to...

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Len Noel

I produce (mostly animation) and sometimes it took forever to secure funding and make things happen.

0nly once, did I secure $2.3 million in two days. Today, it's possible to invest TIME and not MONEY...

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Laurie Ashbourne
Ashley Renee Smith

Great share, Laurie Ashbourne! Thank you!

Cyrus Sales

Funny enough, I was just watching Encanto last night so to hear Bush will be taking over as CCO, is quite ironic. You mentioned "I told you so, but this is long overdue," what are your thoughts about Lee stepping down and Bush taking over?

Laurie Ashbourne

I have been saying for years that she is in way over her head, but I also know how excruciatingly bureaucratic taking action against someone's employment is in that company. I don't know Jared but it has to be a step up.

Cyrus Sales

It's definitely a new dawn with Bush taking over. I'm not too sure how invested you are into the company or the progress with Jared being the new CCO but if you are keeping up with it, I'd love to hea...

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Ashley Renee Smith
Animated Scene Breakdowns

Check out this great animation breakdown of a scene from Moana, taking a closer look at its use of pantomime, body mechanics, weight, facial animation, timing, humor, staging and so much more!

What are other animated scenes that you think deserve another watch for how well they utilized these skills?...

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Cyrus Sales

This was a great breakdown to see the different components of Moana. I like the reference he uses of the weight assignment. Taking a basic example (lifting the box) and how something simple can be tra...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Cyrus Sales, is there a particular scene from Blye Eye Samurai that you believe deserves a close look? Is there a Youtube link that you can share with everyone here in the comments to check out the sc...

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Cyrus Sales

There's not a particular scene from Blue Eye Samurai that I believe deserves a closer look but it would be cool to see one of the fight scenes from this collection (

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Kiara P Oxley
Sad News

Hello everyone this is kiara, i want to share some sad news and this is permanent because i do not have the money to promote my show thomas or hire voice actors at this time. the show will be cancelled and starting tomorrow i am going to delete this account, i hope you have a great day , sorry for t...

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Matthew Parvin

Sorry to hear it, Kiara. Hopefully the show can be produced at a later date.

Kiara P Oxley

I know matthew but we have to do one or the other

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Kiara P Oxley. Sorry to hear that. You could network on Stage 32. Networking is free. You might find actors to voice your characters for free as a favor. Here are some blogs about networking: www....

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J.R Meek

I'm sorry that you cancelled your show, but I hope it will still continue. Don't give up on the show and keep that passion alive, even if it might seem difficult right now.

Mark Kelly
Group pitches?

If I am pitching an executive and have more than one script in the genre, is it a good idea to buy two or more pitches in a row hoping to get them interested in all of them or at least one, or does that turn them off?

Rutger Oosterhoff

My personal answer would be no. It would turn them off. But that's just me. I doubt if there's a universal solid answer to this question. Could be that one out of a hundred says "bring it on". If you're unlucky, it could be the very last one.

J.R Meek

I think it's better to do one pitch for one executive. Any more than that will turn them off. What you could do is either pitch one script to multiple executives or pitch your other scripts to other executives. Main goal is to focus on one script at a time.

Ashley Renee Smith
‘Blue Eye Samurai’ Wins Animation Award at the 76th Emmys

Hey, All!

What do you think about Blue Eye Samurai winning this year's Outstanding Animated Program Emmy? I haven't had a chance to see it yet, but I've heard great things!

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J.R Meek

It was either this show or the Scavengers show. Both phenomenal shows with great visuals and storytelling. Blue Eye Samurai is well-deserved and I'm excited to see the second season.

Ashley Renee Smith

I've taken way too long to watch it! I clearly need to make it my next binge.

Leonardo Ramirez

I've only caught snippets of it and the visuals look amazing Ashley Renee Smith !

Kevin Jackson

WELL deserved. That animation is worth watching a few times.

Laurie Ashbourne
For those with dreams of working at Pixar (or Disney)

This is one of the most comprehensive exposes I've seen publicized. Although the practice is nothing new; especially for parent Disney. It's a long read but worth it if you are aiming for a job.

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Inside Out 2 Was the Hit Pixar Needed, but the Laid-Off Employees Who Crunched on It Are Still Hurting - IGN
Inside Out 2 Was the Hit Pixar Needed, but the Laid-Off Employees Who Crunched on It Are Still Hurting - IGN
Inside Out 2 is the highest-grossed animated film ever. But behind the scenes, Pixar workers grappled with crunch, layoffs, and an avoidance of LGBTQ+ themes. Our report of the tumultuous making of th…
J.R Meek

Have these kinds of practices been happening for a while at Pixar (and Disney)?

Laurie Ashbourne

J.R Meek More so at Disney Animation (because for a while Pixar was untouchable). But Disney Animation is notorious for things like this since they switched from 2D to the playdough factory of 3D. Man...

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Maurice Vaughan
Gender Equality in Animation

Brian Smith (long-time Animation professional and script consultant) talks about gender equality in Animation in today’s blog. He got amazing insights from women who work in Animation.

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Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for sharing, Maurice Vaughan!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ashley Renee Smith.

Epic Acg

nice article

Ashley Renee Smith

Honestly, this looks so cool! Im pumped.

J.R Meek

I'm cautiously excited for it. The Lord of the Rings trilogy are my favorite movies of all time and I enjoyed the animation shown from the trailer. I'm hoping I will have that familiar feeling just like I have re-watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Suzanne Bronson

Please excuse my ignorance. What is the difference between anime and animated?

Ashley Renee Smith

Suzanne Bronson, they're not different from one another as a medium. Anime is just a specific style of animation/illustration that originated in Japan. The term "Anime" is actually short for "Animatio...

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