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Maurice Vaughan
Top 10 Beginner Mistakes Made At Music Studios!

Samuel Estes and Michael Hobe share common beginner mistakes in today’s blog in hopes that others avoid making them. Feel free to comment your thoughts in the blog’s comments.

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Mark Deuce

Perfect teaching Maurice Vaughan and perfect timing.

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for sharing, Maurice Vaughan!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ashley Renee Smith. Samuel and Michael give excellent advice and insight.

Linwood Bell
Le Petit Garcon

I'm 30 years late to the party, but what beautiful writing from Philippe Sarde. Bravo, Sir!

Brandy Camille

Beautiful music!!

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for sharing, Linwood Bell! I've never seen this film before.

Brandy Camille
Live to Film Performances

I recently took my oldest nephew to his first "big kid" concert for his birthday. We went to go see a live-to-film performance of the score to "The Nightmare Before Christmas." He had just turned 7 a month prior and it took him a while to realize that the music we were hearing wasn't recorded lol We...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Amazing!! I saw the 25th Anniversary Nightmare Before Christmas performance at the Hollywood Bowl with Elfman, Burton, and the whole cast. It was one of the best nights of my life. I'm sure your nephew will remember that experience with you always.

Geoff Hall
Around the World - with Crowded House

Last night I enjoyed myself at the Crowded House in concert at Cardiff Castle. As a family we have a long-lasting love of their music and so my son and daughter bought myself and my soulmate tickets to the show.

I have valued Neil Finn’s mastery of songwriting, but here I want to focus on one elemen...

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Miquiel Banks

Yeah, Crowded House definitely has powerful Lyrics and actually, their Biggest Hit, Don't Dream It's Over, has one of my 80s ANTHEMS.....

Don't Let Them WIN!!!!!!

Thanks for Sharing....

Maurice Vaughan

Great tip, Geoff Hall ("If you are writing dialogue, learn from the songwriters and poets to edit well, until you have distilled that dialogue into an emotional force"). I've learned that less is more...

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Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan thank you, Maurice and indeed, when writing a monologue you slip from the poetical to the rhetorical. It’s all about the fullness of language. I want it to grab people’s attention and...

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Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff Hall. You're right about monologues. I've never heard of Crowded House. I'll have to listen to them when I write a script. Have a great weekend too.

Linwood Bell
The Boys In The Boat

I finally got around to watching this last night. Some of the reviews weren't the greatest, but I really enjoyed it and I always enjoy Alexandre Desplat. What's not to love?...Beautiful writing and orchestration.

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Maurice Vaughan

Incredible score, Linwood Bell! It reminds me of family-friendly movies I watched growing up.

Linwood Bell

Maurice Vaughan He's great. Benjamin Button and The Shape of Water are a couple favorites. Good movies, too. :)

Maurice Vaughan

I've been meaning to watch The Shape of Water, Linwood Bell. I saw a little of Benjamin Button (I think the opening scene, maybe on YouTube). That movie's on my watchlist too. Looking forward to heari...

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Kerry Kennard

Yes, Linwood Bell , great orchestration all the way through. I like the transitions with the strings and oboe. During school(s) - I took a Brass class and learned horn - which is also in sections of t...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Absolutely beautiful, Linwood Bell! I haven't watched The Boys in the Boat yet, but I'll have to move it up my list.

Kerry Kennard
Composing - DAW or Notation

I had a company show interest in my music samples (SoundCloud) and I'm looking into making / creating a longer version(s).

It seems like a small undertaking, though ... I'm up for it ! :~)

This is my dilema; I found the midi / Notation version and the Logic Pro version. The notation version is the s...

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Kerry Kennard

Thanks, Maurice. I still need to do the extended work on those instrumentals. (It would be good to know what a good length is for Sync / movies. Standard song length (3:15-3:30) ?? Some Syncs are good at 2:30 +, right ??

Some Docs are probably better at 4- 5 mins ?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Kerry Kennard. Sorry, I'm not sure.

Linwood Bell

A piece at 2:30 to 3:00 is good and think of edit points so someone can chop a 30 or 60 out of it for commercial work. You should join something like TAXI and force yourself to do a brief or two a mon...

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Kerry Kennard

Yes - :30 & :60 edit points. - thanks for the reminder.

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Kerry Kennard! That's awesome!

Florin Şumălan
Jerry Goldsmith’s "Alien" - Settling the Score Podcast

"Jon and Andy are bursting to talk about Jerry Goldsmith’s score for the 1979 sci-fi horror classic Alien! How much of what Goldsmith wrote didn’t make it into the movie, and why? What musical reptile did he unleash into his orchestra? And, will our hosts finally consider couples therapy?"


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Florin Şumălan

Leonardo Ramirez , you're welcome! I like too these kind of podcasts.

"Art of the Score" I think is another good podcast about movie scores.

This is a link to their website if you wish to check it out:...

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Leonardo Ramirez

Thanks Florin Şumălan - I'll definitely check it out. You guys did an amazing job on the "Alien" score podcast. VERY well done! Very immersive.

Florin Şumălan

Kerry Kennard , I've seen too some of the movies scored by Jerry Goldsmith.

Florin Şumălan

Leonardo Ramirez , I liked too this episode from "Settling the Score" podcast and I think they have other interesting episodes. I listened a few from their list.

Leonardo Ramirez

Yeah I’ll be checking out some of the other episodes, Florin Şumălan.

Sam Sokolow
RIP Mark James

The first short film I made in college was based on the song "Suspicious Minds". RIP Mark James. Thank you for the inspiration. Have you ever been inspired by a song in a way that led to a script?

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Kerry Kennard

Actually, ... No. :~). I'm def. more music creative. I did play drums with an Elvis Impersonator in Nashville, TN and we played this song. The 6/8 feel was def. a challenge then, though can do it well...

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Kerry Kennard
Amelia Warner - composer talk @ Spotify

Hi everyone,

I saw this Composer talk at Facebook and wanted to share it with the composing lounge here at Stage 32.

There’s some good points throughout the interview.

- - -

I (Tim Horemans) have had the opportunity to talk to composer … Amelia Warner. She is a British female composer for film. Her de...

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Film Music Site
Film Music Site
Movie, video game, musical and television soundtracks.
Alan Brewer

Thank you!

Kerry Kennard

Alan Brewer - you're welcome.

Ashley Renee Smith
2 FREE Stage 32 In-Person Networking Meetups This Thursday, June 13th!

Hey, Composers!

There are 2 FREE Stage 32 in-person networking meetups coming up this Thursday, June 13th! I'm including links to the meetup pages for you all below. If you live in any of these cities or are nearby, be sure to RSVP and seize this opportunity to meet with other creatives in person and...

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Kerry Kennard

Looks like light clothes needed for these two meetups, lol - Austin seems like a nice City. I was there for a percussion conference / PASIC.

Ashley Renee Smith

Yes, it's been pretty warm here lately, Kerry Kennard! Although this week it's pretty rainy, which has helped cool things down. I just hope it doesn't storm tomorrow. Last month, there was a HUGE stor...

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Tom Lapke
New movie music composition straming service from deadline launches

This is very cool. Aside from the regular music a teenager listened to in the 90s, I would often do my homework at night while listen to scores by Danny Elfman, John Williams, and James Horner.

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Deadline Launches Sound & Screen Television Streaming Site
Deadline Launches Sound & Screen Television Streaming Site
Deadline's Sound & Screen Television 2024 is the latest in the franchise that spotlights composers and their work on the year's buzziest TV series.
Maurice Vaughan

I'm definitely gonna check this out, Tom Lapke! Thanks for sharing!

Sam Sokolow

Extremely cool.

Kerry Kennard

Is it streaming services- or something competing against composers? Thr link feels more like good history from composers- like your text does.

Tom Lapke

I have not had a chance to try it yet, though I am excited to, but as I understand it, it is a streaming service for previously produced film scores, not a replacement for new ones.

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