
Discuss, share content, offer tips and advice on hardware, software, style, strategies, process, work-flow and the business of scoring a film, video or theater production

Liked by Brandy Camille and 3 others

Ashley Renee Smith

Absolutely incredible!

Brandy Camille

Linwood Bell questions that need answers lol that's incredible!

Maurice Vaughan
How to Make The Director & Film Composer Collaboration Sing

In today’s blog, Elena Maro shares incredible tips and thoughts on how to make a director-composer collaboration work well. Elena is an experienced Film and Television Composer. She composed music for “One of Us,” “Tell It Like a Woman,” and more.

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Kerry Kennard

I’ve met and emailed Elena! She does have great advice as well as has done a lot in the Composing community/ industry.

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Kerry Kennard. Elena has great advice! I always learn things from her blogs and posts.

Navid Lancaster
Premiered last night on YouTube!!

Aneela Maraj Wallace interviews me about Film Music and Sound Design for her show Aneela's M.I.C

I give advice and relate some life experiences as well. Stage 32 gets a lot of love in this interview.

Video by GNK MEDIA (Ghanesh Kolai) and recorded at Opa Live Lounge.

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Kerry Kennard

Congrats! Thanks for sharing.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the interview, Navid Lancaster! Incredible interview filled with advice and insight! You said, "A woman can be telling a guy 'I love you' and the music is saying something different...

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Navid Lancaster

Kerry Kennard Thank you so much.

Navid Lancaster

Maurice Vaughan Thank you so much. It was a long interview but that gave me enough time to state a few things. Happy how it turned out.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Navid Lancaster. Love that you showed Stage 32 love in your interview. I subscribed to Aneela's channel to check out more videos.

Linwood Bell
Your Workspace

Last week I rearranged my studio. I bought a new desk from Buso Audio and it sure is more comfortable in here. Really happy with it. Join in and share a photo of your space. We can talk gear. :)

Linwood Bell

Ashley Renee Smith That's a nice room to sit back and create in. You sound like me. I'm in here all day, grab dinner, take Rosie for a walk, and then I'm back til 8. Then off to Netflix/Hulu; rinse/re...

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Kerry Kennard

Ashley Renee Smith - what kind of Light Strands or lights ? In this studio room, it's only the Florescent bulbs. Maybe it would help me to be more creative in this space writing music. I know I had a...

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Kerry Kennard

Hmm - are they really a nice warmth added to the room, Ashley Renee Smith ?

Ashley Renee Smith

For me, they're perfect Kerry Kennard! But I think it depends on how many strands you get and how big of a room it is to suit your preferences.

Joel Irwin
Parts or Whole

I recently participated in my 11th year of scoring a film for the 168 film festival in Atlanta last weekend.  I scored a film called "The Offer'.  I was also asked to score a second film called, "Counted" but the film was still being worked on the night before the deadline and never locked and so I...

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Kerry Kennard

Does the Director write the work for Hire most of the time, Joel ?

I read the first one is Atlanta. Are you close to this area ? I heard Atlanta has a good film industry.

I’m in Ohio and there’s a few...

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Joel Irwin
Is it a hobby or a business

Here is one definition of a hobby: "A hobby is a pastime or leisure activity conducted in your spare time for recreation or pleasure."

Here is another possible definition from webster: "a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation"

Or perhaps this one: "what defines...

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Here's how to tell the difference between a hobby and a business for tax purposes | Internal Revenue Service
Here's how to tell the difference between a hobby and a business for tax purposes | Internal Revenue Service
IRS Tax Tip 2022-57, April 13, 2022 A hobby is any activity that a person pursues because they enjoy it and with no intention of making a profit. People operate a business with the intention of making…
Kerry Kennard

Making a change to increase Profit resonates with me. It is a fact in business to change products to increase Revenue and Profit.

When I worked at Lowe’s, there were always certain paint item changes...

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Joel Irwin
Pay Attention To The Temp Track

A couple of days ago, I heard a talk by an established and experienced composer, Carlos Rivera who has won 3 prime time emmys whose scores include Queens Gambit and Hacks.  He talks about being asked to score a 20 second clip and provided with a temp track (which by the way came from the opening of...

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Sydney Summers
Learn from an Award-Winning Composer who’s worked with Ridley Scott, John Woo & Chris Columbus!

Licensing existing music into a film is often more complicated than a lot of people realize. From choosing the correct song, types of music you can access, rights needed and even the fees commanded there are a lot of considerations to be made if you want to include music in a film. This webinar aims...

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Kerry Kennard

Sydney Summers - thank you for the information about this webinar / class.

In this section - Hiring the Right Team

What’s the difference between a sound designer and Composer?

is the sound designer mor...

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Sydney Summers

Wonderful questions Kenny!!

Navid Lancaster

Cool!! Ready to rock with this one. Webinar comes just in time too.

Navid Lancaster
Kerry Kennard

Yep - I’m definitely waiting!

Computer and Musix Apps are working fine !

Kerry Kennard
Film Dayton info. / Letter to Agreement

In our local OH group, there’s this good news about work / Film in the area. !!

Any advice when pitching for composing /

Audio editing work?

I’ve done a few letters to Mandy, though I never hear anything back from this organization / yet.

- - -

Filmscience was awarded $4,053,423 in the latest round of...

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Kerry Kennard

Nothing huh ? I applied anyways !! Wish me luck and hope I hear something back.

Maurice Vaughan

Hope you hear back and it's great news, Kerry Kennard!

Sam Sokolow
WHIPLASH with a live orchestra

Wow! I've seen a few films screened with live orchestras and it's always so cool... I bet this one is going to be amazing. The drummers have just a little work cut out for them.

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Ashley Renee Smith

I'm so jealous that I can't be there to attend! This would be an INCREDIBLE one to experience with a live orchestra!

Kerry Kennard

Nice - new movie out !

I saw the first one.

Yes - Strings would add a lot !

Sam Sokolow
Classic Catalog Deals

Do you think deals like this are good in the sense that this classic music becomes more available for films & TV shows or not? Would love your thoughts. Thanks.

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Is Pink Floyd About to Sell Its Catalog to Sony Music for Half a Billion Dollars?
Is Pink Floyd About to Sell Its Catalog to Sony Music for Half a Billion Dollars?
Pink Floyd's catalog has long been for sale, but Roger Waters' anti-Israel comments have scared off many suitors. Is Sony about to pay $500 million?
John January Noble

yes, always...classical music improves films

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