
From film festival strategies to theatrical to VOD to online options to finding and securing a sales agent the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice on all things related to the distribution process

Richard "RB" Botto
Here’s a Hollywood Twist: Streaming Success Runs Through Theaters

More positive news. Theatrical distribution continues its comeback.

"But the industry has now largely come to a very different conclusion: The key to making a movie a streaming success and attracting new subscribers is to first release it in theaters. It turns out that all the things that make theatr...

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Here's a Hollywood Twist: Streaming Success Runs Through Theaters
Here's a Hollywood Twist: Streaming Success Runs Through Theaters
Amazon Studios spent $250 million to make "Red One," a comedic holiday action film starring Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans.
Richard "RB" Botto

Ive been predicting that for a decade, Dan MaxXx. One of these years, we'll be right.

Ashley Renee Smith

There's something about a theatrical run that gives a movie more credibility and buzz—it’s like an event that gets people talking. Plus, it makes sense that seeing a film on the big screen creates exc...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Many of the producers from films at Sundance this year told me they are weighing theatrical more heavily than before, Ash.

Ashley Renee Smith

That’s really exciting to hear, Richard "RB" Botto! Did any of the producers mention specific factors influencing their decision, like audience demand, box office trends, or the impact on distribution...

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Richard "RB" Botto

As simple as old school economics. More revenue streams, the better. Further, the idea of building eyeballs, branding and, of course, a longer tail for the film is appealing. And why wouldn't it be. Better that than being dumped on a streamer and beholden to an algorithm.

Al Carretta
Amazon Slate / Prime no longer accepting new accounts (self-distribution)

Hey Stage 32 Creators,

If you were looking to distribute a new indie film directly via Amazon and didn't already have an account you're now out of luck as they've just announced that they are no longer accepting new account set-ups across the US/UK/Germany & Japan. In the world of indie self-distrib Expand post

Mike Boas

When they first opened Prime to independents, I saw a lot of YouTubers complain that it was to hard to use, the caption requirement was a burden, they didn’t want to fill out tax forms, etc. I saw tha...

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Philip David Lee

If you make a great film and do selective marketing that doesn't give away too much of your film's premise, a self-created buzz around your film will attract distributors to you. Remember the more wor...

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Al Carretta

I remember back in 2016/7ish when CreateSpace (the DVD based service) became Amazon Prime Video. Those were exciting times. I only made my debut feature in 2010 when I knew it might have a chance at d...

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Mike Boas

Al, for the “9 overlapping” films, does that mean you have 9 films that have double listing on Amazon? Don’t Amazon and/or Filmhub stop you from doing that?

(I remember using CreateSpace as well, although I think it was just for print on demand DVDs)

Al Carretta

Hi Mike, answering the above; yes we still have many double listings on Amazon due to me releasing on Amazon first then uploading separately to Filmhub weeks after. This is how I did it from 2017 onwa...

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Philip David Lee
The Marketing of Negative Marketing

If you regularly read anything I post, you’ll see a repeated theme of really stupid business practices of the film industry from the fantasy value SAG puts on their union talent to any number of ridiculously inept decisions “experts in charge” like to make that are sure to self-destruct their own pr...

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Maurice Vaughan

I don't think a studio should to market a low budget feature under $2M the same way they do with a big-budget project, Philip David Lee. I think it would be a waste of money.

"Their logic being that if...

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Geoff Hall
How do Berlin Film Festival films differ from mainstream movies?

It’s good to see Stephen Follows unpacking the entries for the Berlinale Filmfestspiele, as it may help us as filmmakers to choose which festivals we apply to with our films. It would be interesting to see more breakdowns of the entry data for festivals such as Cannes, Venice and Tribeca.

(The compar...

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How do Berlin Film Festival films differ from mainstream movies?
How do Berlin Film Festival films differ from mainstream movies?
By comparing the stories of the 1,521 films shortlisted at the Berlin Film Festival to 17,000+ movies released in US cinemas, we can see what makes a 'festival film' different to a mainstream movie.
Maurice Vaughan

Great share and topic, Geoff Hall! I agree, I think these types of breakdowns can help filmmakers choose which festivals to apply to. I'm not sure if film festivals have political ideologies. From wha...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Very interesting, Geoff Hall! It’s always valuable to see data-driven insights on festival selections, especially when trying to decide where to submit a film. It’s not surprising that Berlin favors F...

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Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan yes, Maurice. I liked that notion of films with internal versus external struggles.

Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith thank you, Ashley. It was also interesting to read that Berlin favours stories set in the past, and with no surprise that the favoured decade of the past century was the 1940s. It s...

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Ashley Renee Smith
Foxtel Acquired by DAZN in $3.4 Billion Deal – A Game Changer for Content Distribution

In a major shift within the media and streaming landscape, UK-based sports streaming giant DAZN has announced the acquisition of Foxtel, Australia's leading media and sports platform, in a $3.4 billion deal. This move signals DAZN's expansion into new markets and a strategic push to enhance its cont...

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Pamela Jaye Smith

That seems to be the big "thing" now -- adding more sports to streamers and other providers. Wonder how much of it is because of the fairly new laws about online betting?

Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith another exciting development for digital distribution, Ash. It is always to have an expansion of the digital market. It would be interesting to see exactly what content they will co...

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Debbie Elicksen

That's huge Ashley Renee Smith. I just cancelled my DAZN account because NFL season is over, and I had it for the past 6 or 7 years because I didn't have control of the cable package. Have to see my F...

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Sam Sokolow
Will Sundance move?

The only constant in life is change, as they say. But the idea of the Sundance Film Festival not taking place in Park City feels weird. What are your thoughts on Sundance moving and, if it does move, where do you think it should go? https://variety.com/2025/film/features/sundance-cincinnati-hollywoo...

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Jack Vincent

It’s a tough one, but having worked on sports events like World Cup Football (soccer) and the Olympics for 12 years, the host city sets the tone.

Austin is obviously out because of SxSW. It will have...

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Laura Donaldson

Interesting, in keeping with the snow vibing places, how about...

Livingston, Montana, setting of A River Runs through it, Yellowstone...

Minneapolis - sub-zero temps, plenty of art... maybe


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Willem Elzenga

Bring it all online, state-of-the-art. Who cares!

Ashley Renee Smith

This is such an interesting discussion, Sam Sokolow! I agree, Sundance and Park City feel almost inseparable! But with rising costs and logistical challenges, I can understand why a move might be cons...

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Sam Rivera

Not sure where they’ll go but Park city is such an imperative place for this to take place!

Karen "Kay" Ross
TV Sales May Be Down - but NOT in Latin America

There were SO MANY great articles today, but this one stuck out as particularly interesting about the Latin American TV Market - and how Content Americas 2025 in Miami is a gateway.

How the Latin American Market is saving International TV Sales:


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Debbie Elicksen

Who doesn't love a good telenovela? Karen "Kay" Ross Just finished watching one on Netflix.

Sam Sokolow

Another sign that the industry is global now and that the hits and deals will come from anywhere and everywhere. Very cool share, Karen "Kay" Ross!

Debbie Elicksen

What you said Sam Sokolow is why I had to respond to this fantastic video clip of Jeff Daniels commenting on Hollywood. If you're on Threads, the link to that video is here: https://www.threads.net/@m...

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Stephanie Weier
Ask Me Anything (AMA) Wednesday 1/22 to Thursday 1/23 - Understanding Rights Permissions & Script Clearances

Get in front of that clearance train before pre-production starts! Pick my brain and gain from my experience handling clearances on over 5K films and TV shows completed over the last 25 years. What is it going to take to ensure your film is delivered without legal jeopardy (and giving you a good reputation with studios)?

Patrick "PK" Koepke

Thank you Stephanie Weier! Your advice really resonates with me, and I’ll be diving into agent searches and networking opportunities on Stage 32. I love the idea of personal connections being key and...

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Debbie Elicksen

Thanks for this Stephanie Weier. The script breakdown report and this thread is extremely helpful for the newbies out there. With regards to permissions, are we also talking about licenses, permits or...

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Stephanie Weier

Kim Hornsby It is so difficult to get distribution to pay attention early on unless you are completely funded with a great cast/script. There is so much competition. It is always better to have distri...

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Stephanie Weier

Debbie Elicksen Yes you are correct. After the script breakdown report, then we do a Kick Off Call with all of the various department heads and teams so there is plenty of discussion on specifics of t...

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Debbie Elicksen

Stephanie Weier Thanks for this. That's great information. I downloaded it.

Amanda Toney
Maurice Vaughan

It's great to hear more theatrical distribution news, Amanda Toney! One of the things movies do is provide a temporary escape, and people can enjoy that escape in theaters. Streaming is great, but it'...

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Sam Sokolow

How cool! My favorite snipet: Branco said the timing was ripe for Studio TF1 to solidify its standing in the French film market “which has shown resilience and growth.” He pointed out the health of th...

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Ashley Renee Smith

This is an exciting move for Studio TF1, Amanda Toney! France has such a rich storytelling tradition, and having a powerhouse like TF1 step more boldly into the theatrical space could open up some gre...

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Eryn Rea
Seriesmania 2025

Hi! Is anyone planning to go to Seriesmania? https://seriesmania.com/

Séries mania
Séries mania
Festival international 100% séries, du 17 au 24 mars 2023 à Lille et en ligne. Avant-premières mondiales, rencontres et masterclasses, invités prestigieux...
Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Eryn Rea. Hope you have a great time at Seriesmania and make a lot of connections! Safe travels!

Geoff Hall
What is Hybrid Distribution?

The takeaways from this video for me, were:

Control the process.

Don’t waste your rights, but choose different distribution companies for varying strategies, i.e. theatrical, educational, online video and digital releases.

Know your audience. And it isn’t “everyone”. Everyone is not going to see your f...

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John Clive Carter

I'm not convinced self-distribution is a viable option. Better to partner with a sales agent who'll work either for commission or a fee. Someone who knows the market both domestically and internationa...

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Geoff Hall

John Clive Carter Hi John, I don’t think they were promoting self-distribution, but hybrid distribution, which is based on several key partnerships.

Willem Elzenga

Hybrid distribution sounds a bit like making a fairly simple process complicated. Logical, when it comes to what Peter Broderick is actually selling - if you check on his website.

As a director I desi...

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Sam Sokolow
PRIMAVERA lands distributors

In another sign of the growing global film industry, the Italian feaure film PRIMAVERA, about Vivaldi, was financed by several sources and supported by the Italian film commission and incentives and will now get a wide release through a slew of distributors. We are all connected and as RB has been p...

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Antonio Vivaldi Movie 'Primavera' Directed by Damiano Michieletto Pre-Sells to Major Distributors; First Still Unveiled (EXCLUSIVE)
Antonio Vivaldi Movie 'Primavera' Directed by Damiano Michieletto Pre-Sells to Major Distributors; First Still Unveiled (EXCLUSIVE)
'Primavera,' a film about Antonio Vivaldi, the Italian Baroque composer and violinist who penned "The Four Seasons," has pre-sold in several markets.
Richard "RB" Botto

Had a call yesterday with a long time distribution exec who said, "The international pipeline is as wide open and flowing than at any time in my 20 year career." Only signs of acceleration ahead.

Jack Binder

Molto Bene! Great to see artistic voices of lands near and far achieving recognition in the greater global film and television market.

Debbie Elicksen

I expect that pipeline to grow by leaps and bounds.

Richard "RB" Botto

You can place that bet with confidence, Debbie Elicksen

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