
From structure to content to representation to industry trends, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice on the craft and business of screenwriting

Michelle Dionne Wardlaw
How Do You Feel About Act Breaks in your scripts?

Is it necessary to include page breaks? Just curious about the consensus. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Richard "RB" Botto

At 62, I don't think you're risking that reaction, Michelle Dionne Wardlaw. Now, if you want to challenge yourself to get to 60 and below, have at it. But I wouldn't kill yourself if you're happy wher...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Extremely well said and absolutely on point, Staton Rabin. As long as the reader understands and, of course, you can speak to the breaks, total shifts, reversals, etc, you're good to go....

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Richard "RB" Botto

Most welcome, Staton Rabin. Fantastic contribution.

Staton Rabin


Maurice Vaughan
The Writer As An Entrepreneur: Part Two

With Geoff and Sandra’s r...

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Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Zahra Mazhari. I was just a screenwriter for years, but I also became a commercial writer, ghostwriter, and pitch deck designer, and I learned how to write short stories, sketches, etc....

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Mike Childress

Wait, I can't just write?...

Maurice Vaughan

You can definitely just write, Mike Childress.

Dan MaxXx

Thats why tictok, twitch, IG creators have more clout and leverage than career writers & filmmakers. They own the content. Look at Mr Beast.

Mike Childress

Maurice Vaughan That was a little Zero Dark Thirty cheekiness of course, but I really do have an aversion to sales/business. Not that I can't sell myself in a room, but I think it's probably worth it...

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Aspiring Screenwriter Looking to Learn, Improve & Bring Stories to Life

Hey everyone,

My name is Joshua O-lawal, and I’m a 14-year-old aspiring screenwriter (turning 15 this year). For over a year, I’ve been dedicated to learning and growing in screenwriting, and my passion for storytelling keeps getting stronger. My ultimate dream is to see my scripts come to life on sc...

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Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, O-lawal Joshua Seyifunmi. You could also check the Job Board ( Indie producers and directors post jobs on it....

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Pat Savage

O-lawal Joshua Seyifunmi Maurice Vaughan is our go to guy on many subjects here on the Stage so follow his lead! And he's not a bot!!...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Pat Savage. Thanks. Definitely not a bot.

Pat Savage

Maurice Vaughan trying to get your attention! I mean any longer time spent on here you could be a bot! Goodfellas reference...

Maurice Vaughan

Haha Pat Savage Goodfellas is incredible!

Maurice Vaughan
Less Woo & More Do: The Four P’s To Achieve Results In Your Entertainment Career

In today’s blog, Ava Paloma shares four practical habits to help creatives stay grounded and achieve consistent results in their careers.

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James Timothy Lagrimas
Quarterfinalists Announced: 3rd Family Friendly Contest

Congratulations to all the Quarterfinalists in this year's Family Friendly Contest! Let's show them our support and if you placed, tell us more about your script!

View the Quarterfinalists here:

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Maurice Vaughan

Great news to end the week! Congratulations, Quarterfinalists!

GJ Harvey

Congrats Quarterfinalists!

Robert Bridge
Goals and stakes

I'm just wondering if someone can help me with something. What are the characters goals and what are the stakes in the films Notting Hill and When Harry Met Sally?

Chase Cysco

i feel like Harry wants to figure out his feelings for Sally & Sally struggles with her belief that men and women can just be friends, with the stakes being whether or not she can let herself love Harry

Chase Cysco

so random just watched the ending of this at my sisters the other day lol

Sharan Muralidhar

In Notting Hill, William's goal is to win Anna’s love despite their worlds being galaxies apart. The stakes? A lifetime of regret if he lets the shooting star pass.

In When Harry Met Sally, their goal...

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Barry McDivitt
Beta reader etiquette.

The primary reason I joined Stage 32 was to find like-minded writers willing to swap scripts and act as free beta readers. I quickly found three scriptwriters who seemed to fit the bill and screenplays were exchanged. I read all three and provided detailed critiques and encouragement. (I’ve beta rea...

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Göran Johansson

About 100 members have sent me networking requests since I became a member almost one year ago. And since I have a finished script, I have asked most of those people to read. Basically I have suggeste...

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Preston Poulter

I look at 10 page selections from scripts every week on my YouTube channel.

Let me know if interested.

Anthony Moore

I've done several. Most were positive. A couple were really bad. One guy's script was all talking heads and over description, and nobody could tell him it didn't work as a screenplay. The other guy cu...

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Warren Bouchier

Hi Barry, I’m happy to read and exchange critique - in my view I can learn from other people and I wish to keep learning. I’ve been runner up several times in a number of competitions - but never the...

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Warren Bouchier

I would also add that I have only improved as a writer as much as I have because other people took time out of their day to provide me with their insights on my work. They put more in than they took out. I feel as a point of personal honor I should do the same.

Thomas Cummins
I’ve read my script so much idk if it’s good or makes sense anymore.

is this normal? and what do you do to combat this?

Anthony Moore

Listen to it. I use text-to-speech software to read the script to me. It isn't perfect but I can catch errors and get a better feel for a scene if I can hear it.

Pat Savage

try taking a break from it and, don't look at it for month. then come back and see how it reads after detaching yourself and becoming more objective.

Barry McDivitt

I'm gradually compiling a group of like-minded beta readers who aren't afraid to give, and get, honest feedback (for free). It may be worth finding out what other people think of your script. Tell them not to pull any punches.

Banafsheh Esmailzadeh

It’s very normal and happens with all art forms. Just take a break from it for a while, like a month or so, and when you come back you can see it with clearer eyes. You mainly feel that way right now because you’re still deeply connected to your work :)

Kizzy Lee

Sometimes, it can be helpful to have someone else read things back to you. I find that it helps me reignite with the piece. If you have someone you trust who is a good speaker and adapts well with storytelling, have them read it to you like they are acting it out for you. Hope this helps :)

Megan Reneau

Hey, I was wondering if any writers could answer a question for me. I am new at scriptwriting. While between character convo. I like to break down the scene descriptively on what's going on in the scene. Someone pointed out that I am writing too much description/blocking and that it could stall the...

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Marc Serhan

Megan - It’s not easy to answer this in a comment, but in a pumpkin shell: a screenplay is not a novel and it’s only around 100 pages. You want ‘a fast read’. Just say what’s up on the screen. A write...

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Megan Reneau

Thank you to everyone’s advice, i appreciate all of your time for getting back to me on it. I had only 1-2 lines with each new scene. And maybe 1-4 lines in non dialogue scenes. So I didn’t think it w...

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Francisco Castro

Agree with Mike Childress. LESS IS MORE. Also, try doing a script reading. Do not participate. Just listen to your script out loud and you'll see where the read bumps and the flow gets disrupted....

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Andreas Miliaressis

Hi Meagan. I completed a course in screenwriting, what I learnt is what Marc and Francisco mentioned. Less is best. And what Marc mentioned in his comment "Don’t direct the director and don’t coach th...

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Zahra Mazhari

Every element in a film should serve the story. If something contributes to a new layer of narrative discovery, it must be explicitly stated. Otherwise, we leave room for the director’s vision. Even t...

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Maurice Vaughan
Posting Script Pages on Social Media

I post pages on social media to pitch my scripts, but I also use it as one last check after I finish rewriting my scripts. I don’t know what it is about posting script pages on social media, but I spot things in scenes that I didn’t notice before when I post the pages, like action lines or words tha...

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Göran Johansson

I have noticed myself that some errors one doesn't find easily. One can read the script 9 times without finding what is wrong. But the 10th time one reads, one notices what is wrong. And I am a big fr...

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Maurice Vaughan

I used to print scripts and make notes on them with different color pens, like red for things that need to be changed, Göran Johansson. I might start printing scripts again....

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Anthony Moore

What helps me is having the PC read it back to me. I use a Text-to-speech reader to listen to how it sounds. I can find errors much faster when I hear that it doesn't sound right.

Maurice Vaughan

That helps me too, Anthony Moore. I use the read aloud features in Microsoft Word and Final Draft. I used to read my scripts backwards to check for typos, but that takes a lot of time....

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Pat Savage

Enlightening conversation guys I learned lots!

Ashley Renee Smith
Tomorrow's Stage 32 Community Wrap-Up – LIVE on Instagram!

Join us this Friday at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET for another exciting Stage 32 Community Wrap-Up with Head of Community, Ashley Smith, and Community Manager / Writer’s Room Producer, Kay Ross!

Upcoming events & education

Valuable resour...

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Maurice Vaughan

I'm excited for another Wrap-up, Ashley Renee Smith! What are some of the upcoming events and education?

Ashley Renee Smith

If you missed today's Instagram Live, you can catch the full conversation HERE:

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Maurice Vaughan
Stage 32 Community Wrap-Up Today on IG

Join us LIVE on Instagram at 10:00 A.M. PST/1:00 P.M. EST! We’ll be covering all the latest happenings on Stage 32, including:

Go to Instagram...

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Maurice Vaughan

We had an incredible Community Wrap-Up today! If you missed the Wrap-Up or you want to watch it again, here's the link:

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