Another member wants me to write a screenplay for her youtube channel. The problem is the formating. This is how she wants it formated :
what you hear in our videos is exactly the script how to write it down, first person narration of the MC and dialogues in direct speech
you need to use color codes for the dialogues, which mean you choose for each character a color and write the direct speeches in their colors, a small index at the beginning of the script explains which color is who
no need for writing ‘he said’ or ‘she answered and left’
no internal thoughts or monologues, show us how the MC feels by actions and dialogues
no descriptions of things that can be shown easily, since it is going to be animated
Anybody who is familiar with this kind of formating? Because I have never seen any screenplay written like this.
The member who asked for this has a profile as screenwriter. So a wrote a first person narration. I mean, I thought she would like to change the details herself so part of it became a dialogue.
I asked her to send me a copy of some story she has earlier purchased from some other writer, so I can read how she wants me to format. But I received none.
And if she doesn't buy from me? I think I will soon have a good reason to contact 102 theatres, so I can ask them to use my story.
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Contact your local group with no-budget filmmakers. Create a short film together with them. Will show others what talent you have. Or write a play for your local amateaur theatre. Again, it will show others what you can do.
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I guess you dont want to start at the bottom; just begin a career at the top, on the big screen, box office, red carpet premiere. Google how many filmmakers begin careers at the top. Very few here in the USA and the world.
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@Göran Johansson Thank you so much, Sir! And yes, you're absolutely right. I've been in this field for almost 10 years now, and I'm aiming for something big. My script has great potential!
@Dan MaxXx Exactly! This is what I want to achieve, but I don’t know anyone in the industry. The people I’m trying to connect with mostly turn out the same way, which leaves me confused. Yet, at the same time, it gives me clarity as I dive deeper into this field.
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Nice that you liked what I wrote. Create something, which other persons will actually see.