John O'Hara: Cinematographer, sound mixer and producer in Rockledge, Florida.

Brad Rego
Looking for Ideas on Finding investors

I have recently hired a producer for a feature length horror creature feature. The script is ready to go, we have a crew and a great financial plan with excellent ROI projections for investors. given to us by our sales agents. So now I'm looking to circulate the plan and try to generate some interes...

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John O'Hara

Brad - Funding for last Aprils feature primarily came from 5 executive producers who had also provided some funding on the producers previous films. These executive producers were not movie moguls the...

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Brad Rego

Steven- I have heard of the book, but I haven't read it. Perhaps I will finally get off my ass and take the plunge. Thanks for the advice. Where in NY are you based out of? (I'm in Brooklyn)

Mungunzul Amgalanbaatar

Thanks for for the Connection

Peggy Garner
Up coming film production

My name is Peggy Garner I am a Christian stage play /screen play writer. God has blessed me to partner with Gordon Pictures from San, Antonio Texas and this spring they will be filming my first Full featured Christian Movie "Ultimate Destination" in Memphis TN. Our Casting Call is scheduled for Satu...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Peggy, I would post your project and your needs in our JOBS section. Good luck.

Ariella Crots

Contact me for interesting true christian stories in the future if you'd like. Incredible testimonies.

Carin Suzanne Danta


Randa Karambelas
Castings Actors from other countries...

Hey Guys - Working on a Super Low Budget Short in the US and we fell in love with an actor from Amsterdam. Anyone have any tips on how to add him to the cast inexpensively? I have no experience with this and my line producer is blowing her top over this issue. Is getting his a 2 or 3 day work visa t...

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D Marcus

It's a month since you asked this. What did you do? Can you share you experience with us?

JD Hartman

For $3000 to $6000, you can hire an accomplished SAG actor for your short, get a really good caterer, have a wrap party, etc. Really sounds like personal feels are clouding the judgement of the original poster.

Randa Karambelas

Thanks everyone for your feedback. We offered him a better role in a bigger project, so it all worked out. When you want to work with someone, you make it work. Rachel Rath, I learned so much from your post. Thank you very much. I greatly appreciate it. #alwayslearning

Ssekamatte Phillip
How do I earn from posting online short films

I want to start producing online short films but how do I get money out of them. thxs

Abigail Bruley

How do you find these brands that are soliciting for spec commercials ?

JD Hartman

You'd have to do your own "due diligence", check filmaking magazines, etc. The other option is actually producing a commercial on spec. for a specific brand and product and submitting it to their adve...

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Ssekamatte Phillip

thanks guys for the advice's

Amanda Murray
How much do YOU charge??

I am a director who is putting together a budget for a short film and I would love to know from you how much you tend to charge or be paid for your work. I would like to get as best an estimate for my budget as possible. I would like to hear from set decorators, assistant directors, script superviso...

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Nelle Nelle

Hi Amanda, I can only say that it depends. I'm assuming this is your first whack at it. Which is fine. Everyone has their rate and then everyone has the money they are willing to work for. I think you...

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Carl Welden

As a location sound recordist, I've made anywhere from $300-$600/10hr day, but that amount depends greatly on the combination of equipment I am asked to provide. Kit rental is often the way for freela...

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Royce Allen Dudley

Most working crew in L.A. who are any good command union scale, regardless of union status ( note that non union gets no benefits / pension contribution or qualifying hours).... but that gets cut base...

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Jennifer Faith Ward

Hi John! Great to have you here! I really enjoyed working with you on Slay Angels. It's wonderful to see the fruits of your continued success.

John O'Hara

I see you were in Finding Eden. I worked with Rodney and Cody on several films including "God Where Are You?"

Jennifer Faith Ward

Yes! They are fantastic to work with!

Uzodinma Okpechi


Steven Harris Anzelowitz
What are the must have crew talents that you need to make an independent film.

I am the screenwriter, I plan to Direct, besides the Cinematographer and Production Designer who else is a must have talent at the prep, shoot and post.

Shaun O'Banion

I second everything @RB said and also Jacob. You need an AD to keep everything running. Your First AD is the keeper of the clock and will make sure things are running smoothly and, more importantly, safely.

John O'Hara

As a producer, cinematographer, and production sound mixer key talent outside of writer and director in order of importance is usually the lead actors, production sound mixer (unless you have no dialogue), DP, and script supervisor. That typically covers 80% of the key talent.

David Trotti

If you're both Writer and Director and this is your first feature here are the bare bones crew I suggest: A Producer... even if it's your spouse or best friend or somebody who was a PA two weeks ago o...

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Brian McAndrew
Product placement

How do you make money out of product placement? I assume that product placement is there to get funding from companies and get your film funded.

John O'Hara

Product placement is about the audience size which is often related to the pictures budget. Companies want to know that a large relevant audience will see the product. So they want to see the script t...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Well said, John. There are also a myriad of businesses out there that handle this exact thing.

Michael Wearing

Not so sure you make money out of product placement more than the company placing the product and the filmmaker get mutual benefit from the arrangement. There are companies specialising in product pla...

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Carlos Hiciano

I'm looking for some advice concerning stunts. Does anyone know where I can find stunt coordinators/stunt actors? If certain stunts are written in the scripts would I still need a stunt choreographer? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

Alejandro Reyes

I know two people and they're a power couple. Rachel Harrison and Tim Martin. I don't know if they're on Stage 32 but I can get you contact with them.

Alejandro Reyes

I know two people and they're a power couple. Rachel Harrison and Tim Martin I can put you in conta...

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Chris Calzia

Good article John! Thanks for your sound tips and expertise!

Jorge J Prieto

John, interesting blog, never imagined the different techniques that are and can be used in order to achieve great sound. I truly believe a great story and sound is key to the final product. Loved your YouTube video samples, btw. Great having you here, Sir.

John Dewberry

A lesson seen and heard, thank you for you sound judgment and teaching.

Carl Welden
Integrating Time Code Into My Location Sound Kit: Where to begin?

I've moved up to a Sound Devices 552 field mixer (from my old Shure FP33) and I'm loving it! Loads of connectivity and features. It has TC input, meaning it supports time code, but does not generate it. If I want to get started with integrating TC into my gear, what sort of outboard units are recomm...

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Carl Welden

Well, I won a Denecke SB-3 in an auction. Once it arrives, I'll hit my soldering bench and make some cables.

Carl Welden

My Denecke SB-3 arrived in the mail today. So, like I said, the first step will be to start building various BNC cables for reading and jamming timecode between recorders and cameras. I did download t...

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Carl Welden

UPDATE: Success! Rather than buy the $40 BNC to TA3F cable, I made my own for about $3 bucks. The blue LED timecode indicator (see photo) is lit and I can now offer sync sound. Achievement Unlocked!

Sheldon Landry
Demo Reel

Hi everyone, I'm a Vancouver Canada actor and I'm looking for an editing company that specializes in taking MP3 files and can edit into one master that I could use as a demo disc. If anyone has any sources I could connect with it would be appreciated. Im getting a lot of requests for work and the pr...

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John O'Hara

Are you looking for an audio only reel? Or editing mp4 video? My company or numerous others can do both. Lots of choices.

Sean LaFollette
Production Sound Mixer

We're getting ready to shoot a short film in Michigan and we need a professional to run sound for us. Please reach out if you're interested.

JD Hartman

Post this in the Jobs section. Mandy dot com too.

John O'Hara

Here is a list of mixer links across the country There is one listed in Lansing, MI - Dave Jones - but he has no hyperlink on this listing....

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Sheila J. Anderson

WOW! Anthony, you are very wise for your young age. Thank you for the advice. I work with children in theater. You are so right about the snacks, and you must do scenes in short segments in order to keep their attention and interest. Great advise.

Anthony Michael Hobbs

Yes, I have worked with directors who obviously didn't like children. I just kept trying to make them laugh or smile

Sdkids Tang

Very nice article. Wish you can come to San Diego International Kids' Film Festival and make a talk at the panel.

Anthony Michael Hobbs

Thanks Sdkids Tang! My short film One Nation was accepted for THIS YEAR's San Diego International Kids' Film Festival! I would love to speak on the panel. I have been a speaker before at events and a...

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Giselle Marie
IMDb Credit

Honestly, it's never been easier to get IMDb credit than it is now! Don't let your credits go without getting them on IMDb! Read this article with helpful links to finally get those ghost credits on IMDb!

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John O'Hara

The number one incentive for the actors I hire is an IMDB credit added by me. Some producers however are to lazy to get it done (they could always delegate).

Giselle Marie

I've had the same problem, which is why I knew this post would come in handy!

John O'Hara
MAX dialog audio

Recently we went to see - or at least try to see - Max. Although a very touching story and some nice cinematography the dialog was almost unintelligible to the point I finally had to leave the theater and request a refund. Initially, I thought that the sound was set too low in the theater. As the fi...

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Andrew Macht
Dialogue editing for documentaries

I have been working on a documentary assembled with cutaways with different source material and interviews. I am wonder how everyone goes about their workflow with managing your time, budget, technique from, removing unwanted noises smoothing out room tones, noise reduction, splitting tracks, SFX ad...

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Andrew Macht

Thanks John, most of my workflow begin after picture lock. But, during the production im working on, the picture changed so, I was forced to reconform. Really it is a pain. For workflow, I open pro to...

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John O'Hara

Andrew, A couple of things right out of the bins I see is to consider having them cut each scene as a separate sequence. That way each scene is in a separate container and changes to cuts in one scene...

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Andrew Macht

Hey John, The .wav file I receive is easily synced, just adds an extra step though. However I do this because having a video editor process both audio and video into one file can compress the audio to...

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John's network

Graham Zielinski
Rick Ofar
Mike Gasaway
David Outten
Delores Wheeler
Laurene Landon
SR Kui
Harri-Pekka Virkki
Ray S
Bob Lawler
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