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Acting, Advice, Cinematography, Coffee & Content, Composing, Contests, Distribution, Featured, Filmmaking, Financing, Inspirational, Networking, Producing, Screenwriting, Success Stories, Tips, Trending,There’s a natural soul-searching during this time of year. Do I spend money on my loved ones, or is quality time more important? Have I been spending too much time investing in my work, or not enough? Am I living my best life NOW, or am I still in survival mode? Whether this reflection is brought up by family visits, relaxing vacations, or making plans for the new year, it all comes to a pinnacle as we shift away from celebrating holidays and into starting anew in January. As some…
As an extroverted introvert and a natural producer, I find I hate writing. Don’t take that the wrong way - when I’m in a groove, I actually adore the craft. Unfortunately, more often than not, in order to find that writing pace, I also have to be entirely alone. Well, me, my laptop, a good soundtrack, and a cuddly kitty on my lap. Perhaps a cup of tea and a blanket. See? Who sees the light of day when writing solo is so inviting?! My most productive writing sessions, however…
There are so many choices in life that can really stump us. Living situation - East Coast or West Coast? City or Small Town? Furry companion - Cat or Dog? Or relent and go Fish or Turtle? Morning nutrients - Eggs & Veg or Hot Cereal & Fruit? Or slack off and keep it Coffee & Donuts or Tea & Biscuits? Creative Community - NO CONTEST! Joining the Stage 32 Writer's Room community to help me achieve my screenwriting & filmmaking goals has been the best decision of my pr…
A client recently asked me about the value of submitting a short film to a local film festival. After my recent romp at the 20th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival here in Los Angeles, I had to dish on the deets! My not-so-short answer was the stuff of epic emails, and so, I figured best to expand on it as a blog! In fact, it's particularly timely because my epic proof-of-concept short film, "Sanctuary" (Instagram: @SanctuarytheShortFilm ) just announced its premiere at the 9th Annual Sili…
When It All Slows Down, Don’t Give Up Have you ever heard of The Three-Legged Stool? It sounds like a children’s fable, doesn’t it? It’s more like an industry fable, and it’s just as invaluable as The Deathly Hallows. In fact, many have attributed it to their longevity in the industry. Allow me to tell you the wisdom behind the notion, and make of it what you will... It is said every professional creative should have three distinct ways to stay active in t…
Ever been to - or coordinated - a wedding? A special birthday party? Perhaps a charity event, musical concert, or film festival? More than likely, you have benefited from some wonderful person employing Location Scouting for a truly enjoyable experience. Or possibly been rudely introduced to the perils of poor Location Scouting when you couldn’t park, packed all the wrong things, and couldn’t find a clean bathroom. Preparing for a film shoot is not too dissimilar from any ot…
Have you ever fallen in creative love? Perhaps you idly chat about your favorite director, only to discover that you both love their most obscure film best. Over your first coffee date, you playfully square off about who has the worst set stories, but you share a laugh over the resiliency it takes to keep going. Now you're about to start a project, and your new creative ally is firmly entrenched in your corner. 'How in the world did I get so fortunate?' you wonder. If luck favors the pre…
It’s the tedious but oh-so-necessary maintenance of being in this industry: online presentation. Just as we once toiled over the formatting and tone of a resume and cover letter, so now must we polish our profiles. Selling ourselves can be exhausting, but look at it this way - your Stage 32 profile is your invitation to play! We all love what we do, and we love meeting people that make the experience magical. Here’s your chance to set the tone for your ideal-project-made-real…
After publishing my most recent blog, “Why Crowdsource Funding is Essential for Independent Producers”, there was some interesting feedback that pushed back, stating big investors are still the only legitimate way to fund film or other media projects. It was pointed out to me that, “If your goal eventually is a feature film that will be distributed internationally then you are stepping into serious business, and the film should carry the weight of serious business …
Buzz. Trailers. Cast Interviews. Behind the Scenes Featurettes. Seeing A-list talent answer random yet strangely personal questions while playing with puppies. Producers have gone to great lengths to convince audiences to watch their finished films. But, is it worth it? Putting aside for a moment the nitty-gritty details of what it takes to market a film, the process of planning and executing a marketing strategy for a film or series takes just as much teamwork, strategy, and creativity…
There is a Japanese proverb that speaks simply of the heart of Perseverance. Nana korobi ya obi or “fall seven times and get up eight”. Perhaps if this were a corporate inspirational poster, we could end this blog with a simple image of someone climbing a mountain. But this isn’t the ‘90s and we’re creatives. We need to paint a picture, compose the music, and write the metaphor. First, let’s be clear: according to dictionary.com, the definition of per…
Have you noticed of late? Stage 32 - an online networking platform - has been hosting more and more IN-PERSON meetups over the last few months. The ability to join or host your own local meetup has always been available - just post it on Stage 32 under the MEETUPS tab! Shameless Plug: if you’d like to host an official Stage 32 meetup in your area, drop me a DM! No, we’re not steering away from online networking. Don't worry! Stage 32 is all about building relationships in the…