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Advice For Screenwriters From An Award-Winning Producer & Repped Screenwriter

Hello Screenwriters. My name is Shaun. I am a Stage 32 Exec, Gotham Award-winning independent film producer, member of the Producers Guild of America, Repped Screenwriter, Script Consultant, and educator. I've been in the film and television industry for 28 years and producing for 14 of those years. In that time I have been privileged to work with and learn from some of the greatest filmmakers and performers in our industry - from James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, and Judd Apatow to Joe…

Advice for Screenwriters from an Award-Winning Producer & Repped Screenwriter

Hello Screenwriters. My name is Shaun. I am a Stage 32 Exec, Gotham Award-winning independent film producer, member of the Producers Guild of America, Repped Screenwriter, Script Consultant and educator. I've been in the film and television industry for 28 years and producing for 14 of those years. In that time I have been privileged to work with and learn from some of the greatest filmmakers and performers in our industry - from James Cameron, Steven Spielberg and Judd Apatow to Joe W…

The Come Down: Navigating Normalcy After Festival Wins & Losses Part 3

Read PART ONE HERE: The Come Down: Navigating Normalcy After Festival Wins & Losses Part 1 Read PART TWO HERE: The Come Down: Navigating Normalcy After Festival Wins & Losses Part 2 On the festival run, people want to talk to the actors, the director, the writer. As a producer, you’re usually a distant, distant third. Still, you get to chime in from time to time on the Q and A’s, and those Q and A sessions you did on the fest circuit give you a sense of the best st…

The Come Down: Navigating Normalcy After Festival Wins & Losses Part 2

Read PART ONE HERE: The Come Down: Navigating Normalcy After Festival Wins & Losses Part 1  People want advice… they want to tell you about their stories. They give you their business cards with hope in their eyes that you’ll call… And for a year or so, as you run around with the film under your arm, people treat you as though there’s virtually nothing to hold you back from becoming the next Scott Rudin, Aaron Sorkin, or Spielberg. In fact, they often …

The Come Down: Navigating Normalcy After Festival Wins & Losses Part 1

Today we welcome back to the blog, my good friend, Shaun O'Banion.  Shaun has been an active member of this community for years.  He's written blogs, done some teaching and worked directly with other Stage 32 members on a variety of projects.  Additionally, in one of those "this business is big, but small" examples, Shaun recently worked on Cover Media's film Ophelia which debuted at Sundance this year and where I have a screenplay set up and in development (relationships …

How Not To Freak Out If You Lose A Crew Member Prior To Shooting Or During Production

Someone recently asked me if I’d ever lost a key cast or crew member during a shoot… and while telling the story, it occurred to me that it might be something worth sharing. After all, if you’re like me, you work in indie film where, very often, we’re flying by the seat of our pants and just trying to keep everything moving. So. I was in early prep on my second feature film as a producer and was getting ready to head to Massachusetts for the shoot. I wasn’…

Tragedy On Set - Remembering Sarah Jones 2 Years Later

It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog – even for my own site. In all honesty there just hasn’t been anything that compelled me to sit down and put my thoughts out there… but as I had previously written about the death of camera assistant Sarah Jones, and as two years have now passed since the incident that took her life (she was killed on February 20th, 2014), I decided to revisit my feelings on the topic and look at what has come of that loss. Sever…

Part II: How I Got Started

Today we welcome back producer Shaun O'Banion for Part II of his blog How I Got Started. If you missed part I, you can click here. Shaun has been called a "criminal mastermind" and a "ballsy young lad" in yesterday's comments - all meant with affection, of course. Today, you'll learn about the magical moment when Shaun got his first job working in the industry. All I can say is that it includes a gift shop. Read on. Enjoy! RB

Part I: How I Got Started

Today's guest blog comes from producer and Stage 32 member, Shaun O'Banion, Shaun's previous blogs, Tragedy on Set: Remembering Sarah Jones, Gender Inequality in the Industry (Part I), and Gender Inequality in the Industry Part II) were enormously popular and met with immense support and debate from the Stage 32 community. Today we welcome Shaun back with a blog about how he got started in Hollywood. As you see in our Stage 32 blogs, everyone's journey is different o…

Part II: Gender Inequality in the Industry

Today we welcome back Producer Shaun O'Banion for his 2nd and final installment of Gender Inequality in the Industry (Part II). We've appreciated the intelligent debate in the Comments section and look forward to more today. If you missed Part I, click here. Enjoy, RB

Part I: Gender Inequality in the Industry

Today's guest blog comes from producer and Stage 32 member, Shaun O'Banion, Shaun's previous blog, Tragedy on Set: Remembering Sarah Jones, was enormously popular and met with immense support from the Stage 32 community. Today we welcome Shaun back with a post about gender inequality in Hollywood... a topic that may just spur some debate. Shaun is an independent film producer and member of the Producers Guild of America. He has produced three films: Dakota, Dakota Skye and…

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