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Starting Out: Don’t Undervalue Your Work

I can’t believe I graduated college two years ago, it feels like it’s been forever. I’ve spent the bulk of my two years applying to different gigs, sending out pitches, entering competitions, and trying to make some money in the film industry (not retail). When I was applying to gigs, I began wondering what’s the right rate to charge with my experience on set. How much should I sell a script for? What should I charge a client to write a script? I had so many ques…

Cut It Out!

I’ve done it, you’ve done it, everyone’s done it: as you watch a movie or TV show you find yourself screaming “not that again!” or “he wouldn’t do that!” or “that makes no sense!” So now I’m going to list my pet peeves – those things I just can’t stand seeing over and over again in shows or movies. Or those things that just leap out as contrivances that just don’t work. I also reached out to colleagues i…

RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions and Other Fun Stuff (May 20, 2016)

Greetings from sunny Cannes! Welcome to the weekend, everyone.  This will, again, be a quick intro. We’re still out here wall-to-wall with meetings and events. It’s been amazing to connect with so many Stage 32 film creatives! Over 250 attended our rooftop party and we've now learned that 33 Stage 32 members (that we know of) have films at Cannes! You can see all of our Cannes video updates on the Blog. ( One other quick point – …

Live From Cannes - VR, Arri, Success Stories & A Film After-Party

Stage 32 Founder & CEO Richard Botto broadcasts live from a 2016 Cannes Film Festival film after-party and talks about VR, Arri cameras, financing, Stage 32 success stories and brings you inside a Cannes Film Festival party.   Like this blog post? Please share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email etc) by using social media buttons at the top of the blog. Or post to your personal blog and anywhere else you feel appropriate. Thank you. As always, we welcom…

It’s Not Hard to Take Charge: A Woman’s POV on Directing Films

As a woman, I'm sometimes asked why I picked a male dominated business to be in. My response is always the same, “Besides nursing and teaching (with the exception of university, then the workplace mostly consists of males), most professions are already male dominated.” They stop and think about it and then say, “You’re right.” Any woman that wants to have a professional career of her own must always compete among the men. So I have had to learn to adjust mys… Party At the 2016 Cannes Film Festival - Meet our Members

 Meet Stage 32 members from all over the world who have had success using!   Like this blog post? Please share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email etc) by using social media buttons at the top of the blog. Or post to your personal blog and anywhere else you feel appropriate. Thank you. As always, we welcome thoughts and remarks on ANY of the content above in the Comments section below...  

RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions and Other Fun Stuff (May 13, 2016)

Greetings from the Cannes Film Festival! Deep in the planning for our panels, parties and meetups, not to mention a full slate of meetings on the agenda, so no big opening this week. But, fear not! I’ve still collected a wide and varied list of news and information for you to enjoy this weekend. As always, I welcome discussion and debate on any of the content below in the Comments section! Bonjour! RB

From 'Real to Reel': The Three E’s of an Independent Filmmaker

If I ever told my mother that I was homeless when I stayed in Savannah, GA for film school, she would have killed me.  I remember the day I graduated from Virginia State University and thinking to myself… 'What the hell am I going to do now that I graduated school?' I just received my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management, but I knew that was not what I wanted to do. My heart wasn’t in it at all. I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to be, but I just d…

Tragedy On Set - Remembering Sarah Jones 2 Years Later

It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog – even for my own site. In all honesty there just hasn’t been anything that compelled me to sit down and put my thoughts out there… but as I had previously written about the death of camera assistant Sarah Jones, and as two years have now passed since the incident that took her life (she was killed on February 20th, 2014), I decided to revisit my feelings on the topic and look at what has come of that loss. Sever…

The Five Things You Need to Know About Storyboards

What are storyboards and why would anyone want to use them? Today I welcome storyboard artist and illustrator Debi Hammack to the Stage 32 Blog. Having worked on Fox's Sleepy Hollow and Daryl's Restoration Over-Hall, as well as numerous independent films, television shows and commercials, Debi knows first hand the benefits of working with a storyboard artist. If you're a creative considering working with a storyboard artist or illustrator as a method to flesh out your story or design y…

Always Ask Questions – Going from PA to Location Scout to 1st AD to Producing

Today I invite to the Stage 32 Blog Gary A. Lowe, who is a feature film & TV line producer with over 20 years experience. Having filmed all over the U.S. and many foreign locations such as Tahiti, Paris, Australia and Bulgaria, Gary has acquired an impressive array of filmmaking knowledge. He's even been fortunate to work with great talent such as Leo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, Nick Cage, Kate Hudson etc. early on in their careers.   Having started as a P.A. and then moving on t…

I Simply Let My Work Speak For Itself

Stage 32 member and costume designer Rachael Kras is an artist with an extensive background in the professional performing arts. She’s worked on productions such as Les Miserables, Miss Saigon and Sweeny Todd (among others) all stemming from her incredible training and pedigree in….(double take)…computer network operations? Huh? Don’t back track. You read that right. Rachael has been the resident Costume Designer for Wonderbound (formerly known as Ballet Nouve…

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