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RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions and Other Fun Stuff (May 13, 2016)

Greetings from the Cannes Film Festival! Deep in the planning for our panels, parties and meetups, not to mention a full slate of meetings on the agenda, so no big opening this week. But, fear not! I’ve still collected a wide and varied list of news and information for you to enjoy this weekend. As always, I welcome discussion and debate on any of the content below in the Comments section! Bonjour! RB

From 'Real to Reel': The Three E’s of an Independent Filmmaker

If I ever told my mother that I was homeless when I stayed in Savannah, GA for film school, she would have killed me.  I remember the day I graduated from Virginia State University and thinking to myself… 'What the hell am I going to do now that I graduated school?' I just received my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management, but I knew that was not what I wanted to do. My heart wasn’t in it at all. I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to be, but I just d…

OFF THE PAGE - The Anatomy of a Table Read

One of the great joys for a playwright or screenwriter is seeing and hearing our stories come to life. While a full production of your screenplay might not be in the immediate future, a table read is a simple and accessible way to hear and evaluate your work. I recently organized a table read of my new screenplay 'The Manny'. The screenplay had already received coverage, been submitted and placed in several contests, but I felt I now needed to hear the completed work read in order to ho…

Exclusive Interview With Independent Film Producer David Harris - February On Stage With RB Now Available On Demand

The February edition of On Stage With RB was our highest attended yet! Nearly 2200 viewed the webcast LIVE! Incredible! I was honored to have two incredible guests on the show - independent film producer, David Harris, and writer, actor, producer, David Paterson. Both provided an amazing amount of information and inspiration.   The entire webcast can be viewed here, but for the purpose of today's blog, we've broken down my interview with David Harris into 6 segments (as well as t…

5 Tips for Aspiring Music Producers and Composers - Digital Audio Workstation

Currently in this day and time, with modern computer technology, there are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to purchasing and using a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). Using a DAW, also means the use of dedicated music software, in conjunction with a personal computer and a separate pro audio interface. Some people still prefer to center their music production around a hardware based DAW, which is an all in one box for sampling, sequencing and looping. Often hardware DAWs ar…

Don’t Rip off the Alien!

With such a vast library of great films to look to as paradigms, you’d think it would be easy to make a great movie. We’re in the age of reboots, adaptations and (dare I say) rip offs, all of which offer a great foundation for us to work from. So why is it that a lot of these fall short? It’s really quite simple. YOU’RE RIPPING OFF THE WRONG THING!! OK, so obviously I should elaborate on this. I’m a person who likes to explain things via analogies. So in t…

5 Things To Get Ready for the Crucial Audition

Stage 32 member Zedrick Resauro is a Filipino-American actor, born in the Philippines and currently residing in LA. In 2015 he co-starred on the Nickelodeon sitcom The Thundermans and Zedrick plays one of the lead roles in upcoming indie comedy Hickey directed by Alex Grossman. You’ve also seen him in Modern Family, Melissa & Joey and Super Shark. Today Zedrick talks about the culture shock of moving from the Philippines to America, and after falling in love with acting, how h…

30 Minutes With... Agustine Calderon | Studio Level Comedies

This summer I ran the popular "30 Minutes With..." series where I interviewed some of the executives we work with at Stage 32 Happy Writers. In each of these highly informative interviews I went over all things screenwriting, development, marketplace and the industry.  Today I'm bringing you my interview with Agustine Calderon, who is a creative executive in the feature film development department at RatPac Entertainment. At RatPac, Agustine has been responsible for bringing in var…

An Investment In Knowledge Pays The Best Interest

Hello everyone, Shannon here. For those of you who don’t know me yet, I am the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If you've ever wondered who puts together all of our Next Level Webinars and Classes, that's me. If you ever have questions about our education, how to watch an on-demand video or Stage 32 in general, that's also me. It’s been an incredible past couple of months for Stage 32 Next Level Education and we’ve seen record-breaking attendance in our Next Level Webinars and C…

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