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It’s Not Hard to Take Charge: A Woman’s POV on Directing Films

As a woman, I'm sometimes asked why I picked a male dominated business to be in. My response is always the same, “Besides nursing and teaching (with the exception of university, then the workplace mostly consists of males), most professions are already male dominated.” They stop and think about it and then say, “You’re right.” Any woman that wants to have a professional career of her own must always compete among the men. So I have had to learn to adjust mys… Party At the 2016 Cannes Film Festival - Meet our Members

 Meet Stage 32 members from all over the world who have had success using!   Like this blog post? Please share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email etc) by using social media buttons at the top of the blog. Or post to your personal blog and anywhere else you feel appropriate. Thank you. As always, we welcome thoughts and remarks on ANY of the content above in the Comments section below...  

RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions and Other Fun Stuff (May 13, 2016)

Greetings from the Cannes Film Festival! Deep in the planning for our panels, parties and meetups, not to mention a full slate of meetings on the agenda, so no big opening this week. But, fear not! I’ve still collected a wide and varied list of news and information for you to enjoy this weekend. As always, I welcome discussion and debate on any of the content below in the Comments section! Bonjour! RB

From 'Real to Reel': The Three E’s of an Independent Filmmaker

If I ever told my mother that I was homeless when I stayed in Savannah, GA for film school, she would have killed me.  I remember the day I graduated from Virginia State University and thinking to myself… 'What the hell am I going to do now that I graduated school?' I just received my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management, but I knew that was not what I wanted to do. My heart wasn’t in it at all. I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to be, but I just d…

Actors! It's Time To Quit Waiting Around For A Break

Hello, Stage 32 Members! We are excited to introduce you all to Brian Patacca, a professional working actor, host, and the Founder of ActorSalon New York & LA. Below, are a few clips from his Actor Real Talk series that are sure to inspire and direct you to growth, wherever you are in your career. Though Brian primarily coaches actors much of his wisdom can be applied across creative positions.  In this batch of short clips, Brian tackles the issue of waiting around for somethi…

The Only Rule Is Success - 3 Lessons I Learned

The Only Rule is Success. Sounds easy, right? Not always, but it is something you can trust.   I was taught three things growing up:   1) You can be anything you want to be if you are willing to work for it. 2) You have a gift and talent, learn your skills. 3) The questions are what is interesting, the answers are all around you.   My life began on a beach in South Texas, with a family from a farm and a college town in Arkansas.  I always knew what I wanted -…

Keep Believing: The Power of Positive Thinking

Today's blog comes from editor and Stage 32 member, Rosalind Winton, from Bushey, United Kingdom. Rosalind is the owner of One Voice Literary Agency, a company that assists writers in developing and proofreading their manuscripts. While she specializes in editorial work, Rosalind is also a narrator for ACX, the audio subsidiary for Amazon that turns their publications into audio books, and is looking to further her career in voice over work. In this entry, Rosalind speaks of her creativ…

Part II: Finding Signs & Meanings on My Creative Journey to 'McFarland USA'

If you haven't checked out Part I of Omar Leyva's blog Finding Signs & Meanings on My Creative Journey to McFarland USA - Part I, you can view it by clicking here.  Below is Part II of Omar Leyva's journey, which takes us through his landing a role in Disney's McFarland USA and what he learned as a result. Enjoy, RB  

What do Taco Bell, Jon Lovitz & The Big Bang Theory Have in Common?

Today's guest blog comes from Stage 32 member, voice over artist and actor, Ed Lieberman.  After years as a CPA, one day Ed decided he needed stress relief from his day job. Little did he know that a budding voice over artist was emerging...and that it had been there since 5th grade. Ed takes us on his journey, which starts as the May Dance Festival announcer when he was a kid, then weaves it's way into being the voice for Taco Bell, working with Jon Lovitz on High School…

Voice Over World, Bring It!

Today’s guest blog is from long time and active Stage 32 member, Amy Ulrich. Amy is an actress, spokesperson, host, voice over artist and singer. Being raised in the heart of Hollywood she saw first hand what it takes to make it in the entertainment industry. Amy has voiced characters on FX’s Chozen as well as Eleanor Roosevelt’s narration for the documentary, The Quiet Philanthropist: The Edith Gaylord Story, which will be released later this year. She also voiced h…

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