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Hollywood's 100 Favorite Films

There have been many (some would say too many) lists through the years ranking the top films of all time.  Most of them, however, are voted on by critics and fans, those who watch the films as opposed to those who make them.  The Hollywood Reporter polled "studio chiefs, Oscar winners and TV royalty" to see which films resonated with those working within the industry.  The results, as you might imagine, were somewhat surprising (I'm looking at you, Breakfast …

Is the Era of the Movie Star Over?

Last week, former Paramount Pictures executive and Variety editor in chief, Peter Bart, published an opinion piece titled Movie Stars Have Become an Endangered Species.  No surprise, the article kicked up some dust.  Agents and managers were quick to dismiss Bart as out of touch, while many producers and studio execs (many in anonymous fashion, naturally) sided with the cagey old vet. I can remember being young and overhearing my parents and their friends talking about wanti…

Mid-Year Progress Report

No weekend News and Notes blog this weekend due to time constraints...However... As we approach the half way mark of 2014, I thought it might be a good time to reflect a little on the creative goals we set for the year.  How are you doing?  Making progress?  Lagging behind?  Changing direction entirely? Let's talk about it in the Comments section below.  And, of course, if there is the opportunity to assist another member of the community toward accompl…

Remembering Harold Ramis

Harold Ramis (1944-2014) We lost a great talent this past week. Harold Ramis, writer, director, actor, producer, passed at the age of 69. Critics (and that means those who get paid to express their opinions and those who do so over cocktails in bars) love to categorize movies by era, and for many, the 80’s is considered the worst decade for film on the whole. For my money, however, the 80’s, particularly the first half, was a golden period for comedy.   Wit…

I Will Not Read Your Fucking Script

A couple of weeks back, there was a conversation in the Stage 32 Lounge regarding Josh Olsen's blog post for The Village Voice: "I Will Not Read Your Fucking Script".  Although the post is now four years old, it remains as interesting a read (and, some may say, as polarizing) as ever.  In fact, with the explosion of social media and, hence, the breakdown of barriers between those who have accomplished and those who aspire to, you could argue the piece is more rele…

Weekend Discussion - Spielberg/Lucas: The Implosion of the Film Industry

The big buzz around town this week revolved around the comments made by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas regarding the future of the film industry during a talk at the USC School of Cinematic Arts (see The Hollywood Reporter's coverage of this story below). There are those who find the griping of the two icons as hypocritical considering that they were at the forefront of the summer blockbuster movement. But let's remember, Jaws, even though it was based on a best seller, was…

Remembering Michael Clarke Duncan

In my days editing RAZOR, I found myself in the company of Michael Clarke Duncan a number of times. A kinder, gentler man, you have never met. Michael loved to tell the story of his ditch digging past. How he had dreams just like everyone else, and how he was "blessed" that "luck found" him. But Michael was much more than the subject of a lottery fable, he was an extremely talented, incredibly humble and generous human being. You simply do not amass 94 credits over…

My True Romance with Tony Scott.

The suicide of director Tony Scott sent shockwaves through Hollywood. Doug Richardson, my friend, and a frequent contributor to the Stage 32 blog, knew Tony well, having worked closely with him during the early stages of prepping for the film Money Train. Doug generously offered to share his favorite Tony tale with the Stage 32 community. Many thanks to Doug... Enjoy. RB

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