If you could pick ONE person to mentor you ...who would it be?
If you could pick ONE person to mentor you ...who would it be?
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Bill Gates
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Bernie Madoff
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@GroovyBruce Bruce Campbell. Always working, takes care of his fans, and takes his craft seriously (but doesn't take himself too seriously).
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and from michigan go bruce
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If for the entertainment industry, Clint Eastwood would be a great mentor.
Gabriel Axel
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Although he's dead so my next choice is Kenneth Branagh.... oh lord help me- if only...
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Victor Wooten
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Wow, tough, one so many great ones...Denzell Washington
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Sanford Meisner
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Chad. That was my first thought also. Eastwood.
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Gus Van Sant.....
Loralie ken's not dead?
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Joss Whedon
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Idina Menzel or Johnny Depp. =]
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@ Mark... oh no... he's very much alive alive ohhhhh! I meant Gabriel Axel. :) Gabriel Axel is best known for a very lovely movie called Babbette's feast done in 1989. I can't even add it to my desert island movies which is sad.
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Mark Millar.
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I already have a mentor in Jeff Burr. Great guy. If I had to pick another it would be Sam Mendes. Stanley Kubrick would be cool, but I he always came off a little obsessive when he was alive. But that was his best film making trait.
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Loralie, I haven't thought of Babbette's feast in eons...Ha. I had a visual of her eating passionatley when I read your post... I need to find that film and watch it again. As I sorta remember, it made me want to eat! Thanks for making me smile.
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honestly- it's my favorite film. it definitely inspired my latest project "Dinner for Twelve" The message of the movie was really "healing through art" My favorite line is when she says "All any artist ever wants is the opportunity to do her best. The story was actually written by Isac Dinesen... in my mind one of the greatest story tellers that ever lived, but- really that's just me :) and she ironically hated movies. lol
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I had no idea who wrote it and how funny she hated movies. But what a treat...no pun intended. Ha. Will have to see your "Dinner for Twelve". Thanks again for your info, I love this site and your wit. Why don't you read my bio and let me know what you think. Take care...
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oh I read it! I'm so tempted. I had a young actress from Slovenia just contact me. She's asked me to help her with a story for credit. Because she's from Slovenia and I have no experience with it's people or places, there's a lot of going back and forth about names and places and so on. Then there's my novel and well I need to get paid for something rob!!! :p lol. It's the only way to save my poor husband from spending the rest of his life as a civil engineer! All kidding aside- let's keep it in mind, you never know what might develop. Dinner for twelve is still in the very early stages, I'm only 4 pages into it. I should be able to finish up my young friends script in the next 60 days... so you never know. :)
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I totally understand and look forward to it. It is such an important story that will do alot of good even though I suffered for it, but that sounds like a creative anyway doesn't it. Ha! I will be honing my skills and have thought about the "Writerstore.com", would love your thoughts on them. Keep me posted and can't wait to hear more. Take care and wishing you all the best...
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This is a good question. I'd say off the top of my head Judi Dench to mentor me in all things Shakepeare and then Oprah to mentor me in business. (Just business).
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Jackie Chan been my idle since i was a child and is the reason i became an actor and stunt man :D
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Steve Barron. He directed A-ha's Take On Me video, amongst other things.
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Anthony Hopkins, he is fab in all of his movies!
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Alfred Hitchcock... but since he's not available Robert Rodriguez.
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John Williams
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Paul McCartney. He gets things done.
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Easy. Kevin Spacey.
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Dolly Parton. Crazy, huh?
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Either Steven Spielberg or David Fincher. Pure geniuses.
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Tim Burton, dark genius.
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Joss Whedon.
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Kate Winslet<3 She's a great actress, wonderful mother and an amazing role model to women of all ages.
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I tried to think of someone off the top of my head, and I kept coming back to Robert Downey Jr.
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If I could pick one person I would have to say, well it would be a tie really between Tim Burton and James Cameron. They both make outstanding films, although im not sure either do what im in school for but it would be awesome to be able to see what they do since i want to help in making films after college.
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James Cameron. The way he writes a film script is undescribeable. Titanic script is downright beautiful. A different feel from the movie.
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Brad Bird, Peter Lord, Nick Park or Tim Burton are great big geniuses - although that doesn't mean that they'd be great mentors ... So perhaps just go for the Dalai Llama?
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I would probably choose someone different for every area of my interest, but just off the top of my head I thought of Errol Morris. I've focused on screenwriting for a long time, but I have an overwhelming urge to pursue nothing but documentary-making. To me, Morris is the best.
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Darth Sidious
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Or Darth Maul. After all, there was a character who turned about three minutes of screen time into millions in merchandising... with relatively no back-story, history, or effect on overall plot, aside from being cut in half. Genius.
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Pharrel, the man is a musical genuis
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William Goldman. I think he's beyond brilliant.
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If it means spending lots of time with this person in close proximity, I would have to pick Jessica Alba.
Ha Ha, David! You win :)
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Micheal Bay
Just ONE? OK, Johnny Depp. I fancy myself as a lady pirate already - I'd want him to help me dig really deep into my eccentricity and emotions.
Definitely Stana Katic.
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Stephen King
A tie between Howard Shore and Joe Hisaishi. Apprenticing under either of them would be the experience of a lifetime.
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Robert Di Niro, With All His Experience!!
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Leonardo Da Vinci (seriously)
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Shane Black
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Danny Boyle
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Thelma Schoonmaker
MINE would be Actress Kym Karath and Malibu High teacher Lisa Szilagyi if you asked why i picked them i say Google it i rather not say as if they ever found out they would know the answer.
Without a doubt, Roger Corman. I would drop everything today and take a job with him. I don't care what job. For the prospect of picking up some bit of wisdom from him, I do it. Today.
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Scott my Rodger Corman story. Must be 20 years ago I get a call from his office. I had been sending out resumes so I was so excited to get in with Rodger Corman himself. As a producer he had been my hero. I was waiting outside his office thinking the great things I would tell him about myself. That I was a film-maker that was worthy of working with his greatness. I get called in and am sitting with the great Rodger Corman. He says "So you want to be my son's tutor"? That day I didn't get the tutoring job or the film job but did meet "The Great" Rodger Corman.
my mentor is the classics . i liketo study the art form of Leonardo davinci , the creative genius of shakesspear and the middle ages of Arts, music and poetry. take a look at my website www.wix.com/dozmonzoo/rod
Lars Van Trier...don't even ask! :):)
Mark, I'm sorry you didn't get one or both Corman jobs, but what a great story.
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Second choice: Present me to twenty me. First choice: David Letterman. www.MondoProductions.com
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Danny Kaye, but because he is no longer alive, maybe Robin Williams or Dustin Hoffman, I don't ask for much ... I know !
Joss, JJ, Taratino, Bruce Campbell... Aka I am looking right now but feel like it won't happen. Always found my own way.
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Meryl Streep
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Maya Angelou
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Morgan Freedman, he is just guy who says what is on his mind, states truth, could care less about anyones color and race and is a superb actor, I think the most underated and one of the best in history,
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(Dead) Stanley Kubrick (alive) Paul Thomas Anderson.
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Film - Steven Spielberg. Life - Paulo Coelho
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Thanks for the invite, Luis. If I could "pick ONE person to mentor me...who would it be?".....Me. I would be a great mentor. I'd be a great protégé too. Why? Well any mentor will tell you there's no prestige in being called a mentor. It's all about the protégé. That's why the protégé gets the better sounding title. Heck I'd be a great mentor for picking ANYBODY to be my protégé. Just by giving them the title makes me a faster working more effective mentor. Think of all the folks out there never chosen to be a protégé. Their lives so much less meaningful, less valid because no one would just step up with their mentor hat and tap them as their subject. It's SO easy, yet not many people do it. They all think they're too busy or too good to mentor. The main reason I'd be a great mentor? I'm AVAILABLE. WHO SAID OPRAH?! Oprah's not available. What about Ghandi? Tim Tebow, too young. Jay Leno, please, unless you're a collectible car or motorcycle, good luck. I'm available. I'll be your mentor. One thing though, it all has to be done online. I can't meet in person. I'm kind of in over my head with the in-person mentoring. Bet your other mentors would never admit that. Yeah, I have too many real protégés. Got to where my job was in jeopardy. What mentor wants to lose his/her job over a non-paying mentoring gig?! That would be counter-intuitive. I'm still the best mentor, first or second life. Boo-ya!
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my mentor would be Denzel Washington--I think his acting is outstanding
Thank you for wasting your time on me. Anyone who has read my mentor response would have passed me over, but you have taken me to task. Perhaps you'd be a lock for best mentor. You have a great name for it. But maybe you'd be a better guru or yogi. While a literary editor you are not, a very wise-man are you. The first thing I learned in your unsolicited tutelage was that mentoring is a very serious topic. A mentor must be have gravitas. A protégé must have discipline. George Burns for instance would be a terrible mentoring choice, or would he? As a comedian, Jay Leno has given his share of being made fun by others. Jay Leno is a great mentor. I hope that one day I'll be made fun of as much as him. His generosity is wonderful. I'm not really sure I should accept your invitation, but after considering how lacking you are in -my type- of humor, the good kind (LOL), I accept. You can now tell people that you are my online protégé. I will however retain my position of plausible deniability. Note: Online comments that reach the length of my response aren't always meant to be serious. However, I should have recognized that many folks get tired after reading more than two statements in an online context and "tired" becomes overdramatized. This is why I am the great mentor-protegé match. I can see how some could envy such a relationship. I will look up this "Big Fat Liar" movie and see how it stacks up to my version of mentoring. Until we meet again, online. Cheers, Glenn PS- I like the statement "a True mentor your not", but myself -the "True protégé" would disagree. Protegé speak! "Glenn is a great online mentor. He knows what motivates me to be a great protégé. I would never have made it as a great protégé if it weren't for him detailing what makes a great protégé. Lesson 1: Recognize the great humility of your mentor. Lesson 2: Tell everyone about the greatness of your mentor. Lesson 3: If you bore your mentor to sleep, try mentoring yourself. Lesson 4: Only a great mentor would have created a Lesson 3 for protégés like me! I love ya Billy. ;-)
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I've gotta ask my mentor to teach me more one liners. Goodness! Until I posted this, I didn't realize it was ridiculously verbose.
Denzel Washington? Quincy Archibald john Q loved that movie.
I was fortunate enough to learn a lot of the Animation industry from Carl Macek, who passed away. He was a wonderful Mentor, straight to the point, no bullshit, and beyond knowledgeable. With that said, in terms of business and negotiation - Donald Trump - simply because I've taken seminar courses at Harvard Business school where he was a guest speaker, and I have always been in awe of his ability to negotiate in any business scenario... In terms of Hollywood, It is hard to really state one person, there are many aspects of this business that have a variety of people who could Mentor. But for the sake of the word "Mentor" - I would say Martin Scorsese - for an innumerable amount of reasons. If I go with the concept of a Mentor in life, I have been fortunate enough to have been raised by wonderful grandparents that both shaped me into the man I am, I could not have asked for better mentors then they.
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That's hard! For me, I consider John Carpenter, Lady Gaga, Marilyn Monroe, & Alfred Hitchcock my main inspirations! hard to choose.
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Jay that is one eclectic list...it's awesome!
Cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto
Vin Diesel
Michael Kane or Robert De Niro
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Quentin Tarantino!
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Joss Whedon, Stephen Spielberg, James Cameron... you know, the greats :)
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Tom Hanks
Aaron Sorkin
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I think that everyone here has some pretty good answers, but as a filmmaker, you either have the talent or you don't. So, I'd rather learn how to raise money than learn filmmaking from James Cameron... I'll go with Jerry Bruckheimer!
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Frank Darabont.
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Christopher Nolan
Michael Omartian
If he was alive I would have killed to work with John Huges.
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Da Vinci. He even experimented with silver nitrate, making the first "negative" imprinted on linen in existence. James Cameron is the closest to Da Vinci today, insofar as he's an artist, film maker, scientist and inventor. That kind of mind would be fascinating to be around.
Gaspar Noe!
Art Alexakis
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Joss Whedon. Or Jane Espenson.
I go with Sam Jones and John Williams, also David Sylvan and the great Brian Eno, sorry picked 3, Brian Eno if it has to be just one
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Going to go with the late, great Mr Brando on this one.
Steven Spielberg and Terry Pratchett :D
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James Cameron. I hear he's tough to work for but I appreciate the concreteness of his vision. He knows exactly what he wants and won't stop until he gets it.
Harvey Weinstein, without a doubt : )
As an actress I'd say Jodi Foster or Michelle Pfeiffer.
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Ari Emmanuel; he didn't get to the top of his game by letting his talent rot.
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Martin Scorcese. #PointBlank
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Jonathan Larson He was an amazing man who gave it his all until the very end.
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William Shakespeare
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Clint Eastwood. Great actor and fantastic director.
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Sanford Meisner - would have LOVED to had worked with him.
Seamus McGarvey. Dude's a mad genius when it comes to cameras and telling a story. Le sigh.
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Robert Downey Jr. Not only is he a great talent but he has been able to bring himself back from the brink of obscurity twice in a business that doesn't offer a lot of first chances never mind second chances. He's a workaholic and his knowledge of how show business works is the main reason he found his way back.
Andrew Carnegie.
In this business, Clint Eastwood. If I were taking up hitting all over again, Triple Crown winner, Miguel Cabrera.
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Woody Allen, the Cohen Brothers or Ridley Scott. And to hang with, Kevin Smith.
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Clint Eastwood...without the chair.
I'll say Meryl Streep.
I would choose Nelson Datu Anderson, a veteran actor, director, producer, and screenwriter as my mentor. He has a wealth of wisdom and knowledge to share.
Helen Mirren.
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Composer Ennio Morricone his arrangements are insane, really knows how to capture emotion
Bruce Lee, not only a legendary martial artist but a philosopher, actor, and director. And he's not made one bad movie. Though if they have to be living, I'd say James Cameron.
this is tough....I can't choose just one; gonna cheat and say Sidney Poitier and Spencer Tracy. Their are/were superior actors who took the craft to a whole other level that I rarely see now. Their individual stories are inspiring.
Alex Sarris, I know him well.
Richard Brandon. Since I mentor writers on the business side of the industry, along with how to develop stories and write more effectively, I don't think I would pick any writers, or even directors or producers. I know enough that i can just give one a call. And James Cameron is a great guy, Nikki. I've had the opportunity to talk with him on a few occasions.
LA. Reid. It seems that he knows everything it takes to go major and he can change the way you think about doing things for better
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Steven Spielberg. Period
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I picked FDR because film making is much like the political environment for him at the time. Organized chaos that has be controlled and delegated at the highest quality, while understanding the blue collar element of your crew. The ability to see what you need to finish before you start in production is critical. The hardest thing to find in Hollywood is Leadership, good solid Leadership. To me those are the ones that stand out and survive the chaos of good film making... JMO
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Lucille Ball ::sigh::
I'm a troll and I resent that
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I'm not directing this at anyone !!!! But...it is funny in this day and age if you have a video camera your a film-maker. When I came up in the 80's it was still that it took $10,000 a day to make a good movieand you earned your title.... now.... I'm just saying
Mark Ratering i just saw your on that group. Your not Trolling me are You? :+}
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Why dont you leave the lady alone and focus on your dogs acting career.
Good Idea !
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Lets move on! Stick to the original question. No more attacks on anyone. This should be a possitive group. Everyone here has talent. The question was who would you want as a mentor?
god bless you Mrs.Lewis
Dick Smith
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sal R. Environemental & Energy Advisor at MTC asked this same question and i liked one of the response. Katrina Ross Read • A future version of myself - so I have the benefit of hindsight before making any big career decisions :) Michael "Cap" Caputo pointed out to me assume the best in messages because 99% of the time its just people not able to communicate feelings in written words. Katrina Ross Read i think would make a good mentor looking at the future while at the same Time Picks on herself
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Danni DeVito
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*Danny. Why did I put an "i"?
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William Goldman or Terry Rossio
J J Abrams or Zak Snyder. Their story telling techniques amaze and motive me.
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Probably Wes Craven.
Frank Pierson or Gill Dennis
Mike Cheda.
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Ron Howard.
Meryll Streep
Neil Gaiman
Megan Hilty
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Denzel Washington
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Jane Campion
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Robert Rodriguez
Edward Andrews, who was my mentor entering the acting/film business.
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Nelson Mandela or Thomas Sankara
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Spielberg, no doubt. I know, it's cliche, but although I have my own style and my own thought format, I have also never been more inspired or, in many ways, influenced, by the work and examples of probably the most famous name in Hollywood...
I'd pick the mentor I had, Italian writer and director Andrea Camilleri: he dissembled my arrogant self, laid the pieces in front of me and then gave me the means to put it back together in a better way myself, instead of just telling me how to do it. So I couldn't think of anyone better.
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Welcome Luis, my biggest mentor would have to be JC because without him no one else would exist for us to post about. Good Luck :D http://videobylina.com http://videobylina.mobi
Oh I didn't realize imaginary characters were allowed too? Then I would like to meet Tony Stark! Besides, JC is not the father of all humans. There were plenty of people who never hear of this myth and still lived - until those telling that myth either killed or converted them... Can we please keep the religious innuendos and propaganda out of the discussions? Thanks!
Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx
Hey guys, I'm on the run of the production of my new movie screenplay -The W- set to be produced by Amazon Studios/Warner Brothers. I need urgent help to rewrite. Who ever accepts this job, rewrite the entire script, gets 50% of sale and partnership credits as a screen writer. You can read it at: http://www.abraham-nissan.com/moviescripts.html Or follow the project and download it in Amazon Studios: http://studios.amazon.com/users/4882
Hey Abraham, I think most screenwriters would be keen though timing is important as we all have project on the run, I myself are currently working on a feature due to complete soon and a TV series, first few episodes. Do you have any signed agreement for this to be produced (including a rewrite)??? I think most writers would want to know the status of the script and if it is a throw away job and start from scratch using the same storyline. Please provide more information. Regards Alex
Hey Alex, the movie script -The W- is at the Development Slate at Amazon Studios website, it means they are interested to develop into a feature film, which means that it is going to be produce it if well treated. There is thus not a presigned agreement for "rewriting", this is on your own, but if success, will be produced by Warner Brothers as a major feature film, and you'll get 50% + credits.
If I could have any mentor - I know it in a heartbeat QUINCY JONES! - But yes, I also love Groucho Marx. Wild story about Groucho, I did a report on him. The requirement was that it had to be about someone not living. That week Groucho made the news about a battle over future inheritance. My teacher gave me back my report and told me to write another. The day before my report was due Groucho died. So I turned it back in (it scored with honors). I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I later told a relative of his about this, and she told me "Groucho would have loved that story!" So I hope Groucho got a good laugh from it in Heaven. :)
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I leaned script writing from Nat Parin one of Groucho's writers. He had some great stories about the Marx Bros. Hroucho was a pertect freak. I love his movies still so much.
Dream mentor would be Tarantino or Ridley Scott, each for their own reasons.
just saw kingdom of heaven again....soooo good
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J. Alberto Leyes, he is unique
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Philip Bloom
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I would pick two brothers who main not be so main stream. Christopher Saint Booth and his brother Philip Booth. Chris writes the music scores for their films and is on iTunes as Christopher Saint. The music is so soul catching. They have such passion to tell the story that it becomes contagious. Their movies are on SyFy, Chiller and have a new series coming out on NBC. I feel blessed to be able to count them as friends and love to talk and absorb their passion. The funny thing is they started out as towel boys in the porn industry, began making scary movies like Ghouls Gone Wild, Death Tunnel and others. Those were shot in known location with paranormal activity which was being caught on camera during filming. Chis and Philip have such a passion that they switched it up and began telling moving stories about the people who were doing the "hauntings." Those have become fantastic documentaries and their caring comes through in what they do. This is why I look to them as mentors and friends. To be able to put show much soul into your movie that it moves and touches just about everyone who watches the stories is wonderful.
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Billy Wilder... and more realistically Steven Spielberg
ruth gordon
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Ruth Gordon was such a scene stealer. I loved her so much in Rose Baby at the dinner party when she's eating like a pig at this fancy dinner party. Or when she takes a ring in Harold and Maude.from Bud Cort and she throws the ring in the ocean and he asks "why did you do that" and she says "so I'll always know where it is". Never be another Ruth Gordon, loved her sooo much.
I'd appreciate mentoring from anyone who knows film and video. I'm hoping to add video demonstrations of esoteric ritual to a magazine I run online, and I am completely inexperienced.
I honestly don't know who I would pick because all my mentors have come to me and they just kind of became my mentors.I've been blessed with so many that I can count on.I wouldn't neccasarily pick anyone famouse unless I knew them personally the kind of mentors I want are people that can be my friends but also people that I look up to that are humble and can be there if I need them.I can't say I'd have anyone specific I'd pick because mine just came to me, but mentors are important they can give you great advice and they always believe in you nomatter what.
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Robin Williams
Steven Spielberg.
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Walt Disney
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Robert Kurtzman. I grew up watching his work. One of my favorites From Dusk Til' Dawn!
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Denzel Washington
Roger Corman, pure genius
Jack Nicholson or Christopher Walken as Mentors. Be great to have a master class with James Dean or Steve McQueen. Martin Scorsese, Steven spielberg or Woody Allen for directors although It would be great to learn from Hitchcock.
Anyone of the creatives from Widen + Kennedy.
Trey Parker...he's my #1 inspiration in my playwriting.
Ed Burns.
William Castle. A hell of a filmmaker and promoter without much of a budget.
Dame Judy Dench, i admire her tenacity
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Castle started it all for me. I remember watching 13 Ghosts with the curtains vlosed and a blanket over me to hide my eyes. I became a low budget film-maker cuz of the likes of Mr. Curtain and went to work when I was Thirty for T.V. Mikels.... a modern day William Castle, Ted's still kicking at 83
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That's great, Mark!
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If I could pick one person to mentor me, I'd say it would be Quentin Tarantino... Just because he is sooo passionate about his work and he sticks to what he believes in. Plus,he makes some damn good movies.
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It's hard to choose just one so the laboratory created miracle baby of Stephen King and Edward Lee.
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We made this movie with £9,000 and over 260 people involved, about to go out worldwide on DVD TV and VOD, so it can be done http://youtu.be/5jvJ8Oy9-Ac
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No question about it....SIR SEAN CONNERY
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@DanCorley I'm sorry to tell you this, but Connery is one of the most obnoxious people on the planet. Source: I work for PR
For me I think it would have to be Tom Hanks!
Jodie Foster.
angelina jolie....but i definately wont be studying :3, :P
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hmmm...so many choices....I think I would go with Clint Eastwood.
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Without hesitation Mr. Roger Deakins
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Linda Lovelace
Mmm I think Jennifer Lopez, Madonna or Sandra Bullock :) Ohhh Robert Deniro.... hahaha
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Ken Burns, I would love to see his processes for acquiring materials and funding.
Kyle Cooper. He's made some amazing title sequences
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Jerry Bruckheimer
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Joss Whedon absolutely. He has so much creative talent!
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Ron Howard
Michael Crichton
Woah.. Ive got a long list.. But if i have to pick just the one, it'll have to be Bollywood Actor/Producer Aamir Khan. He's got an eye for original content and he doesnt shy away from challenges. I put him on the same level as Johnny Depp. Daring to do movies and play characters that are different from the norm.
just to be different > Tim Burton
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On second thought, maybe Buster Keaton. I don't speak much Russian.
Rolfe Kent
@west I'm not Mentor material lol
Gandalf! I mean huh... Sir McKellen.
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The Lord
Jerry Bruckheimer.
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@Jacqueline... I'm sure Aesop would disagree.
today: Emanual Lubezki... tomorrow: who knows....
I would now after getting to know this Lady so well would want Mary Ann McQueen Butcher to mentor me as i believe , Mary gives 100% loyalty to whatever she does, and has so much experience in the media world. I believe in her
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Robert Redford :-)
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Just one? Hmmm
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James packer
I cannot pick just one! lol 1st choice would be Lucille Ball but, obviously, she is no longer with us. =) If I had to choose someone who is it would be Dick Van Dyke.
David Fincher for sure. The guy is a master at directing.
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Michael Caine
LOL Don't Blink! tee hee
Frank Darabont (pre Majestic) - brilliant screenwriter and director. Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile are cinematic masterpieces. I have him to thank (or curse, lol) for becoming a screenwriter.
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Martin Scorsese!!!!
Hello , Morris J here....I sing , write, make beats and currently I'am learning how to Mix & Master . I was on the 1st season of American Idol , I love genuine people ,love God , I'am a Family man and I love wisdom. If there is anyone who is willing to Mentor me and give me words of advice on how to be successful in life , music or acting I am always listen and more than willing to learn . I'am traveling to the Stars and beyond and will shake the hand of success at my destination. God Bless.
At the moment... Paul Thomas Anderson
Alan Wilder
Greg P. Russel
Marion cotillard
I'm torn between Richard E Grant and Brad Pitt (Clearly for quite different reasons!) :)
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Tough choice however I'm very fond of Denzel Washington, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino. As a woman, Helen Mirren, Viola Davis, Meryl Streep and Glenn Close all rock. I'd choose anyone of them
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Vince McMahon !!!!
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LOL@ Qiana. Choose one.
OMG -- I know so many great possibilities: I won't list them all here, but you've either read their books, attended their lectures or seen their credits on IMDB! Hard choice! I think it would depend on which script /genre I was wanting help with, then I'd ask the one most likely! The fun of working at various Screenwriting Events/Pitchfests/EXPOs, etc. is that you get to meet and really get to know some great teachers/instructors/producers/directors. Think I'd probably go with a director!
Kate Wright, Buck Henry, Lina Wertmuller.
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Maybe Scorcese? His recent stuff especially has appealed to me. Vince Gilligan? Shonda Rhymes? Somewhere in there. Maybe Shonda would be my first interest.
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Althea Grant - Public speaker from UK
and ....... Aretha Franklin singer .. ( I have mpd rights ) LOL
Wild E Coyote, because he never gives up.
Lance Wallnau
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Nora Ephron - definitely - I think!
Lea Michele from Glee, I just love her.
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Rob Schneider
Bruce Vilanch
John Waters.
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Nora Ephron... :( I missed my chance...
Sorry I pipped you at the post there Sandra! Nora -- sorely missed.
Warren Buffett
Kurtzman/Orci, I think they are the same person...wink wink. :->
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guillermo del toro
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Quenton Tarentino, he just seems like so much fun to learn from.
Charles Laughton
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Uwe Boll... someone has to take on his mantle of making utterly shit movies even when provided good actors... and getting paid for it.
Tie between Morgan Freeman and Stubby Kaye. Morgan Freeman for his ability to act in anytime of role and make it look natural and Stubby Kaye for making his characters so memorable.
George Cukor is a favorite.
Vittorio Storaro
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Chris Nolan I would have to say since he's one of the great directors around.
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Ridley Scott
Tat's ahard one so many of them.
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Danny Glover. What a subtle but powerful actor!
Tattoo from the love boat.
knew him....nuce guy but always trouble around the corner for him
Who tattoo from fantasy island?
Hervé Villechaize He was the midget in Bond films The Man With The Golden Gun and had his voice changed in The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight robert denero
Well there are 2 people that I would love to mentor me, Mel Gibson,, Yes Mel and Jody Foster. I love them both, want to meet them both and work with them. They are amazing talent
Francis Ford Coppola
Orson Welles... he's the coolest.
Roger Corman!
Claudia Shear
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Joseph Campbell
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Al Pacino
Shi Huang Di.
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It would have to be Roger Deakins.
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Guillermo Del Toro
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John Williams, or Martin Scorsese
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Oprah Winfrey or Whoopi Goldberg
Chazz Palmintieri
Grant Morrison
David Talbert the playwright
Roger Deakins (Cinematographer)
Eddie Alderson
Jean-Luc Godard (filmmaker)
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Hi Luis, I am a children's author so it would have to be J.K.Rowlings. I have a new series of childrens books and the first one is coming out at the end of June this year. If you get time can you like my face book page for me. You can go to it by my web page http://maryfilmer.com/ it has a link to the face book page. But while you are at the web page have a look at Poppy the troll he is flying on Willy the seagulls back pulling a sign. Mary Sumeridge Beginnings. That is the name ot the first book which will be out at the end of June this year. Mary and Granny Ann as well as Poppy the troll go on an adventure to save a ghost child from an evil witch. There is lots of magic in the book so I do hope alot of children get a chance to read it. Alpha Wolf is publishing it and selling it from there web page. Mary Filmer author
Male choices(music)Robert Plant,Jimmy Page or David Bowie
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Going to see Robert Plant this coming week end yea !!
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Ron Howard
lucky you Cindy! I'm jealous!
Tarantino if Sammy Davis Jr. Isn't an option.
Spielberg-ish type of 'character'.
I would still pick J.K.Rowlings as she is a really good childrens author. Mary Filmer Author
Suzanne Depasse!
I love Suzanne Depasse also, but in filmmaking I would choose Denzel Washington
Hi Luis, I would like J.K.Rowlings because I am a writer too and she has made it to the big time. Mary Filmer Author
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If it were up to me, I would choose Woody Allen every time! I just have the utmost respect for the guy.
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J.K.Rowlings because I am a children's author too. It would be nice to know how she started marketing her books. I was told she only had 500 Harry Pottor Books printed on the first run. Boy did it grow. Mary Filmer Author
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I think it would have to be Danny Boyle for me
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Scorsese...He's a genius.
It would have to be Christopher Nolan
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Winston Churchill
Ronald Reagan- because he was not only President, but also an Actor
John Williams
Tyler Perry
The Most Interesting Man in the World. He lives Vicariously....through himself
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William Goldman
Oscar Micheaux
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Charlie Chaplin.
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Joss Whedon.
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William Goldman. In a heartbeat.
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Peter Griffin!
Bernie Brillstein
Tommy Cooper
J K Rowlings
Gary Oldman
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Woody! No question about it.
J th@ sounds gr8t. I act as well as most crew positions. g.i.t
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It's a tough call to pick one mentor, different people inspire in different areas of life. Kevin Smith I look to for a number of reasons, mostly because he chooses to change and makes things work, which I also like to do. wil.i.am for similar reasons but also for his ability to layer sound - I'd love to work with music and audio in a far better way than I do.
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Joss Whedon because he knows how to craft a compelling story and brilliant characters.
Viggo Mortensen
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Carrie Fisher. Simply adore her!
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Kevin Spacey. He is an excellent actor & I would love to have his experience & drive.
Ali Liebert!
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Noam Chomsky
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David Niven, what a classy guy! But since he's dead, I'll say...Meryl Streep
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Streep was my first thought.
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Quentin Tarantino
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Woody Allen.
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David Lynch! Actually there would be many others, but u said one so... :)
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Would love to have been mentored by Billy Wilder, but now my choice is Martin Scorsese.
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Tom hardy, so good at completly becomming a character
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John C. McGinley.. Very intense actor but nails it every time
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Boorman and Walsh, one down. Can't get any better than them
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Danny Elfman
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I've been fortunate to have many amazing mentors, so I can't complain, but if I can choose (just) one who I've never met...Jerry Bruckheimer, one of my favorite producers would have to be my fantasy pick.
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Christopher Doyle.and Kubrick
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Johnny Depp
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I've mentioned Woody Allen, but Quentin Tarantino would also be dope as a mentor.
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George Lucas
johnny depp
johnny depp for acting, Dave chappelle for comedy
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Samuel Jackson
This is a tough question because there are so many wonderful people out there who could be a great mentor. However I'm going to have to say Helena Bonham Carter. I think that she is absolutely wonderful and you can tell that she puts a ton of work into the characters she plays.
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I feel Samuel Jackson's roughness Although he's a stern actor he can be gentle also I enjoy feeling his character roles as he gets into them well Because I'm a musician I feel the role probably like they do
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Johnny Depp..such a wide range of fabulous acting..
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Danny Boyle and Jennifer Saunders, to name a couple, but there are many I admire.
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Jeez. Quentin Tanantino.
I double-join you on that, Mr Johnquest.
I think mine would be Jodie Foster.
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I'm going to have to say Mr. De Niro.
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Quentin Tarantino/Chris Nolan
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I'd actually like to hear what Queen Latifah has to say. There's so many to list. Nice to learn from all over.
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Mine would have to be Denzel Washington. Stay connected people, follow my twitter @GaryGudgeon Up and coming talent need to help each other succeed..!!
Michael Caine or Gene Hackman
Hi Luis, did you put this on my profile for a reason. I am not sure why you did but to answer your question I would like to be mentored by J K Rowlings. So if you know her can you ask her for me? Thanks Mary Filmer Children's Author http://maryfilmer.com/
Spielberg for one. Also wouldn't say no to Sylvester Stallone, Robert deniro, Denzel Washington. Would love to learn from Joseph Gordon Levitt... I'm sure having started so young in the biz he has a unique perspective on things and a lot probably comes naturally to him. So many greats, it's hard to really choose one! The more I submerse myself into the film world the more my vision changes so if I come back to this in a year, I may have a different answer.
. Joe Eszterhas is my best choice for a mentor. And, I believe in miracles. .
Brad Pitt. He is a very talented actor who has not been afraid to take some strange roles and go with them. He came from doing what all of us do but kept pushing until he achieved!
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Devon Sawa. Has a lot of input on new actors atleast that's what I think. Young actor who grew up fast in that life. He keeps going I like that!
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Anyone who has taken a leap of faith to pursue their passions and have excelled with their talents I would love to pick their brains. Many fear the unknown but that's just where life begins!! PFL peace faith love Jax
longest list I have seen here. For me, John Boorman, with whom I had a small connection. Now, Alan Walsh, with whom I have real connection, but don't see him enough
Ruth Gordon
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Hitchcock because he made me realize there are artists behind those we see on the screen
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Dr. Michio Kaku or Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson because they make the impossible seem possible.
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I used to love Alfred Hitchcock s' TV movies. You can do more creatively is you leave something to the imagination.
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Richard Branson, Tim O'Reilly, Elon Musk, or Deepak Chopra. (I know you said one, I'm just saying that any one of these would be amazing.)
klaus kinski
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Do the Coen Brothers count as one person?
Anthony Hopkins....
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James Cameron (he's my hero)
Laurie Metcalf- I watched her work recently and have only admiration for what she does.
Not quite sure who I'd pick I do no it would definitely be more than one person. lol Have a good one! and welcome.
Amanda Day
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RB from Happy Writers
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Dianne Sawyer or Meryl Streep (I know, you said one!) Okay, then, Meryl Streep it is! P.S. Great question, by the way! :) Thanks, Tara
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Sidney Pollack: He understood that all stories had some element of love in them.
Meryl Streep would be an addition to my first choice of RB.
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My dog Daisy. Even though she is a canine, she can teach how to unconditionally love, always there to greet you,melts the stress away and even give you the attention you need to live through the day. The world is made to distract you from your soul. Daisy is there to remind me that even though the world is loud, her silent look reminds me that I am special and why I'm here, to enjoy the simple ways of life.
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BRAVO! Well said Kel
either Dale Summer or Jim Duncan I think
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Quentin Tarantino!
Terrence Doran.. film maker, author of plays, writer and close friend here in Fort Wayne, IN
Oh yes you do!!!!
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A really good media person who could help market my books . It would be a double shot at getting help. Mary Filmer Children's Author.
Talk to Alan Brown in NY, He is on linked In
Hi Cindy, what is linked in and can you give me a contact for Alan Brown? http://maryfilmer.com/ Thank you for your help. Mary Filmer Children’s Author. U Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgz_ZvccD7c
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Quentin Tarantino, Chris Nolan, Zach Synder.
Peter Jackson
Meryl Streep- hands down!!!
I would have to say Ron Howard.
George R.R. Martin
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Mel Gibson. He invokes so much emotion. He has been through hell. He has seen glory. He has seen the best and the worst. I would be in awe to stand next to the man.
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I love Mel Gibson, and yes you are right, he has brought to his audience's laughter, tears, he has invoked in us a passion as well, in all he does , he gives it his all. And you know what, I love him because he is who he is, he will come out on top
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I would say Johnny Depp. I like the way each of his characters a different from the others. A lot of the actors look the same and sound the same in every role, It is ok but I like some one who puts there whole self and personality into a role.
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James Cameron! His ensemble casts have a myriad of dynamic characters and strong leading roles for women, and his visual storytelling captivates an audience. Plus look what Katherine Bigalow is doing now! As a bourgeoning director, I love the worlds he creates and his attention to detail.
I agree Renata! James Cameron has put some terrific movies together- he captured the essence of the Titanic storyline and era with brilliance.
Thanks Tara! As a director the idea of the undertaking and the scope it took to make that film boggles the mind ; )
Mostly as of late drunk
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Francis Ford Coppola.
F. Gary Gray
Ron Howard
Tom Stoppard
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William Shakespeare
Jesus (from the Bible - all translations)
Now ... living & breathing ... that would be (drum role) Quentin Tarrantino (hope I spelled that correctly?) - I really like his ability to help viewers experience, rather just watch a movie
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I just played "Abraham" ...yes, that Abraham...he would be interesting...being a man and having truly experiencing God in Christ....
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There are so many people I could think of who I would like to mentor me. On the Actor side of things, it would be very much those actors who achieved great fame during my lifetime. Actors like Jon Voight, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier, Barbara Striesand, Denzel Washington Samuel L. Jackson are just some of actors who have inspired me. In the Director's chair Clint Eastwoood is certainly one the all-time greats for me. Another is Sidney Pollock who worked with some of the biggest names in the business and I could never Mr. Spielberg out of the picture. Quentin Tarantino in his own way because you know that he actually watched and loved films because he has paid homage to the genre in what he produces.
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I like Samuel L Jackson and Denzel Washington just to name a few
Sheldon Mirowitz or Mychael Danna
of course I would want YOU and Deniro. And probably Ron Howard or Jos Whedon
thanks for the invite. looking forward to the opportunities you and I can bring each other. I love Chi-Town. Please give me a reason to visit.
I have a very cool Y/A screenplay I'm working on. Think it might be something you would enjoy talking about.
Jim Jarmusch. Thanks for the invitation!
Robert Redford would make it!
Hey, I DID get to be mentored by Robert Redford once, when I had a script at Sundance. Amazing guy.
Steve Jobs
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The late Nora Ephron, I love her mind and sense telling the simple, yet moving story.
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Tony Gilroy...I want to know all he has learned.
Quentin Tarantino. If not him them then Martin Scorsese
Both were my teachers (Elia Kazan and Sidney Lumet). Unfortunately, both died. I never met the third; Constantin Stanislavski. A competant and diligent teacher is your best friend. They were.
It's hard to limit myself to one person. I think of Uta Hagen, who's gone, but I'd have to say Meryl Streep. She's my idol. She can do anything.
Francis Coppola. He's open, social, innovative, writes and directs, cooks, believes in ideas, and knows Tom Waits.
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Most definitely Ridley Scott. His movies are hit or miss - mainly because some of the screenplays have been week - but his storytelling is spot on everytime. He has the whole vision in his head throughout, and he's been doing it for a long time.
Alfred Hitchcock - althoug I suppose I should select someone a little less dead.
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Roger Corman. From what I've read, one month working with him is better than 4 years of film school.
David Lynch
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Jacob Krueger from L.A who hosted at the World Conference this year. Great knowledge, great attitude.
I agree with you Dr. Huizing; I had the opportunity of meeting Professor Krueger, at the New York Screenwriters Conference, and not only he is an excellent screenwriter but an awesome human being.
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Jesus, Because He is love
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@ Phillip - you are the only person in discussion besides myself whoa said "Jesus!" I know there are believers & non-believers who would want to get in the room with 1:1 with our LORD & Savior ... Come to think of it, we don't have to pick HIM as mentor - He gives wisdom to anyone who asks ...
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OK let's keep this site about screenwritting and not get carried away with all sorts of unrelated topics, please. We need a little seriousness on the matter of our skills.
Agreed. I would have loved to been in Steven Spielberg's neighborhood as he was growing up.
@ Phillip and Patrina, there were two others, but that was a year ago. I said, The LORD, and the guy after me said, The Lord Jesus Christ. Out of the 524 responses, five are about God and Christ, as it is written, many are called but few are chosen. And yes, this is screenwriting. I guess Dr. Angie never saw the ten commandments
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I'd resurrect John Hughes!
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I think its time for this topic to go away. My in box is overflowing…enough of the trivia !
I agree.
Steven Spielberg no doubt!
Roman Polanski
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John Hughes
Steven Spielberg
Can we PLEASSE end this discussion…its soooo boring and filling up my inbox!
Milt, I had that problem with another thread(over 600 responses/comments). Just click the unfollow button beside this post. You can see the unfollow button when you hover over the star icon.
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Thank you I was wondering how I could stop this. Mary Filmer Children’s Author. http://maryfilmer.com/ U Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgz_ZvccD7c https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mary-Filmer/193327687457737
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It's tough to say honestly, but if I had to be mentored by one it would be Martin Scorsese.
Nelson Mandela
Ya I really like his film "Stripper Sluts behind Bars" perfect!!!!
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Ron Howard
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Billy Wilder.
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Robert De Niro
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Val kilmar
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Mark Whalberg
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Kate Mulgrew
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Tim Burton
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Kevin Smith. He wrote a film containing thoughtful critique of the Catholic Church and a poop monster.
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And don't forget 'Buddy Christ' love DOGMA!!!
Walter Murch or Thelma Shoonmaker.
Can't pick just one! Top three are Brittany Underwood, Eddie and Kristen Alderson.
I wouldn't mind mentoring under Danny Di Vito, or Alex Proyas as well. but from the dead pool of directors if I have ever had a chance to study under... Alfred Hitchcock... that would be just amazing. Perfectionist and Visionary.
JOHN Pollata
James Cameron
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Steven Spieberg
Helen Mirren
Lance Arthur Penn
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Samuel Goldwyn
Orson Welles. He dared to do what could not be done.
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Sir Anthony Hopkins!
Ridley Scott
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tough one... John Alton, maybe Sven Nykvist or Ingrid Bergman? Sheesh ;)
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I like to brag that I had the same locker in high school as William Goldman & Gary Sinise as we all graduated from the same school. I'd take both or either as actual mentors (& no - I have no proof about the locker, though we definitely would have been based in the same fine arts area for homeroom!). I'd love to sit at the feet of Goldman & hear him spew out stories & advice, then follow Sinise around as he lives out my fantasies as a musician, military supporter & embedded Hollywood elite.
Carey Mulligan
Robert Rodriquez. James Cameron. I can't decide between'em. My favourte apple and orange, I guess.
and Tom Clancy. I'm sorry, that's 3. That's almost 1.
I would have to say Ridley Scott. He has a very detailed eye and knows how to get the most production value I've ever seen.
Thanks for connecting. Happy New Year!
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Joey Tuccio.
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Glen Keane
Stephen Spielberg or Terry Gilliam. Sorry, I have double vision
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Stephen King
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Dr. Seuss.
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You again!
FIlm-wise? Joss Whedon. Ooh, wait... Steven Moffatt. No... he'd only make me cry. =D
Woody Allen, but when my five year old nephew comes into the room, we outta there!
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I planned to say someone else, but I'm actually going to go with Quentin Tarantino. Self made, a bit of a maverick, is involved with just about every aspect of his films. There are better directors, but I like how he got to where he is.
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Kathy Brown of stage 32. I might need to hang onto something, but that's my choice...
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Sure Andre!
John Williams
Meryl Streep. She's amazing!!
Kevin MacDonald. He's an awesome director. If I could write for him, I could write for anyone.
Brittany Underwood.
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Guillermo del Toro!
Rockne O'Bannon
Peter Jackson
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Steve McQueen
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RB from stage 32.. hes inspiring.
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You humble me, Kimite.
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Peter Jackson
Lauren Graham. She's done it all! TV actress, movie star, producer, writer...the list goes on...
Jesus the Son of God!
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Santa Claus. Why not? Others are picking fictional characters.
@Leonard, that's too funny! Hehe! Santa Claus....That's awesome! ;-)
Kathy Kennedy; hands down!
Philip Bloom :)
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keira knightley
... Gracie Gilbert... keeping one's mind on the mentoring part would be a challenge.
Tyler Perry.
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Quentin Tarantino
Marc Foster
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Frank Darabont
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Ridley Scott, but I still have to ask him if he will.
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Roger Deakins for me.....he has an amazing eye!!
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Someone who has won a major award in their field and who achieved it from scratch, no major connections in place prior to their success.
It would have to be someone who was still alive. One of the people who truly inspired me when growing up was Sidney Poitier so he would be my first choice but Denzel Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, Morgan Freeman and Hugh Jackman, all come in a close second for being such consummate, good all-round performers.
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Martin Scorsese
My Dad
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Robot Jesus.
The late, great, Elmore Leonard
My Professor at NYU who Passed.Away. Bill Reilly. My Mentor
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Julie Delphi recently spoke at a FIND Director's Forun, and when asked this question, she replied, 'No One." There is no one out there who is where she wants to be. Especially for women who are systematically discriminated against. I think this says it all. Make your own road.
I agree with Jon to a point. You should always blaze your own path but never be afraid to ask for directions. The road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.
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If it could be anyone definitely Lucille Ball. One of the best at crafting and perfecting her own brand.
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Mel Blanc... no doubt. http://www.wideo.co/view/2420161393919631439-voice-overs-by-terry-anderson
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Likely Stanley Kubrick.
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Edgar Wright!
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Nora Ephron...
Clint Eastwood. Love his Westerns & work! Plus one of the most important things he has done, LONGEVITY
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Burt Reynolds or Clint. Both have given me pointers at one point.
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Clint Eastwood
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Hello I'm Ronald Smokey Stevens. Producer-author-historian-performer. Some of my past and present work as a performer and producer can be seen on youtube at MrSmokey717. My new book is entitled "THE FIRST 60 YEARS",The History of Afro American Musical Theater and Entertainment 1865-1930 available at amazon.con and bn.com. April 12th 2014 will have a book signing event and celebration of the 100th anniversary of the creation of Black Vaudeville which originated in Wash DC. at Sankofa Video and Books 2714 Georgia Ave NW from 4-6pm....Free.....books will be signed and sold Also vintage historic vaudeville footage of the vaudeville era will be shown
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I would choose Quentin Tarantino. Or David Lynch...
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Good choices also.
I'd get Danny Elfman to mentor me
I used o date Dany's ex girlfriend 20 years ago one crazy girl
Natile Portman! I've loved her since day one. And unlike Johnny Depp she doesn't need to have over the top wardrobe to transform herself. ( I do love johnny still, lol)
Leonardo Dicaprio, By far in my opinion one of the greatest, most versatile actors of our generation.. his words and advice would be gold!..plus he is awesome !
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I have watched him grow and felt he would beca great contributor the first time he appearedcon TV. Leonardo is a great example for the younger generation to pattern after and even us oldie but goodies would not be harmed by taking a look.
Jonny Dep would be my favorite right now.
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No question about it...SIR SEAN CONNERY
David. Milch.
Vin diesel and Paul Walker
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Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie : )
Brian Helgeland, the man who wrote the screenplay for L.A. Confidential.
Mine will always be Steven Speilberg!
Ursula K. Le Guin without a doubt.
Would have to be Phil Dick. So many extremely inspiring ideas, so much output.
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Jane Fonda, she's seen it all and has beautiful insight and passion for life.
In that case, Greedo deserved to die!
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Tyler Perry, he does it ALL, writes, directs, produces, acts, does the music, and is HUGE in both film and TV, along with doing what I love to do which is to bring a bit of a "message" in the stories with A LOT of comedic overtones and comic relief as well!
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Jane Fonda and Barri Evins
Woody Alan
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Canadian director/producer Jean-Marc Vallée (Dallas Buyers Club).
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Jeri Ryan.
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Thanks for the invite, Tyson. I don't know anyone from Missouri except Cam from Modern Family :) good luck
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Apologies, my iPad isplaying up and I posted in wrong column. PS I would choose Spielberg as my mentor based on the number of great movies he's directed and number of awesome movies he's exec produced
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definitely my mentor aswell, Niraj... no-one can achieve as much as Spielberg did, bec he saw brilliance through the camera and created master peices. A true inspiration to anyone.
Mark Cuban
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Ridley Scott -directing, Sly Stallone - action acting, The Rock - action acting/ acting/ acting coach/ fitness buddy/ muscle building. Jackie Chan- martial arts/ acting James Cameron - directing/ writing
Steven Spielberg...but I guess that ship has sailed, maybe L. J Abrams.
Linda Lovelace.
Lee Strasberg
Charlize Forin
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Charlize Forin??? Unfamiliar with her. If you mean Charlize Theron you better get her name right before asking her to mentor you.
Got that Right
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This is a tough question. would anyone be my mentor?
What is your area of expertise?
Actor, writer, editor, producer...How about you?
I want to change my choice. I thought long and hard and I think I will say anyone from whom has made at least two boxoffice movies upwards. Because I think everyone has something that they can give to mentor a new writer or actor or producer,they have shown proof they can get there and their experience put in a jar and opened piece by piece could help alot of us. That and a jar of opportunity. Because there is no way we will get a jar of fortune.
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I agree
Tom Fontana
Martin Scorsese
Kathryn Bigelow
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Woody Alan
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Charlie Kauffman
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Christian Bale
Rod Steiger :)
My Professor at NYU. Bill Reiley
Woody Allen
Greetings from Utah, my temporary stepping stone. Glorious Mountains pinching puffs of white clouds. The society, however, shadows another landscape.
Welcome aboard. I wish you the best.
Scary social shadowy landscape in Utah. And Idaho.
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Rod Steiger is an incredibly talented actor, tho Illustrated Man was a clunker! See The Pawnbroker and On the Waterfront for some of his best work.
No doubt on this one. He has done it all from being the voice of a dragon to being a pirate to being a spy, to even lending his talents to a fairly low budget Western, SIR SEAN CONNERY
Sean Connery is one of the most gifted actors of today.
I couldn't agree more. He's right up there with the likes of Jack Nicholson, Marlon Brando, Al Pacino....etc. Especially Jack. He takes my breath away!
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He is back in Edinburgh where my Grand Mother is from and my Cousin Guy Ritchie and He Is Retired now his real first name is Thomas
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And.... what a fine looking man he is... Love his accent.
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My mentor - there was no better one: Italian writer, director and political activist Andrea Camilleri. Grazie, maestro.
I would love to have time with Wes Anderson.
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Alan Walsh... and I already have a great relationship with him. John Boorman before that
Either of the Cohan brothers for me.
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Dillon, didn't realize George M. had a brother. If you're referring to Joel and Ethan, then it might help to learn to spell their name - Coen.
Thanks Lenoard.
Quincy Jones!!!! I had the pleasure of meeting him recently -(Wow!) oh how I wish it wish I were possible to have him as a mentor! LOL he is the only living on earth who has me star struck!
Bruce Campbell. LOL (Sorry, I can't help it.)
The Rock - for certain aspects, fitness, stunt coach and some acting. Tom Cruise - acting, climbing buddy. Vin Deisle - yes, you read right. Party with, make a film with, add him as a friend J.J Adrams - directing coach, add him as a friend and be in one of his films. list goes on.
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I'm with you Shaun.
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Kate Winslet - I think she's awesome (if a little underappreciated!)
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I know I shared but if it were one person it would have to be Steven Spielberg
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Thelma Schoonmaker
Jean-Luc Godard
Joss Whedon
Barbara Hall
Ray Bradbury
Oliver Stone or Michael Mann
Sam Raimi
I love Oliver Stone, however I don't like the soapbox he puts in every movie.
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Ray Bradbury is [is!] also a genius, and an inspiration to all aspiring writers.
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When I was a kid, I saw a documentary where Bradbury explained his creative process. He has a file cabinet with folders, each representing an idea. When he had a new idea, he created a new folder. When he felt like writing, he had many ideas to work on. Impressed me as a kid. I do the same thing now. Same for Phyllis Diller and Woody Allen. BTW, as I kid I also had a bookshelf full of Bradbury paperbacks, all that were available at the time. Consumed them all.
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I used to do the same with a box of index cards. Now I need to get proper story database going.
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Ray Bradbury is a great choice, but I'd like to spice it up with some mystique from Alfred Hitchcock.
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I was mentored by a fellow actor on a film set years ago. The actor was Jonathan Breck (the Creeper from the Jeepers Creepers franchise). He told me that if I wanted to make movies, I should stop looking for reasons to hold myself back, because they will always be there, and that I should just do it. A year later, I had my first completed feature film, with Breck as one of the actors. Now, I have produced 5 features and directed 4, with 2 more slated for next year. My last film just made the front page of The Hollywood Reporter and will be in theaters September 12. All of this because of the wise words of a horror film villain. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/trailer-baseball-comedy-108-stitch...
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Great words David. Glad it worked out. Mine was a advert for some writing product I could not afford anyway...but they said 1 in 5 writers go all the way despite all the rejections etc, then asked: Are you that 1 in 5. I know I am because if I don't keep writing I will drown in all the ideas for stories that pop into my head. I am sitting with 3 unfinished screenplays in various genre's and two unfinished novels. Now I have started to just concentrate on one and get it made! One step at a time and I will get there...
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When I started 35 years ago it was not possible to make a film. But now 1 in 5 is crazy how easy it is to make your own films.
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Thanks Marilyn. Sylvester Stallone wrote Rocky and was continually rejected by studios when trying to get it made. He was completely broke and even had to sell his his wife's jewelry and his dog just to get by. When he finally got an offer, he rejected it because he would not be able to direct and act in the film. They continued to make higher offers, but would not let him act. He continued to reject the offers until they found a compromise, which was far less money than a previous offer. He stayed strong and eventually found a way to get it done. I think that if you really believe in your work and it is good, it will be recognized at some point, but you have to be persistent and prepared when the opportunity shows itself. Have your pitch down and know how to talk about the project in 30 seconds. Who knows, that 30 seconds may happen on a random elevator ride one day. Stallone article: http://www.endlesshumanpotential.com/sylvester-stallone-story.html
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No Mark they meant are you the 1 out of 5 writers who will not give up....
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Thanks David I will keep that in mind...
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Best of luck.
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I am more and more convinced that there is one mentor above all: it's simply YOUR LIFE... The big problem it's that most of time we don't listen to what it is trying to teach us.
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That reminds me of Matthew McConaughey's Oscar speech - "my hero is me in 10 years!" lol
Louis Mouchet: Re your mentor comment, right on!
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Paul Riser
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That's funny, Dave. That's pretty much what I was thinking, a futuristic me! LOL! But seriously, I think Steven Spielberg has changed the industry so many times, he manages to not let the industry wear him down, but keeps abreast and fueling the industry.
sam mendes
A christian female novel writer who likes romantic, uplifting comedies.
Ian McKellan
Don LaFontaine R.I.P.
Terrence Malick.
James Stewart. He was wonderful.
Orson Welles
"A christian female novel writer who likes romantic, uplifting comedies" ??????? how is that a mentor? sounds more like a personal ad on match.com
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There's a lot of actors however I would be happy if it was Anthony Hopkins, I would first tell him about Jack Morgan since they knew each other. I do get coaching by Nathan McLeod however I'm looking for someone else as each person has a different out look on the field.
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Brandi gets it. Thanks : })
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James Lassiter, who is Will Smith's business partner.
Thank you for the network request.
Jonny Depp
I need a mentor to help me out besides Nathan McLeod. lack of work is starting to get to me.
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Gordon WIllis
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I like Jesus. He gave me this advise: "If you don't have a job, invent one!" Now, that's being creative! :)
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Jeff Cronenweth
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Hi Louella, Please email me at tom.rooney@btinternet.com and I will send the synopsis. Thanks, Tom
Jesus Christ
Good choice.
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Patrick Stewart
Joe Weisberg, showrunner on "The Americans".
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Steven Spielberg
Vincent Guastini!
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Roger Corman.
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Anyone who could make my dream become a reality!
Gareth Evans
Colin Powell
I would love acting tips from Meryl Streep.
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Jon Favreau
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Anne Rice
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Walter Hill and Robert Altman
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Terrence WInter, Shonda Rhimes, Ava DuVernay
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Hello ! :) Mr Hans Zimmer ! :)
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Shonda Rhymes
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wth?! Lol...a thread with more comments than mine! QUENTIN TARANTINO
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Many years ago I dreamed I worked with Spielberg, that's when I made the decision to get into film. I never met him, but it would be him.
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Jesus Christ!
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Syd Field
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Sir Winston Churchill.
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I've been on sets with Hitch and I picked up a lot from him so when it comes to mentoring, he would have been my first choice. Presently, I can think of no particular living mentor although there are many working and renowned writers, directors, actors, cinematographers, editors and others who each have a great deal to offer. SYd has even come out and stated that his paradigm is a little outdated.
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James Gunn, I loved Guardians of the Galaxy 2, he could be a great mentor as a writer.
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Syd Field and Spielberg would also be in my box of mentors
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i try and mentor myself and do a lot of research of Artists of all walks of life, we are all different and we are all able to learn from each other wherever they are famous or not
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As an actor, Viola Davis and Oprah Winfrey. They have championed the industry in the face of particular opposition for Women of color. Their insight would be most useful for me
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William Shakespeare.
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With Orson Welles in second place, I think.
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@Tennyson Great choices, (apart from my own) A lot of people forget that Orson Welles directed some films he starred in. The Bard goes without adding to.
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RJ Smith
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Michael Hauge, author of Writing Screenplays that Sell. He is a God in scriptwriting. He once emailed me telling me my writing Professor was an a--hole for saying there was no such thing as a screenwriting career. Love him.
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can I see some of your work? like a short film
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Stephen King
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You all rock! It warms my heart to see and hear so many amazing answers!
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Michael Hauge - love that guy
Exactly Tristan, Stephen King. The king indeed of horror
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I had the extreme good fortune to work on some Hitchcock projects - I think of him as my mentor.
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Michael Bay
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Michael Hauge or John August, I could list a lot more/
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Alan Alda.
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Edward D. Wood Jr.
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I’m sure many people will find my answer to be silly, but I am very serious. 50 Cent. He has remained relevant for a long time- since I have interests outside of tv/film- like music and other forms of entertainment, he has his hands in so many projects and different business ventures. He has many successful shows, he is a pretty good actor- and he has great connections. I also love Kurt Suter’s writing- how he incorporates some of the best twists ever in shows, how every episode of his shows are interesting. So in strictly a writing sense- it would be Kurt. But overall- 50 Cent. To go from nothing to somethjnt and then from something to an absolute legend- and to be in so many fields and successful in all of them- I think he can teach business to people and is underrated in just how great of a business mind that he is, simply because he is a “gangster rapper” and some people can not see potential beyond that
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@Christopher. I have he is a pretty good businessman.
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Tim Bragg - I adore Alan Alda! He also grew up surrounded by vaudeville & burlesque, his mom was a dancer!
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I love Vaudeville. I love George Burns and Gracie Allen. I did a few years ago a four page short tribute to Vaudeville, nobody liked it.
Responding many years too late Luis R. Quintero but I'd choose Nia Vardalos. She's the reason I wrote my first screenplay and I'd love to star in my own uplifting comedies as she has as well!
Some of my favourite comedians started in Vaudeville or radio. I relate to Jack Benny because our personalities are similar and our comedy style are very much alike and he has a certain sarcasm that I also have.
I know it's probably cliche, but I'd have to say Spielberg. The guy has been my top film and storytelling influence literally since I was a kid.